In this study, we present an in vivo method for estimating motor unit number and size to quantify rat diaphragm motor unit connectivity. A step-by-step approach to these techniques is described.
Loss of ventilatory muscle function is a consequence of motor neuron injury and neurodegeneration (e.g., cervical spinal cord injury and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, respectively). Phrenic motor neurons are the final link between the central nervous system and muscle, and their respective motor units (groups of muscle fibers innervated by a single motor neuron) represent the smallest functional unit of the neuromuscular ventilatory system. Compound muscle action potential (CMAP), single motor unit potential (SMUP), and motor unit number estimation (MUNE) are established electrophysiological approaches that enable the longitudinal assessment of motor unit integrity in animal models over time but have mostly been applied to limb muscles. Therefore, the objectives of this study are to describe an approach in preclinical rodent studies that can be used longitudinally to quantify the phrenic MUNE, motor unit size (represented as SMUP), and CMAP, and then to demonstrate the utility of these approaches in a motor neuron loss model. Sensitive, objective, and translationally relevant biomarkers for neuronal injury, degeneration, and regeneration in motor neuron injury and diseases can significantly aid and accelerate experimental research discoveries to clinical testing.
Phrenic motor neurons (MNs), extending from C3 to C6 myotome levels, form the final link from the central nervous system (CNS) to the diaphragm muscle1. Phrenic motor units (MUs) are comprised of a single spinal MN and its innervated diaphragm muscle fibers forming the smallest functional unit of the respiratory neuromuscular system. The ventilatory function requires adequate contraction of the diaphragm muscle achieved through coordinated activation of the phrenic MU pool2,3. Many neurological diseases, including amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), result in severe ventilatory impairment, ultimately contributing to the cause of death4.
Several electrophysiological approaches can be employed to evaluate and monitor the integrity of the motor unit (MU) pool in vivo. Compound muscle action potential (CMAP) reflects the summated depolarization of all muscle fibers in a specific muscle or muscle group after peripheral nerve stimulation and is sensitive to a range of neuromuscular conditions, including ALS5,6 and spinal muscular atrophy (SMA)7,8,9. A limitation of CMAP assessment is that collateral sprouting can lead to maintained CMAP amplitude and area even in the presence of MU loss10. To overcome this limitation, modifications have been made to the CMAP technique to evaluate both motor unit number and size11. Additionally, an in vivo study investigating the functional assessment of diaphragm CMAP by an electrophysiological system suggested that it may also be feasible to utilize the described diaphragm CMAP recording technique for motor unit number estimation12.
The incremental motor unit number estimation (MUNE) technique was initially introduced in the early 1970s by McComas et al. for the extensor digitorum brevis muscle in humans13. The incremental MUNE approach was a modification of the traditional CMAP recording technique during which a gradually increasing stimulation was delivered to record quantal, all-or-none submaximal increments as indices of single motor unit responses. The summed and averaged increments were used to calculate an estimate for the size of a single motor unit potential (SMUP). This calculated size was then divided into the CMAP amplitude to estimate the number of MUs innervating the muscle under examination11. MUNE demonstrates high sensitivity in detecting and monitoring motor unit loss, allowing for the identification of motor unit dysfunction before observable changes in measures such as CMAP amplitude or area14,15. In ALS patients, MUNE has proven to be exceptionally sensitive, serving as a prominent biomarker for disease onset, progression, and prognosis16,17.
Numerous adaptations of MUNE have been developed and widely used to assess MU function in conditions such as neurodegeneration, neural injury, and the natural aging process18,19,20,21. Since the initial description, various adaptations utilizing both electrophysiological responses and incremental force (mechanical) measurements have been employed in both human studies and animal models22. MUNE provides a non-invasive functional assessment of motor neuron connectivity with the muscle. Longitudinally applying MUNE enables the understanding of disease or induced phenotype progression and the evaluation of protective or regenerative effects of therapeutic interventions, both in clinical and preclinical settings. Regardless of the effectiveness of MUNE measures reproducibility and the clinical relevance of the technique for MU pools throughout most of the human body, efforts have largely focused on limb muscles in rodent muscles10,23,24,25.
