Short-latency afferent inhibition (SAI) is a transcranial magnetic stimulation protocol to probe sensorimotor integration. This article describes how SAI can be used to study the convergent sensorimotor loops in the motor cortex during sensorimotor behavior.
Skilled motor ability depends on efficiently integrating sensory afference into the appropriate motor commands. Afferent inhibition provides a valuable tool to probe the procedural and declarative influence over sensorimotor integration during skilled motor actions. This manuscript describes the methodology and contributions of short-latency afferent inhibition (SAI) for understanding sensorimotor integration. SAI quantifies the effect of a convergent afferent volley on the corticospinal motor output evoked by transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). The afferent volley is triggered by the electrical stimulation of a peripheral nerve. The TMS stimulus is delivered to a location over the primary motor cortex that elicits a reliable motor-evoked response in a muscle served by that afferent nerve. The extent of inhibition in the motor-evoked response reflects the magnitude of the afferent volley converging on the motor cortex and involves central GABAergic and cholinergic contributions. The cholinergic involvement in SAI makes SAI a possible marker of declarative-procedural interactions in sensorimotor performance and learning. More recently, studies have begun manipulating the TMS current direction in SAI to tease apart the functional significance of distinct sensorimotor circuits in the primary motor cortex for skilled motor actions. The ability to control additional pulse parameters (e.g., the pulse width) with state-of-the-art controllable pulse parameter TMS (cTMS) has enhanced the selectivity of the sensorimotor circuits probed by the TMS stimulus and provided an opportunity to create more refined models of sensorimotor control and learning. Therefore, the current manuscript focuses on SAI assessment using cTMS. However, the principles outlined here also apply to SAI assessed using conventional fixed pulse width TMS stimulators and other forms of afferent inhibition, such as long-latency afferent inhibition (LAI).
Multiple sensorimotor loops converge in the motor cortex to shape pyramidal tract projections to spinal motor neurons and interneurons1. However, how these sensorimotor loops interact to shape corticospinal projections and motor behavior remains an open question. Short-latency afferent inhibition (SAI) provides a tool to probe the functional properties of convergent sensorimotor loops in motor cortex output. SAI combines motor cortical transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) with electrical stimulation of the corresponding peripheral afferent nerve.
TMS is a non-invasive method to safely stimulate pyramidal motor neurons trans-synaptically in the human brain2,3. TMS involves passing a large, transient electric current through a coiled wire placed on the scalp. The transient nature of the electrical current creates a rapidly changing magnetic field that induces an electric current in the brain4. In the case of a single TMS stimulus, the induced current activates a series of excitatory inputs to the pyramidal motor neurons5–7. If the strength of the generated excitatory inputs is sufficient, the descending activity elicits a contralateral muscular response known as the motor-evoked potential (MEP). The latency of the MEP reflects the corticomotor conduction time8. The amplitude of the MEP indexes the excitability of the corticospinal neurons9. The single TMS stimulus that elicits the MEP can also be preceded by a conditioning stimulus10,11,12. These paired-pulse paradigms can be used to index the effects of various interneuron pools on the corticospinal output. In the case of SAI, the peripheral electrical conditioning stimulus is used to probe the impact of the afferent volley on the motor cortical excitability11,13,14,15. The relative timing of the TMS stimulus and peripheral electrical stimulation aligns the action of the TMS stimulus on the motor cortex with the arrival of the afferent projections to the motor cortex. For SAI in the distal upper limb muscles, the median nerve stimulus typically precedes the TMS stimulus by 18-24 ms11,13,15,16. At the same time, SAI increases as the strength of the afferent volley induced by the peripheral stimulus increases13,17,18.
Despite its strong association with the extrinsic properties of the afferent projection to the motor cortex, SAI is a malleable phenomenon implicated in many motor control processes. For example, SAI is reduced in task-relevant muscles before an impending movement19,20,21 but is maintained in adjacent task-irrelevant motor representations19,20,22. The sensitivity to task relevancy is hypothesized to reflect a surround inhibition mechanism23 that aims to reduce unwanted effector recruitment. More recently, it was proposed that the reduction in SAI in the task-relevant effector may reflect a movement-related gating phenomenon designed to suppress expected sensory afference21 and facilitate corrections during sensorimotor planning and execution24. Regardless of the specific functional role, SAI is correlated with reductions in manual dexterity and processing efficiency25. Altered SAI is also associated with an increased risk of falling in older adults26 and compromised sensorimotor function in Parkinson's disease26,27,28 and individuals with focal hand dystonia29.
