本文介绍了机器人辅助的激进前体式胰腺切除术的技术,包括切除和重建胰腺体尾癌的脾-肠结。患者被放置在双腿分开的上摆,并建立并保持在10毫米汞柱肺气膜。要使用手术系统,需要四个 8 mm 端口和一个 12 mm 端口。光端口位于脐带。其他端口位于两侧,沿参数线和前辅助线放置在脐线水平处。辅助端口(12 mm)沿右侧参数线放置。解剖开始分离胃部韧带,从而打开较小的囊,并通过结肠的脾弯曲的广泛动员。上流的静脉是沿着胰腺的劣等边界识别的。淋巴节点编号 8a 被移除,以允许公共肝动脉的明确可视化。然后,在胰腺的颈部后面创建一个隧道。为了安全切除和重建脾科结,在分割胰腺颈部之前,需要进一步先发制人地解剖,以便清晰地查看所有相关的血管血管。其次,脾动脉被连接和分割,胰腺颈部被分割,胰腺导管有选择性的结扎。静脉切除和重建后,解剖继续进行,以完成从所有淋巴神经组织剥离的胰腺动脉的清除。两个腹腔神经带都与标本一起被移除。覆盖左肾上极的Gerota筋膜也随标本一起被切除。短胃血管和脾切除术的分部完成程序。在胰腺树桩附近留有排水沟。肝脏的圆韧带被动员起来保护血管。
由Strasberg等人11号首先描述的根前型模块化胰腺切除术(RAMPS),是专门为身体尾部胰腺癌提供彻底切除而构思的一种程序。虽然腹腔镜RAMPS在精心挑选的患者中是可行的,但这个程序的复杂性和机器人程序13后报告的利润率阴性切除率表明,机器人辅助在这项手术中可能是有益的。我们在此介绍机器人辅助 RAMPS 技术,该技术是在一个中心开发的,该中心在数千个机器人程序以及超过 350 个机器人胰腺切片方面拥有丰富的经验。
The authors have nothing to disclose.
0 ethylene terephthalate sutures, straight needle | Ethicon | PE6624 | Polyethylene terephthalate is a braided non absorbable suture. 0 refers to suture size. |
0 linen ligatures | LORCA MARIN | 63055 | Linen is a sterile, non-absorbable, spun surgical suture material made of flax fibers of linen. Linen gives excellent knot security. 0 refers to suture size. |
0 Polysorb sutures | Ethicon | CL-5-M | Polysorb is a braided absorbable suture armed with a single needle. 0 refers to suture size. |
12mm port | Kii | CTB73 | Conventional laparoscopic port, used by the laparoscopic surgeon. The 12 mm size is required to accept a laparoscopic stapler, if required. |
2/0 linen ligatures | LORCA MARIN | 63254 | Linen is a sterile, non-absorbable, spun surgical suture material made of flax fibers of linen. Linen gives excellent knot security. 2/0 refers to suture size. |
2/0 Polysorb sutures | Ethicon | GL-323 | Polysorb is a braided absorbable suture armed with a single needle. 2/0 refers to suture size. |
3/0 linen ligatures | LORCA MARIN | 63515 | Linen is a sterile, non-absorbable, spun surgical suture material made of flax fibers of linen. Linen gives excellent knot security. 3/0 refers to suture size. |
3/0 linen sutures | LORCA MARIN | 63146 | Linen is a sterile, non-absorbable, spun surgical suture material made of flax fibers of linen. Linen gives excellent knot security. Linen sutures are armed with a single needle. 3/0 refers to suture size. |
3/0 Polysorb sutures | Ethicon | GL-322 | Polysorb is a braided absorbable suture armed with a single needle. 3/0 refers to suture size. |
4 robotic 8mm ports | Intuitive Surgical | 470359 | Robotic ports are the specific type of cannulas that are docked to the robotic system and are used to introduce robotic instruments in the human body. |
4/0 e-PTFE sutures | GORE | 4N04 | Expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (e-PTFE) is non absorbable, microporous, monofilament material typically used for vascular sutures. Other properties of e-PTFE inculde low-friction and comprexibility. 4/0 refers to suture size. |
4/0 SH polypropylene sutures | Ethicon | 8521 | Nonabsorbable, monofilament (polypropylene), suture typically used for vascular sutures and/or to fix bleeding sites. 4/0 refers to suture size. SH refers to the range fo curvature of the needle (26 mm) |
4/0 SH1 polypropylene sutures | Ethicon | EH7585 | Nonabsorbable, monofilament (polypropylene), suture typically used for vascular sutures and/or to fix bleeding sites. 4/0 refers to suture size. SH1 refers to the range fo curvature of the needle 22 mm) |
5/0 C1 polypropylene sutures | Ethicon | 8720 | Nonabsorbable, monofilament (polypropylene), suture typically used for vascular sutures and/or to fix bleeding sites. 5/0 refers to suture size. C1 refers to the range fo curvature of the needle (12 mm) |
5/0 e-PTFE sutures | GORE | 5N04 | Expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (e-PTFE) is non absorbable, microporous, monofilament material typically used for vascular sutures. Other properties of e-PTFE inculde low-friction and comprexibility. 5/0 refers to suture size. |
5/0 SH1 polypropylene sutures | Ethicon | PEE5692 | Nonabsorbable, monofilament (polypropylene), suture typically used for vascular sutures and/or to fix bleeding sites. 5/0 refers to suture size. SH1refers to the range fo curvature of the needle (22 mm) |
6/0 e-PTFE sutures | GORE | 6M12 | Expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (e-PTFE) is non absorbable, microporous, monofilament material typically used for vascular sutures. Other properties of e-PTFE inculde low-friction and comprexibility. 6/0 refers to suture size. |