Therefore, the objectives of this study were to describe an approach to obtaining compound muscle action potential (CMAP), SMUP, and phrenic motor unit number (MUNE) as in vivo assessments that can be used longitudinally in preclinical rodent studies to quantify the MUNE, motor unit size (represented as SMUP), and CMAP. Furthermore, we present representative data that highlights the loss of diaphragm MU number following intrapleural administration of a phrenic MN degenerative agent, cholera toxin B fragment conjugated to saporin (CTB-SAP).
All procedures were approved and conducted in compliance with the guidelines established by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee at the University of Missouri. Experiments were performed on adult male Sprague-Dawley rats, aged 11 to 15 weeks. These rats were housed in pairs and kept under a 12:12 light-dark cycle, with access to standard commercial pelleted food and HCl-treated water available at all times.
1. Animal preparation and anesthesia delivery
2. Electrode placement and setup
3. Data acquisition
The CMAP, SMUP, and MUNE techniques outlined in this report enable the recording of neuromuscular function in the diaphragm muscle employing minimally invasive electrode placement (Figure 1). The parameters of amplitude and area can be employed to characterize the supramaximal CMAP size, providing an overall measure of muscle group output (Figure 2). However, in our current methods, we rely on amplitude to quantify both CMAP and SMUP sizes. CMAP, SMUP, and MUNE can be utilized to measure neuromuscular function in various rat models of neuromuscular disease. To demonstrate MU loss in the context of MN degeneration, rats underwent bilateral intrapleural injection with CTB-SAP (25 µg) to target phrenic MNs and extra CTB (25 µg), and control rats received unconjugated CTB (25 µg) and SAP (25 µg)1,27.
In Figure 3, findings in an adult control rat and an adult rat (12 weeks) seven days following intrapleural CTB-SAP injection are compared. Following intrapleural injection of CTB-SAP, MUNE is reduced at 60 estimated functional motor units compared with normal findings of 74 functional motor units in the control rat. However, the CMAP amplitude in the CTB-SAP rat (14.25 mV peak-to-peak) exhibited minimal changes compared to the control (14. 5 mV peak-to-peak) likely due to collateral sprouting. In Figure 4, diaphragm CMAP, SMUP, and MUNE were acquired bilaterally and averaged at baseline/preinjection (n = 14), as well as 7 (n = 14), 14 (n = 14), 21 (n = 6), and 28 (n = 14) days post injection. In Figure 4, no baseline differences between groups were found. MUNE showed a significant change for time (p < 0.05), CTB-SAP (p < 0.001), and interaction time x CTB-SAP (p < 0.01) with ~40% reduction of MUNE in CTB-SAP rats. The average SMUP of CTB-SAP rats demonstrated a significant change with time (p < 0.05) and CTB-SAP (p < 0.01), but no significant interaction with ~50-60% increase in SMUP amplitude. CMAP showed no significant change.