Clinical and pharmacological evidence indicates that the inhibitory pathways mediating SAI are sensitive to central cholinergic modulation30. For example, administering the muscarinic acetylcholine receptor antagonist scopolamine reduces SAI31. In contrast, increasing the half-life of acetylcholine via acetylcholinesterase inhibitors enhances SAI32,33. Consistent with pharmacological evidence, SAI is sensitive to several cognitive processes with central cholinergic involvement, including arousal34, reward35, the allocation of attention21,36,37, and memory38,39,40. SAI is also altered in clinical populations with cognitive deficits associated with the loss of cholinergic neurons, such as Alzheimer's disease41,42,43,44,45,46,47, Parkinson's disease (with mild cognitive impairment)48,49,50, and mild cognitive impairment47,51,52. The differential modulation of SAI by various benzodiazepines with differential affinities for various γ-aminobutyric acid type A (GABAA) receptor subunit types suggests that the SAI inhibitory pathways are distinct from pathways mediating other forms of paired-pulse inhibition30. For example, lorazepam decreases SAI but enhances short-interval cortical inhibition (SICI)53. Zolpidem reduces SAI but has little effect on SICI53. Diazepam increases SICI but has little impact on SAI53. The reduction in SAI by these positive allosteric modulators of GABAA receptor function, coupled with the observation that GABA controls the release of acetylcholine in the brain stem and cortex54, has led to the hypothesis that GABA modulates the cholinergic pathway that projects to the sensorimotor cortex to influence SAI55.
Recently, SAI has been used to investigate interactions between the sensorimotor loops that set procedural motor control processes and those that align procedural processes to explicit top-down goals and cognitive control processes21,36,37,38. The central cholinergic involvement in SAI31 suggests that SAI may index an executive influence over procedural sensorimotor control and learning. Importantly, these studies have begun to identify the unique effects of cognition on specific sensorimotor circuits by assessing SAI using different TMS current directions. SAI studies typically employ posterior-anterior (PA) induced current, while only a handful of SAI studies have employed anterior-posterior (AP) induced current55. However, using TMS to induce AP compared with PA current during SAI assessment recruits distinct sensorimotor circuits16,56. For example, AP-sensitive, but not PA-sensitive, sensorimotor circuits are altered by cerebellar modulation37,56. Furthermore, AP-sensitive, but not PA-sensitive, sensorimotor circuits are modulated by attention load36. Finally, attention and cerebellar influences may converge on the same AP-sensitive sensorimotor circuits, leading to maladaptive alterations in these circuits37.
Advances in TMS technology provide additional flexibility to manipulate the configuration of the TMS stimulus employed during single-pulse, paired-pulse, and repetitive applications57,58. Controllable pulse parameter TMS (cTMS) stimulators are now commercially available for research use worldwide, and these provide flexible control over the pulse width and shape57. The increased flexibility arises from controlling the discharge duration of two independent capacitors, each responsible for a separate phase of the TMS stimulus. The biphasic or monophasic nature of the stimulus is governed by the relative discharge amplitude from each capacitor, a parameter called the M-ratio. cTMS studies have combined pulse width manipulation with different current directions to demonstrate that the fixed pulse widths used by conventional TMS stimulators (70-82 µs)59,60 likely recruit a mix of functionally distinct sensorimotor circuits during SAI56. Therefore, cTMS is an exciting tool to disentangle further the functional significance of various convergent sensorimotor loops in sensorimotor performance and learning.