6/0 polypropylene sutures | Ethicon | 8706 | Nonabsorbable, monofilament (polypropylene), suture typically used for vascular sutures and/or to fix bleeding sites. 6/0 refers to suture size. 6/0 polypropylene comes with just one needle size. |
Belt for legs | Eswell | 249100 | This device is used to prevent pressure injuries during surgical procudures. |
Bioabsorbable staple line reinforcement | GORE SEAMGUARD | 12BSGTRI45P | The reinforcement consists ofa synthetic buttressing material meant to distribute the jaw closure stress on a larger surface. |
Black diamond micro forceps | Intuitive Surgical | 470033 | Small needle driver suitable for fine sutures. |
Bracci ureteral catheter 8Fr | Coloplast | AC4108 | A Bracci catheter is a straight rubber hose with 6 side holes located close to an open distal tip. It has also with a radiopaque line. Bracci catheters have been designed for use in urology but can be used also to flush vessels during laparoscopic procedures. 8 Fr refers to the size of the catheter in French. |
Cadiere forceps | Intuitive Surgical | 470049 | |
da Vinci Xi Surgical System | Intuitive Surgical | The da Vinci Surgical System is a telemanipulator that increases surgical dexterity during minimally invasive procedures. The system consists of three components: a patient side cart, a console, and a vision cart. | |
Endo GIA articulating reload with tri-staple technology 60mm | Covidien | EGIA60AMT | Cartridge for stapler reload |
Endocatch II 15mm | Covidien | 173049 | Bag for specimen extraction. |
Endoscope with 8mm camera 30° | Intuitive Surgical | 470027 | The robotic endoscope is a vision system providing HD and steroscopic vision to the surgeon working form the console. |
Harmonic shears | Intuitive Surgical | 480275 | |
Hug-u-vac | Allen Medical | A-60001 | This device is used to safely anchor the patient to the operating bed |
Ioban | 3M | 6650EZ | 3M is an incise drap that adheres securely to the skin thus reducing the risk of drape lift. It also provides wound protection, when placed to cover the entire lenght of the surgical incision. |
Kendall SCD sequential compression comfort sleeves | Cardinal Health | 74012 | This device provides sequential, gradient, circumferential compression (to the leg, foot or both simultaneously) to help prevent deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism. |
Laparoscopic stapler (Signia power handle) | Covidien | SIGSBCHGR | Signia is a laparoscopic, robotized stapler suturing and dividing tissues between three rows of titanium staples applied on each suture side. |
Large needle driver (n=2) | Intuitive Surgical | 470006 | |
Maryland bipolar forceps | Intuitive Surgical | 470172 | |
Medium hem-o-lok clip applier | Intuitive Surgical | 470327 | |
Monopolar curved scissors | Intuitive Surgical | 400180 | |
Pig-tail drain 14Fr | Cook | ULT14.0-38-25-P-6S-CLM-RH | A pig drain catheter is a rubber hose used to drain fluids from deep spaces in the human body. As compared with other catheters, the pigtail ends with a curl, similar to the tail of a pig, that is thought to facilitare the anchoring of the catheter. 14 Fr refers to the size of the catheter in French. |
Potts scissors | Intuitive Surgical | 470001 | Non-electrified scissors used mainly to incise, or unroof, vessels. |
Set of laparoscopic bulldogs clamps | Aesculap | This set consists of several bulldog clamps (of different shape and size) with dedicated laparoscopic instruments to be used to apply and remove the clamps | |
Signia power shell for signia power handle | Covidien | SIGPSSHELL | Sterile cover for Signia power handle |
Small hem-o-lok clip applier | Intuitive Surgical | 470401 | |
Veress needle | Aesculap | EJ995 | A Verres needle is a particular type of needle that is used to puncture the abdominal wall in order to create a pneumoperitoneum. It consists of an outer cannula, with a sharp tip, and an inner stylet, with a dull tip. The inner stylet is spring-loaded in order to protect viscera at the time of needle insertion, that occurs blindly. |
Vessel loops | Omnia Drains | NVMR61 | Disposable silicon rubber stripes, typically used to tag relevant anatomical structures |