

Published: September 22, 2020








在该协议中,我们描述了一种使用小麦无细胞系统和脂质体生产蛋白石体的有效无细胞方法。小麦无细胞蛋白质合成系统是一种强大的体外翻译系统,使用小麦胚芽153233的提取物。小麦胚芽含有大量的翻译机制和很少的翻译抑制剂。作为真核生物成员的小麦中的翻译机制适用于翻译真核蛋白质,其翻译效率几乎不受模板mRNA的密码子使用的影响。使用小麦无细胞系统,我们合成了多种蛋白质,包括蛋白激酶34,35,泛素连接酶36,转录因子37和膜蛋白成功率很高。对于膜蛋白生产,我们将脂质囊泡脂质体作为支架1938 添加到翻译混合物中。膜蛋白的疏水结构域与脂质双层相互作用,并与脂质体自发整合。密度梯度离心用于从内源性小麦蛋白中严格分离蛋白石质体,即使翻译反应混合物的普通离心足以简单纯化蛋白石质体20。利用小麦无细胞系统合成了多种完整的膜蛋白,并应用于各种研究和开发2538,39,4041,424344此外,我们还开发了用于大规模生产的“双层透析法”4546.该方法中,将杯式透析装置浸入底物进料缓冲液中,并在杯中形成两层平移反应混合物和底物进料缓冲液,如图1所示。连续供应底物和去除副产物可以在反应混合物的顶部和底部长时间有效地进行,从而获得出色的转化效果(图2A和图2B45


1. pEU表达质粒的制备 注意:pEU表达质粒应包括起始密码子,靶膜蛋白的开放阅读框和片段中的终止密码子(见 图1)。需要时,在适当的位置添加检测/纯化标签序列。限制性内切酶切或无缝克隆均适用于亚克隆。在这里,我们描述了一种使用无缝克隆方法的协议。 准备插入片段。使用 cDNA 模板、引物 1 和引物 2 通过 PCR 扩增目的基因。引?…

Representative Results

使用该协议,可以在短时间内获得部分纯化的蛋白脂质体。代表性结果如图 2A所示。采用双层透析法(小规模)成功合成了25个A、B、C类GPCR,并通过离心和缓冲液洗涤进行了部分纯化。虽然合成蛋白质的量因蛋白质类型而异,但当使用大型透析杯时,每次反应通常可以合成50至400μg膜蛋白。由于小麦无细胞系统的高可扩展性,通过增加反应次数可以很容易地产生几毫克的膜?…




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本研究得到了AMED支持药物发现和生命科学研究的平台项目(支持创新药物发现和生命科学研究(BINDS)的基础)的支持,资助号为JP20am0101077。这项工作也得到了JSPS KAKENHI授权号20K05709的部分支持。