This manuscript details a unique SAI approach to studying sensorimotor integration that integrates peripheral electrical stimulation with cTMS during sensorimotor behaviors. This approach improves on the typical SAI approach by assessing the effect of afferent projections on select interneuron populations in the motor cortex that govern the corticospinal output during ongoing sensorimotor behavior. Although relatively new, cTMS provides a distinct advantage in studying sensorimotor integration in typical and clinical populations. Furthermore, the current approach can be easily adapted for use with conventional TMS stimulators and to quantify other forms of afferent inhibition and facilitation, such as long-latency afferent inhibition (LAI)13 or short-latency afferent facilitation (SAF)15.
The following protocol can be applied to various experiments. The information provided details an experiment in which SAI is used to quantify sensorimotor integration during a finger response to a validly or invalidly cued probe. In this protocol, SAI is assessed without a task, then concurrently during the cued sensorimotor task, and then again without a task. The cTMS stimulator can be replaced by any commercially available conventional TMS stimulator. However, the pulse width of the conventional TMS stimulator would be fixed between 70-82 µs depending on the specific hardware59,60. This study was approved by the University of Waterloo's Office of Research Ethics. All participants provided written informed consent.
1. Hardware/software requirements
NOTE: Figure 1 displays a schematic of the hardware requirements to integrate the peripheral electrical and TMS stimulators with a computer-controlled sensorimotor task. Figure 2A depicts the setup for SAI for PA-induced and AP-induced current. Figure 2B illustrates the sequence of events for the cued sensorimotor task and the relative timing of the SAI assessment. A stereotactic guidance system to track the TMS coil orientation relative to the participant is strongly recommended to reduce trial-by-trial variability in the physiological response associated with variation in coil position and trajectory61.
Figure 1: A schematic of the hardware used to assess SAI at rest and during concurrent sensorimotor behavior. PC1, which is used to control the sensorimotor task and the timing of the cTMS stimulus/peripheral electrical stimulation, is connected to a digital-to-analog converter capable of generating a 5 V TTL output trigger via a USB cable. For unconditioned trials, the trigger from digital input-output channel 1 is sent to the cTMS stimulator via a BNC cable. For conditioned trials, the trigger from digital input-output channel 1, which is sent to the cTMS stimulator, is preceded by a trigger from digital input-output channel 2 to the peripheral electrical stimulator. A BNC cable from the trigger out channel on the cTMS unit is sent to the EMG system analog-to-digital board to trigger the EMG amplifier recording and the display/saving of the data by the EMG acquisition software on PC2. An optional BNC cable from the cTMS trigger out is also sent to the stereotactic guidance system to record the coil position and trajectory at the time of the cTMS stimulus. Abbreviations: PC = personal computer; USB = universal serial bus; TTL = transistor-transistor logic trigger cable; BNC = Bayonet Neill-Concelman connector; cTMS = controllable pulse parameter transcranial magnetic stimulator; TMS = transcranial magnetic stimulation; A/D = analog-digital; EMG = electromyography. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 2: SAI setup and the sensorimotor task. (A) A schematic of the setup for the assessment of SAI in the FDI muscle. Of note, the induced current in the brain is opposite to the direction of the current in the TMS coil. (B) A depiction of a valid index finger cue (top) and invalid index finger cue (bottom) trial. The cue is always depicted as the top stimulus (highlighted by the dashed circle). The cue color corresponds to a specific finger response. The participants were instructed to respond to the probe color as fast and accurately as possible. Cues and probes could be any color. The probability of a valid cue was 70%. Invalid cues occurred in 30% of trials. Abbreviations: SAI = short-latency afferent inhibition; PA = posterior-anterior; AP = anterior-posterior; FDI = first dorsal interosseous; EMG = electromyography; MNS = median nerve stimulus. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
2. Participant screening and informed consent
3. Electromyography (EMG) electrode placement
4. Peripheral electrical stimulator electrode placement
5. Determination of the median nerve stimulus intensity
6. Determination of the optimal coil trajectory for transcranial magnetic stimulation
7. Determination of the stimulus intensity for transcranial magnetic stimulation
8. Short-latency afferent inhibition (no task baseline)
9. Short-latency afferent inhibition (Sensorimotor task)
10. Data processing and analysis
Figure 3 illustrates examples of unconditioned and conditioned MEPs from a single participant elicited in the FDI muscle during the sensorimotor task using PA120– and AP30– (subscript denotes pulse width) induced current. The bar graphs in the middle column illustrate the raw average peak-to-peak MEP amplitudes for the unconditioned and conditioned trials. The bar graphs to the right show the SAI and MEP onset latencies for the PA120– and AP30-induced current for the same participant.