Figure 1: Electrode placement. The (A) stimulating cathode and (B) anode are subcutaneously inserted in the lateral neck between the anterior and middle scalene muscles approximately 1 cm apart. The (C) "active" electrode (E1) and (D) "reference" recording electrode (E2) are positioned over the midclavicular line inferior to the last rib border, following the angle between the xiphoid process and the last costosternal cartilage. Additionally, (E) a disposable disk electrode is situated on the tail as a ground to minimize artifacts. Created with Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 2: Compound muscle action potential. An illustration of a representative CMAP response recorded from the left hemidiaphragm muscle. CMAP peak to-peak amplitude is determined from negative peak voltage to positive peak voltage. Abbreviation: CMAP = Compound muscle action potential. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 3: Two representative CMAP and MUNE recordings from a control rat, and an adult rat seven days after CTB-SAP intrapleural injection. (A) Left phrenic compound muscle action potential (CMAP) in a control adult rat (12 weeks of age) with peak-to-peak amplitude of 14.5 mV. Screen sensitivity = 1 mV/division and screen duration 1 ms/division. (B) Ten subsequent incremental responses with a total amplitude of 1.940 mV are divided by 10 to determine the average SMUP size (0.194 mV). Screen sensitivity = 0.2 mV/division and sweep speed of 1 ms/division. Calculated MUNE = 74 (MUNE=CMAP/average SMUP (14.5 mV/ 0.194 mV)) (C) Phrenic CMAP seven days following CTB-SAP injection showing almost no change in CMAP peak-to-peak amplitude 14.25 mV. Screen sensitivity = 1 mV/division and sweep speed of 1 ms/division. (D) Ten subsequent incremental responses with a total peak-to-peak amplitude of 2.360 mV divided by 10 to obtain an average SMUP size of 0.236 mV. Screen sensitivity = 0.2 mV/division and a sweep speed of 1 ms/division. Thus, the calculated MUNE was 60. Abbreviations: CMAP = compound muscle action potential; MUNE = motor unit number estimation; CTB-SAP = cholera toxin B fragment conjugated to saporin; SMUP = single motor unit potential. *Illustrates the artifact caused by electrical stimulation; it is important to note that due to the contrast between the amplitude of the electrical stimulus and CMAP, as well as incremental responses, we graphed only a portion of the stimulus. Blind-colored friendly colors have been utilized to enhance the visualization of the incremental responses for improved accessibility. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 4: Electrophysiological assessment of CMAP, SMUP, and MUNE following CTB-SAP. No baseline differences between groups were found (seven 11-week-old male rats in both CTB-SAP and control groups). (A) CMAP showed no significant change. (B) The average SMUP of CTB-SAP rats showed a significant change over time (p < 0.05) and with CTB-SAP (p < 0.01), with no significant interaction, indicating a 50-60% increase in SMUP amplitude. (C) Seven days after CTB-SAP injection, the mean MUNE significantly decreased by 27.07%, from 102.58 ± 20.54 to 72.43 ± 15.59 estimated functional motor units (Mean ± SD). This reduction persisted, with an additional 11.75% decline at 28 days (MUNE: 60.64 ± 11.33, p < 0.01). All measurements at baseline, 7, 14, and 28 days after injection were obtained from 14 rats, with n = 7 rats injected with conjugated CTB-SAP and n = 7 rats receiving unconjugated CTB and SAP as the control group. Six rats were used on day 21. CMAP, SMUP, and MUNE data are presented as mean, and comparisons were performed using two-way ANOVA. Asterisks indicate differences at various time points: *p < 0.05, and **p < 0.01. Abbreviations: CMAP = compound muscle action potential; MUNE = motor unit number estimation; CTB-SAP = cholera toxin B fragment conjugated to saporin; SMUP = single motor unit potential. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
In MN degenerative diseases, such as ALS, it is crucial to assess the MUs involved in ventilation28. Despite the occurrence of respiratory MN degeneration in ALS patients, the specific onset and progression of MN death remain incompletely understood29,30,31. Recognizing the significance of this aspect, various models, both genetic-based (e.g., SOD12,32) and non-genetic-based (e.g., CTB-SAP intrapleural injection3,27,33), have been employed to emulate respiratory impairment in animal models of neurodegenerative diseases. Accordingly, identifying a biomarker for diagnosing, monitoring, and assessing potential treatment effects is advantageous for these models. Additionally, biomarkers can facilitate the clinical translation of preclinical research findings.
To quantify the number of innervating MNs in rodent degenerative models, different labeling techniques, including retrograde tracers and adenoviruses, have been employed25,34,35,36. Previously, immunohistochemistry has been utilized to label phrenic motor neurons in the anterior horn of the cervical spinal cord2,3,33. Labeling techniques, though valuable for MN evaluations, have limitations in assessing the functionality of MUs and are not suitable for longitudinal assessments37. Objective electrophysiological assessments are crucial for successful cross-species translation, especially considering pronounced structural differences in the functional and anatomical features of the motor systems between humans and rodents38,39. Incorporating neurobiological differences presents a challenge in translating findings from rodent models to patients. MUNE overcomes these obstacles by serving as an objective electrophysiological measure of MN function, allowing the evaluation of functional MU connectivity as a biomarker in MN degenerative model experiments3,40.
