

Published: March 12, 2016


This protocol describes a method for isolating single cells from zebrafish embryos, enriching for cells of interest, capturing zebrafish cells in microfluidic based single cell multiplex systems, and assessing gene expression from single cells.


The zebrafish (Danio rerio) is a powerful model organism to study vertebrate development. Though many aspects of zebrafish embryonic development have been described at the morphological level, little is known about the molecular basis of cellular changes that occur as the organism develops. With recent advancements in microfluidics and multiplexing technologies, it is now possible to characterize gene expression in single cells. This allows for investigation of heterogeneity between individual cells of specific cell populations to identify and classify cell subtypes, characterize intermediate states that occur during cell differentiation, and explore differential cellular responses to stimuli. This study describes a protocol to isolate viable, single cells from zebrafish embryos for high throughput multiplexing assays. This method may be rapidly applied to any zebrafish embryonic cell type with fluorescent markers. An extension of this method may also be used in combination with high throughput sequencing technologies to fully characterize the transcriptome of single cells. As proof of principle, the relative abundance of cardiac differentiation markers was assessed in isolated, single cells derived from nkx2.5 positive cardiac progenitors. By evaluation of gene expression at the single cell level and at a single time point, the data support a model in which cardiac progenitors coexist with differentiating progeny. The method and work flow described here is broadly applicable to the zebrafish research community, requiring only a labeled transgenic fish line and access to microfluidics technologies.


细胞和分子生物学目前大多数研究是基于人群的平均水平。然而,重要的生物事件可能由这些传统的以人群为基础的分析被屏蔽,因为较小的群体可以在生物过程和疾病预后扮演着重要的角色。理解在不同的人群的基因表达在单细胞水平可以(有)导致相关的生物和临床见解1,2。关注胚胎发育研究,在细胞的人口较多,祖细胞往往代表性不足,使得它具有挑战性的检测基因表达微妙的变化,最终引发细胞命运决定3。同样地,一个单一的细胞类型可响应于微环境4具有不同的表达谱。例如,在相同的器官或在不同的器官( 例如 ,主动脉或肾)驻地内皮细胞表现显著异质尽管共享共同morphological和功能特点5。此外,癌细胞填充相同的肿瘤还可以在单细胞水平6不同分子型材或突变。

在模型系统中,单个细胞转录组已成功确定了新的细胞群,其特征细胞分化过程中发生的中间状态,并透露差细胞对刺激7,8,9。这样的见解会被掩盖了传统的基于人口的研究。斑马鱼的胚胎是干,祖的极大充分利用的源代码,并在开发过程中探索单细胞的异质性和细胞身份的分子调控问题分化细胞。他们的高度千篇一律, 体外发育和易于遗传操作使其成为这种方法10,11极好的模型系统。具体而言,主要的限制单细胞根的解释Ë表达数据是在开发过程中新的中间细胞状态的可靠的鉴定需要组织收集9非常小心时机。这是必要的,以确保捕获的细胞之间的异质性表示在单个时间点的组织内的异质性,而不是异质由年龄依赖性细胞分化呈现的基因表达。相比小鼠,斑马鱼胚胎发育可以精确在大量的胚胎12的同步。此外,具有大的离合器的尺寸,斑马鱼的胚胎可以用作干细胞和祖细胞的丰富来源。




该协议要求使用的活,成年斑马鱼产生的胚胎。将胚收获组织收集。重要的是要获得相应的伦理审查委员会批准进行这项实验。 1.获取胚胎上演在实验前一天,繁殖准备健康,成年斑马鱼。放置一个男性和一个养殖池一个明确的分隔两侧一名女性。 重复1.1所必需的足够胚胎生产下游应用尽可能多的养殖池。获得从野生型鱼和转基因鱼胚胎表达的感兴趣的细胞类…

Representative Results

作为一个原则的证明,基因表达进行了评估心脏发育过程中,探索差异化的动态。在斑马鱼,心脏祖细胞从迁移到前侧板中胚层,他们融合形成线性心脏管细胞的中胚层人口出现。之前的融合,心脏祖细胞开始表达转录因子NKX2.5(NK 2同源5),它被认为是心脏祖16,17的最早特异性标记。在这里,先前描述的BAC转基因鱼的Tg(NKX2.5:ZsYellow)18,</su…




The authors have nothing to disclose.