The average effect of the peripheral electrical conditioning stimulus is to suppress the corticospinal output elicited by the TMS stimulus, as shown by the smaller raw average peak-to-peak MEP amplitudes for the conditioned compared to unconditioned MEPs and SAI ratios of less than 1. The longer MEP onset latency for the AP30 SAI reflects the longer latency of the input to the corticospinal neuron.
Figure 3: Exemplar MEP traces and peak-to-peak amplitudes for unconditioned (solid trace) and conditioned (dashed trace) stimuli using PA120– (top) and AP30– (bottom) induced current. (A) Examples of the raw MEP waveforms elicited by PA120– and AP30-induced current during a validly cued index finger trial. (B) The average peak-to-peak amplitude of the unconditioned and conditioned MEPs for PA120– and AP30-induced current during a validly cued index finger trial. The error bars represent the standard error. (C) Top: The conditioned to unconditioned MEP amplitude ratio (e.g., SAI) for PA120– and AP30-induced current during a validly cued index finger trial. Bottom: The onset latencies of the unconditioned MEPs elicited by PA120– and AP30-induced current during a validly cued index finger trial. The MEP onset latency is not impacted by the cue validity. Abbreviations: TMS = transcranial magnetic stimulation; MNS = median nerve stimulus; MEP = motor-evoked potential; SAI = short-latency afferent inhibition; PA = posterior-anterior; AP = anterior-posterior. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 4 demonstrates the differential effects of a conditioning stimulus for the PA120 and AP30 TMS stimuli based on the validity of the informational cue for a single participant. The top-left and top-right panels depict the PA120 SAI and AP30 SAI during a validly cued index finger response and an invalidly cued index finger response in which the participants had to remap their response to a non-index finger. The bottom left and bottom panels depict the PA120 SAI and AP30 SAI during a validly cued non-index finger response and an invalidly cued non-index finger response in which the participants had to remap their response to the index finger.
In this participant, the PA120 SAI was similarly enhanced for an index finger response regardless of whether the participant was cued to the index finger (top left panel) or required to remap their response to the index finger following an invalid cue to a non-index finger (bottom left panel). In contrast, the AP30 SAI appears to be differentially modulated based on whether the invalid cue required a remap away (top-right panel) or toward the index finger (bottom-right panel).
Figure 4: SAI for valid and invalid cue types depending upon the cued finger (index vs. non-index) separated by PA120– and AP30-induced current. Top left: PA120 SAI for a correctly cued index finger response and an incorrectly cued response that required remapping to respond using a non-index finger. Top right: AP30 SAI for a correctly cued index finger response and an incorrectly cued response that required remapping to respond using a non-index finger. Bottom left: PA120 SAI for a correctly cued non-index finger response and an incorrectly cued response that required remapping to respond with the index finger. Bottom right: AP30 SAI for a correctly cued non-index finger response and an incorrectly cued response that required remapping to respond with the index finger. Abbreviations: SAI = short-latency afferent inhibition; PA = posterior-anterior; AP = anterior-posterior. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
The SAI method described here probes a subset of neural pathways that play a role in sensorimotor performance and learning. Assessing SAI while participants perform controlled sensorimotor tasks is critical for disentangling the complex contributions of the numerous sensorimotor loops that converge on the motor corticospinal neurons to shape the motor output in healthy and clinical populations. For example, a similar methodology has been used to identify the cerebellar influence over procedural motor control processes37,56 and the specific targets by which the declarative memory system may influence procedural motor control and learning in healthy21,36,37,38 and previously concussed populations75.
