RNAi Plating for C. elegans Feeding: A Technique to Induce Target dsRNA Expression in E. coli

Published: April 30, 2023


Source: Kolundzic, E., et al. Application of RNAi and Heat-shock-induced Transcription Factor Expression to Reprogram Germ Cells to Neurons in C. elegansJ. Vis. Exp. (2018).

This video describes the principles behind RNAi treatment in C. elegans and demonstrates a protocol to knockdown lin-35 in a transgenic worm strain.


This protocol is excerpted from Kolundzic, et al, Application of RNAi and Heat-shock-induced Transcription Factor Expression to Reprogram Germ Cells to Neurons in C. elegans, J. Vis. Exp. (2018). Solution Preparation NGM-Agar plates (1 L) Add 3 g of NaCl, 2.5 g of peptone media (…

Representative Results

Figure 1: Pvul phenotype caused by RNAi against lin-53. (Top) DIC picture of L4/young adult stage F1 progeny worms derived from control or lin-53 RNAi treated mothers. Scale bars = 20 µm. (Bottom) Animals treated with lin-53 RNAi display the protruding vulva (pvul) phenotype (black arrow-heads). The pvul phenotype confir…


Agar-Agar, Kobe I Roth 5210.1
Bactopeptone  A. Hartenstein GmbH 211 677 Peptone Media 
Yeast extract  AppliChem A1552,0100
Amphotericin B USBiological A2220
CaCl2 Merck Biosciences 208290
Cholesterol Roth 8866.2
Gelatine Roth 4275.3
IPTG Sigma 15502-10G
K2PO4 Roth T875.2
KH2PO4 Roth  3904.2
MgSO4 VWR 25,163,364
Na2HPO4 Roth P030.1
NaCl Roth 9265.1
NaClO Roth 9062.3
NaOH (5 N) Roth  KK71.1
Tris Roth AE15.2
Carbenicillin Roth 634412
Tetracycline Roth 2371.2
Incubator  Sanyo MIR-5 5534210 for maintenance of worm strains at 15 °C or 25 °C
Stereomicroscope SMZ745 Nikon
Bacterial strains
Escherichia coli HT115 F-, mcrA, mcrB, IN(rrnD-rrnE)1, rnc14::Tn10(DE3 lysogen: lavUV5promoter -T7 polymerase) (IPTG-inducible T7 polymerase) (RNAseIII minus).
Escherichia coli OP50  Uracil auxotroph E. coli strain
Worm strains
BAT28: otIs305 (hsp16.2prom::che-1::3xHA) ntIs1 (gcy-5prom::gfp) V. derived from OH9846 by 4x times more back crossing with N2
RNAi Clones
lin-53 SourceBioscience ID I-4D14 Ahringer library 16B07 ChromI, K07A1.12
empty vetor: L4440 Addgene  #1654

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RNAi Plating for C. elegans Feeding: A Technique to Induce Target dsRNA Expression in E. coli. J. Vis. Exp. (Pending Publication), e20138, doi: (2023).

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