We thank Dr. C. Geoffrey Burns for fish stock. The authors are grateful to UNC Flow Cytometry Core Facility, UNC-CGIBD AAC core for resources enabling this project, and the ZAC facility for animal care. L.S. is supported by NIH T32 grant HL069768-13 (PI, Nobuyo Maeda). N.F. is supported by NSF Graduate Research Fellowship NSF-DGE-1144081. This study was supported by NIH P30DK034987 grant (to UNC Advanced Analytics Core), American Heart Association Scientist Development Grant 13SDG17060010 and Ellison Medical Foundation New Scholar Grant AG-NS-1064-13 (to Dr. Qian), and NIH R00 HL109079 grant (to Dr. Liu).


Dumont #5 forceps Fine Science Tools 11254-20 For removing the chorion from embryos
Microcentrifuge tube 2 mL GeneMate C-3261-1
40 um cell strainer Biobasic SP104151
35 mm culture dish Falcon 351008
FACS tubes topped with 35 um cell strainer Falcon 352235
P1000 and tips Rainin 17005089
P20 and tips Rainin 17005091
IFC chip manufacturer's protocol Fluidigm 100-6117 Version 100-6117 E1 was used in representative experiment
Wide bore pastuer glass pippette VWR 14673-010 For transferring embryos
Adult wild type zebrafish N/A We used AB line
Adult transgenic zebrafish N/A We used Tg(nkx2.5:ZsYellow)
Name Company Catalog Number Comments
Reagents for cell dissociation
Double distilled water N/A
Instant Ocean Sea Salt Instant Ocean SS15-10
NaCl FisherScientific S271-3 make stock in water and use for de-yolking buffer
KCl Sigma Aldrich P5405 make stock in water and use for de-yolking buffer
NaHCO3 Sigma Aldrich S6014 make stock in water and use for de-yolking buffer
Leibovitz's L-15 Gibco 21083-027
FBS FisherScientific 03-600-511 Heat inactivate; any brand of FBS should be fine
Cell Dissociation Reagent 1 -TrypLE Life Technologies 12605-010 Store at room temperature.
Cell Dissociation Reagent 2 – FACSmax Genlantis T200100 Store -20; thaw on ice; bring to room temp before use
pronase (optional) Sigma P5147
L/D Dye – Sytox Blue Life Technologies S34857 Any live/dead stain suitable for flow cytometry will work
Trypan Blue Gibco 15250-061
Name Company Catalog Number Comments
Reagents for IFC plate use and qRT-PCR
Gene-specific probes Probes will vary by experiment
TaqMan Probe ef1a Life Technologies Dr03432748_m1
TaqMan Probe gata4 Life Technologies Dr03443262_g1
TaqMan Probe nk2-5 Life Technologies Dr03074126_m1
TaqMan Probe myl7 Life Technologies Dr03105700_m1
TaqMan Probe vmhc Life Technologies Dr03431136_m1
TaqMan Probe isl1 Life Technologies Dr03425734_m1
TaqMan Gene Expression Master Mix Life Technologies 4369016
Reagents listed in IFC manufacturer's protocol
C1 Reagent Kit Fluidigm 100-5319 Reagents for loading cells onto IFC plate
Ambion Single Cell-to-CTTM Life Technologies 4458237 Reagents for reverse transcription and pre-amplification steps
Molecular Biology Quality Water Corning 46-000CM
C1 IFC for PreAmp (5-10 um) Fluidigm 100-5757 IFC plate for small cells
Name Company Catalog Number Comments
C1 AutoPrep machine Fluidigm 100-5477 For IFC plate use
Hemocytometer  Sigma Aldrich Z359629 For counting cells and assessing cell size
Dissecting microscope For removing embryos from chorion
Tissue culture microscope For assessing single cell digestion
FACS machine For isolating cells of interest


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Samsa, L. A., Fleming, N., Magness, S., Qian, L., Liu, J. Isolation and Characterization of Single Cells from Zebrafish Embryos. J. Vis. Exp. (109), e53877, doi:10.3791/53877 (2016).

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