The are several advantages to the assessment of sensorimotor integration outlined here. First, the protocol moves beyond the standard evaluation of SAI using PA-induced current. SAI studies have almost exclusively employed PA-induced current when assessing SAI55,76. However, PA-induced current likely only recruits a subset of sensorimotor circuits in the motor cortex36,37,56,77, thus yielding an incomplete picture of the ongoing sensorimotor processes and the brain-behavior associations55. Second, the protocol employs variable pulse widths to enhance the specificity of the interneuron population recruited by the TMS stimulus77. The fixed pulse widths of conventional monophasic TMS stimulators, typically between 70-82 µs59,60, can recruit a mix of sensorimotor circuits within a particular current direction56,77,78. Using cTMS to manipulate the pulse width during SAI assessments can enhance the understanding of the functional significance of the different sensorimotor loops that govern corticospinal output in healthy56,78,79 and clinical populations75. Lastly, in this work, the SAI assessments were conducted at rest and were time-locked to a specific process during a concurrent behavior. Such an approach is relatively rare in the sensorimotor control and learning SAI literature14,19,20,21,36,37,80. More common is to assess SAI and sensorimotor performance/learning separately34,81,82,83,84,85,86. However, resting assessments of SAI rely on the correlation of behavior and physiological measurements measured at different points in time. Further, assessing the influences on cortical spinal output at rest likely does not capture their task-related significance. Assessing SAI at rest may only make sense for quantifying baseline differences between groups or evaluating the effects of a fundamental change in brain structure/function in a clinical population, such as in individuals with Parkinson's disease26,27,28, Alzheimer's disease87,88, and focal hand dystonia29.
Users should also carefully consider several critical elements of the described SAI protocol. First, the stimulus intensity required to elicit a 1mV MEP using AP current with a given pulse width is consistently higher than the equivalent PA current16,36,37,38,56. Higher thresholds increase the probability that the stimulus intensity required to achieve a 1 mV MEP exceeds the stimulator ability for a subset of individuals, especially when using AP current with short pulse widths59. In such cases, the researcher must decide whether to exclude the participant or determine another stable threshold. For a conventional stimulator with a fixed pulse width of ~80 µs, the magnitude of the AP SAI is not influenced by test stimulus MEP amplitudes ranging from 0.5 mV to 2 mV16. Second, the protocol outlined above requires participants to maintain a minimal contraction (5%-10% of maximal voluntary contraction) of the FDI. The slight contraction enhances the selectivity of the interneuron population recruited by various AP pulse widths by reducing the required stimulus intensity56,78. However, whether a slight contraction should be employed for PA-induced currents is questionable. Slight contraction does not enhance the selectivity of PA-induced currents of varying pulse widths78, and contraction-related sensory gating89 could mask other functional contributions of the PA-sensitive circuits during some task states. Moving forward, it may make sense to assess PA SAI at rest but AP SAI, especially at short pulse widths, with a slight contraction. Finally, the external validity of the reductionist approach of the SAI protocol described here is debatable. The described protocol targets one task-relevant muscle in a controlled task involving selective finger responses. The reductionist approach outlined here can provide substantial insight into the specific mechanisms at a given point of a sensorimotor behavior. However, the association between SAI in a specific motor representation and the sensorimotor behavior may vary across different elements of a complex task (e.g., planning versus motor execution). Further, the association between SAI and behavior may be less apparent as the complexity of the sensorimotor behavior increases. Assessing SAI across many muscles in a multivariate approach may be necessary to account for interactions between adjacent agonist, synergist, and antagonist motor representations as the task complexity increases.
Conventional TMS assessments have linked SAI to several movement and psychiatric disorders. The increased selectivity of cTMS-SAI could facilitate the identification of increasingly reliable biomarkers of sensorimotor and psychiatric disorders. A preliminary report highlighted the potential of cTMS, suggesting that AP30 SAI may be a marker of persistent latent cognitive-motor abnormalities in young adults with a concussion history75. However, the diagnostic utility of cTMS-SAI in movement and psychiatric disorders such as chronic concussion, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, mild cognitive impairment, dystonia, and stroke is yet to be explored. One significant limitation to the clinical application of cTMS-SAI in the movement disorder domain is the need for larger scale studies to establish the reliability and normative ranges, as has been done for SAI assessed with a fixed width PA pulse90,91,92,93. Further, clinical applications would benefit from an enhanced understanding of how the different sensorimotor loops probed by cTMS-SAI interact with other facilitatory and inhibitory pathways converging on the motor cortical pyramidal neurons. For example, conventional TMS studies of SAI suggest that the probed sensorimotor loops may complement the function of short-interval cortical facilitation (SICF)74, SICI66,94, and long-interval cortical inhibition (LICI)67 inhibitory pathways. However, the functional significance of such interactions is not clear.