CMAP, SMUP, and MUNE are commonly employed in research studies and for evaluating patients with neuromuscular disorders9,10,11. These potential biomarkers are minimally invasive, enabling longitudinal assessment of function within the same individual over time. Importantly, while they do not directly gauge the activation or recruitment of the MU by cortical MNs, they do provide a clinically relevant estimation of the MN integrity and its functional counterpart, the MU. Rodent models of MN degenerative diseases are crucial for comprehending the physiopathologic mechanisms underlying human diseases and for the preclinical advance of effective treatments. Developing outcome measures and biomarkers that are translatable across species can streamline and expedite the translation of promising preclinical findings to clinical trials11. Given the relative complexity of the measures, we have adapted and refined these techniques from rat limbs to the diaphragm muscle. This translation has been presented in a visual format to facilitate broader utilization and implementation in rat studies.
From our experience, the clinical electrodiagnostic systems are well-suited for the studies outlined in this context. This suitability stems from enhanced ergonomics in the interface between the examiner and the electrodiagnostic system, facilitating convenient control. In our laboratory group, we utilize a two-channel system featuring two non-switched amplifier channels. These channels are equipped with a 24-bit Analog to Digital Converter and operate at a sampling rate of 48 kHz per channel. The hardware gain is adjustable within a range from 10nV to 100 mV per division. We employed a low-frequency filter with a range spanning from 0.2 Hz to 5 kHz, and the high-frequency filter settings covered a range from 30 Hz to 10 kHz. Additionally, we utilized a constant-current stimulator with adjustable intensity ranging from 0 to 100 mA and duration from 0.02 to 1 ms. The majority of clinical systems offer comparable features that are suitable for recording CMAP, SMUP, and MUNE responses. These systems can be adjusted accordingly to ensure accurate recording of the desired data. For instance, CMAP amplitude can be assessed base-to-peak and peak-to-peak. Clinical electrodiagnostic systems are often defaulted to assess base-to-peak which is calculated from the isoelectric baseline to the initial negative peak.
The process of obtaining CMAP, SMUP, and MUNE responses from the diaphragm involves several crucial steps. Consistent and accurate electrode placement, along with adequate electrode depth, is essential for reliably measuring amplitudes and minimizing background noises during recording. Incorrect placement of stimulating electrodes can lead to unintended consequences. Placing stimulating electrodes too posteriorly can result in exaggerated forelimb muscle contractions to brachial plexus excitation, while higher than C4 level placement can make stimulation of the phrenic nerve more difficult. Deeper placement carries the risk of injuring the carotid artery or evoking the vagus nerve, potentially causing cardiac conductivity issues. Placing recording electrodes higher or lower than the last rib, measurements from intercostal or rectus abdominis stimulation may occur, respectively. To avoid recording from other muscles, notice that the diaphragm negative peak of CMAP latency is typically 1.5-3.5 ms, and its characteristic shape is shown in Figure 2. Our observations indicated that needle electrodes yield more consistent CMAP, SMUP, and MUNE recordings compared to disc-shaped electrodes for diaphragm muscle. This enhanced consistency is attributed to the dome shape of the diaphragm muscle and the presence of other muscles in proximity, such as the intercostal and rectus abdominis muscles. Additionally, flexible placement of the needle electrodes is another advantageous factor. Regarding electrical stimulation intensity, we utilized a range of 60 to 100 mA to stimulate the phrenic nerve, which exceeds the reported ranges for other motor systems. This difference arises from the deeper location of the phrenic nerve in the neck compared to the more superficial locations of the sciatic nerve and brachial plexus in the hindlimb and forelimb, respectively.
Obtaining the average SMUP poses greater technical challenges compared to CMAP. The smaller response size, in the microvolt range rather than millivolts, makes the impact of background noise more pronounced. To mitigate background noise, consider optimizing electrode placement by adjusting the ground electrode, cathode, and anode. Additionally, ensure there is minimal interference from nearby electrical devices in the experimental setup. A Faraday cage, commonly utilized in intracellular electrophysiology applications, is not necessary for this setup. The visual identification of individual SMUP responses is a challenging skill that requires practice for consistent and repeatable results. As the diaphragm is a dynamic muscle, the baseline can shift with each ventilation cycle. Being attentive to the SMUP increments ensuring alignment with the previous SMUP is a critical factor in overcoming this challenge. Additionally, ensuring that the SMUPs initiate within the latency timeframe of the maximal CMAP is important for accurate recordings.