×3 SDS-PAGE sample buffer Containing 10% 2-mercaptoethanol
5-20% gradient SDS-PAGE gel ATTO E-D520L
70% ethanol Diluted ethanol by ultrapure water.
Agarose Takara Bio
Ammonium acetate Nakalai tesque 02406-95 As this reagent is deliquescent, dissolve all of it in water once opened and store it at -30°C.
Ampicillin Sodium Nakalai tesque 02739-74
Asolectin Liposome, lyophilized CellFree Sciences CFS-PLE-ASL A vial contains 10 mg of lyophilized liposomes.
BSA standard 1000 ng, 500 ng, 250 ng, 125 ng BSA / 10 µL ×1 SDS-PAGE sample buffer
CBB gel stain
cDNA clone of interest Plasmid harboring cDNA clone or synthetic DNA fragment
Chloroform Nakalai tesque 08402-84
Cooled incubator Temperature ranging from 0 to 40 °C or wider.
Creatine kinase Roche Diagnostics 04524977190
Dialysis cup (0.1 mL) Thermo Fisher Scientific 69570 Slide-A-Lyzer MINI Dialysis Device, 10K MWCO, 0.1 mL
Dialysis cup (2 mL) Thermo Fisher Scientific 88404 Slide-A-Lyzer MINI Dialysis Device, 10K MWCO, 2 mL
DNA ladder marker Thermo Fisher Scientific SM0311 GeneRuler 1 kb DNA Ladder
DpnI Thermo Fisher Scientific FD1703 FastDigest DpnI
E. coli strain JM109
Electrophoresis chamber ATTO
Ethanol (99.5%) Nakalai tesque 14713-95
Ethidium bromide
Evaporation flask, 100 mL
Gel imager
Gel scanner We use document scanner and LED immuninator as a substitute.
LB broth
Lipids of interest Avanti Polar Lipids
Micro centrifuge TOMY MX-307
NTP mix CellFree Sciences CFS-TSC-NTP Mixture of ATP, GTP, CTP, UTP, at 25 mM each
Nuclease-free 25 mL tube IWAKI 362-025-MYP
Nucrease-free plastic tubes Watson bio labs Do not autoclave. Use them separately from other experiments.
Nucrease-free tips Watson bio labs Do not autoclave. Use them separately from other experiments.
PBS buffer
PCR purification kit MACHEREY-NAGEL 740609 NucleoSpin Gel and PCR Clean-up
pEU-E01-MCS vector CellFree Sciences CFS-11
Phenol/chloroform/isoamyl alcohol (25:24:1) Nippon Gene 311-90151
Plasmid prep Midi kit MACHEREY-NAGEL 740410 NucleoBond Xtra Midi
Primer 1 Thermo Fisher Scientific Custom oligo synthesis 5’-CCAAGATATCACTAGnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn-3’
Gene specific primer, forward. Upper case shows overlap sequence to be added for seamless cloning. Lower case nnnn…. (20-30 bp) shows gene specific sequence.
Primer 2 Thermo Fisher Scientific Custom oligo synthesis 5'-CCATGGGACGTCGACnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn-3’
Gene specific primer, reverse. Upper case shows overlap sequence to be added for seamless cloning. Lower case nnnn…. (20-30 bp) shows gene specific sequence.
Primer 3 Thermo Fisher Scientific Custom oligo synthesis 5'-GTCGACGTCCCATGGTTTTGTATAGAAT-3'
Forward primer for vector linearization. Underline works as overlap in seamless cloning.
Primer 4 Thermo Fisher Scientific Custom oligo synthesis 5'-CTAGTGATATCTTGGTGATGTAGATAGGTG-3'
Reverse primer for vector linearization. Underline works as overlap in seamless cloning.
Primer 5 Thermo Fisher Scientific Custom oligo synthesis 5’-CAGTAAGCCAGATGCTACAC-3’
Sequencing primer, forward
Primer 6 Thermo Fisher Scientific Custom oligo synthesis 5’- CCTGCGCTGGGAAGATAAAC-3’
Sequencing primer, reverse
Protein size marker Bio-Rad 1610394 Precision Plus Protein Standard
Rotary evaporator
seamless cloning enzyme mixture New England BioLabs E2611L Gibson Assembly Master Mix
Other seamless cloning reagents are also avairable.
SP6 RNA Polymerase & RNase Inhibitor CellFree Sciences CFS-TSC-ENZ
Submarine Electrophoresis system
TAE buffer
Transcription Buffer LM CellFree Sciences CFS-TSC-5TB-LM
Translation buffer CellFree Sciences CFS-SUB-SGC SUB-AMIX SGC (×40) stock solution (S1, S2, S3, S4).
Prepare ×1 translation buffer before use by mixing stock S1, S2, S3, S4 stock and ultrapure water.
Ultrapure water We recommend to prepare ultrapure water by using ultrapure water production system every time you do experiment. Do not autoclave.
We preparaed ultrapure water by using Milli-Q Reference and Elix10 system.
Commercially available nuclease-free water (not DEPC-treated water) can be used as a substitute. Take care of contamination after open the bottle.
Ultrasonic homogenizer Branson SONIFIER model 450D-Advanced Ultrasonic cleaner can be used as a substitute.
UV transilluminator
Vacuum desiccator
Wheat germ extract CellFree Sciences CFS-WGE-7240 WEPRO7240


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Zhou, W., Takeda, H. Cell-Free Production of Proteoliposomes for Functional Analysis and Antibody Development Targeting Membrane Proteins. J. Vis. Exp. (163), e61871, doi:10.3791/61871 (2020).

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