One exciting prospect is combining cTMS-SAI with electroencephalography (EEG). EEG can be used to quantify the effect of afferent projections on the pyramidal output evoked by TMS over motor77,95 and non-motor areas95, known as TMS-evoked potentials (TEP). Assessing SAI in the frontal cortex, rather than the motor cortex, provides a unique opportunity to directly evaluate the integrity of cholinergic function in the neural substrates that mediate cognitive function. For example, reductions in the afferent inhibition of the N100 TEP elicited by conventional TMS over the prefrontal cortex correlate with reduced executive function in older adults96 and schizophrenic patients97. Employing cTMS-SAI with EEG could help determine if the cholinergic profile of executive function decline in healthy aging and neuropsychiatric disorders involves the same prefrontal circuitry.
cTMS is still a relatively nascent technology. Like any new technique, there are limitations and unknowns. However, the early evidence from cTMS-SAI studies that vary induced current direction and pulse widths demonstrate exciting possibilities for better understanding the functional significance of various convergent sensorimotor circuits in ongoing behaviors in healthy and clinical populations.
The authors have nothing to disclose.
The authors acknowledge funding from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC), the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI), and the Ontario Research Fund (ORF) awarded to S.K.M.
Acquisition software (for EMG) | AD Instruments, Colorado Springs, CO, USA | PL3504/P | LabChart Pro version 8 |
Alcohol prep pads | Medline Canada Corporation, Mississauga, ON, Canada | 211-MM-05507 | Alliance Sterile Medium, Antiseptic Isopropyl Alcohol Pad (200 per box) |
Amplifier (for EMG) | AD Instruments, Colorado Springs, CO, USA | FE234 | Quad Bio Amp |
Cotton round | Cliganic, San Francisco, CA, USA | CL-BE-019-6PK | Premium Cotton Rounds (6-pack, 90 per package) |
cTMS coils | Rogue Research, Montréal, QC, Canada | COIL70F80301 | 70 mm Medium Inductance Figure-8 coil |
cTMS coils | Rogue Research, Montréal, QC, Canada | COIL70F80301-IC | 70 mm Medium Inductance Figure-8 coil (Inverted Current) |
cTMS stimulator | Rogue Research, Montréal, QC, Canada | CTMSMU0101 | Elevate cTMS stimulator |
Data acquisition board (for EMG) | AD Instruments, Colorado Springs, CO, USA | PL3504 | PowerLab 4/35 |
Digital to analog board | National Instruments, Austin, TX, USA | 782251-01 | NI USB-6341, X Series DAQ Device with BNC Termination |
Dispoable adhesive electrodes (for EMG) | Covidien, Dublin, Ireland | 31112496 | Kendal 130 Foam Electrodes |
Electrogel | | E9 | Electro-Gel for Electro-Cap (16 oz jar) |
Nuprep | Weaver and Company, Aurora, CO, USA | 10-30 | Nuprep skin prep gel (3-pack of 4 oz tubes) |
Peripheral electrical stimulator | Digitimer, Hertfordshire, UK | DS7R | DS7R High Voltage Constant Current Stimulator |
Reusable bar electrode | | DDA-30 | Black Bar Electrode, Flat, Cathode Distal |
Software (for behaviour and stimulator triggering) | National Instruments, Austin, TX, USA | 784503-35 | Labview 2020 |
TMS stereotactic coil guidance system | Rogue Research, Montréal, QC, Canada | KITBSF0404 | BrainSight Neuronavigation System |
Transpore tape | 3M, Saint Paul, MN, USA | 50707387794571 | Transpore Medical Tape (1 in x 10 yds) |