Another challenge of diaphragm recording is the asymmetric nature of this muscle, characterized by varying thicknesses from left to right and influenced by the pressure exerted by the liver on the right side41. To address this, we conducted electrophysiological measurements separately on the left and right hemidiaphragms. Following that, we calculated the averages for CMAP, SMUP, and MUNE responses separately.
Since the CMAP response reflects the collective depolarization of muscle fibers in a specific muscle, any pathology affecting the phrenic MN to the diaphragm muscle fiber can result in a reduction in CMAP size. Hence, calculating the average CMAP from bilateral hemidiaphragms offers an excellent assessment of the overall functional status of the respiratory neuromuscular system. Compensatory changes, such as collateral sprouting, can lead to the preservation of CMAP size even in the presence of MN or motor axonal loss11. Recording individual increments allows for the estimation of the average output of single MUs (SMUP size), presenting more detailed insights into the functional status of MUs of the respiratory system. Hence, the MUNE technique becomes essential for evaluating the phrenic MNs or axons' input to the diaphragm. Applying these biomarkers in preclinical experiments of therapies for studying MN diseases holds the potential to improve the translation to clinical trials.
The authors have nothing to disclose.
This work was funded by a Spinal Cord Injury/Disease Research Program Grant from the Missouri Spinal Cord Injury/Disease Research Program (NLN and WDA).
2 mL Glass Syringe | Kent Scientific Corporation | SOMNO-2ML | |
50 mL, Model 705 RN syringe | Hamilton Company | 7637-01 | Utilized to conduct intrapleural injection |
5008 – Formulab Diet | LabDiet | 0001325 | |
Autoclavable 26 G needles (26S RN 9.52 mm 40°) | Hamilton Company | 7804-04 | Utilized to conduct intrapleural injection |
Cholera toxin B-subunit (CTB) | MilliporeSigma | C9903 | Utilized for intrapleural injection to label surviving motor neurons |
Cholera toxin B-subunit conjugated to saporin (CTB-SAP) | Advanced Targeting Systems | IT-14 | Utilized for intrapleural injection to cause motor neuron death |
Detachable Cable | Technomed | 202845-0000 | to connect the recorder electrode to the electrodiagnostic machine |
Disposable 2" x 2" disc electrode with leads | Cadwell | 302290-000 | ground electrode |
disposable monopolar needles 28 G | Technomed | 202270-000 | cathode and anode stimulating electrodes- recording electrodes |
EMG needle cable (Amp/stim switch box) | Cadwell | 190266-200 | to connect monopolar electrodes to electrodiagnostic stimulator |
Helping Hands alligator clip with iron base | Radio Shack | 64-079 | Maintaining recording electrode placement |
Isoflurane (250 mL bottle) | Piramal Healthcare | ||
monoject curved tip irrigating syringe | Covidien | 81412012 | utilized for application of electrode gel |
PhysioSuite Physiological Monitoring System with RightTemp Homeothermic Warming | Kent Scientific Corporation | PS-RT | Includes infrared warming pad, rectal probe, and pad temperature probe |
Pro trimmer Pet Grooming Kit | Oster | 078577-010-003 | clippers for hair removal |
Saporin (SAP) | Advanced Targeting Systems | PR-01 | Utilized for intrapleural injection (control agent when injected by itself) |
Sierra Summit EMG system | Cadwell Industries, Inc., Kennewick, WA | portable electrodiagnostic system | |
SomnoSuite Low-Flow Digital Anesthesia System | Kent Scientific Corporation | SOMNO | Includes anti-spill, anti-vapor bottle top adapter; Y adapter tubing; charcoal scavenging filter |
Sprague-Dawley rat | Envigo colony 208a, Indianapolis, IN | ||
Veterinarian petroleum-based ophthalmic ointment | Puralube | 26870 | applied during anesthesia to avoid corneal injury |