We demonstrate chemically inducing large blood vessel dilatation in mice as a model for investigating cerebrovascular dysfunction, which can be used for vascular dementia and Alzheimer’s disease modeling. We also demonstrate visualizing the vasculature by injecting silicone rubber compound and providing clear visual guidance for measuring changes in blood vessel size.
The blood-brain (BBB) is a crucial system that regulates selective brain circulation with the periphery, as an example, allowing necessary nutrients to enter and expel excessive amino acids or toxins from the brain. To model how the BBB can be compromised in diseases like vascular dementia (VaD) or Alzheimer’s disease (AD), researchers developed novel methods to model vessel dilatation. A compromised BBB in these disease states can be detrimental and result in the dysregulation of the BBB leading to untoward and pathological consequences impacting brain function. We were able to modify an existing technique that enabled us to inject directly into the Cisterna magna (CM) to induce dilatation of blood vessels using elastase, and disrupt the tight junctions (TJ) of the BBB. With this method, we were able to see various metrics of success over previous techniques, including consistent blood vessel dilatation, reduced mortality or improved recovery, and improving the fill/opacifying agent, a silicone rubber compound, delivery for labeling blood vessels for dilatation analysis. This modified minimally invasive method has had promising results, with a 19%-32% increase in sustained dilatation of large blood vessels in mice from 2 weeks to 3 months post-injection. This improvement contrasts with previous studies, which showed increased dilatation only at the 2 week mark. Additional data suggests sustained expansion even after 9.5 months. This increase was confirmed by comparing the diameter of blood vessels of the elastase and the vehicle-injected group. Overall, this technique is valuable for studying pathological disorders that affect the central nervous system (CNS) using animal models.
Microvascular endothelial cells that line the cerebral capillaries are the main components for forming the blood-brain barrier (BBB)1 which plays a crucial role in regulating what enters or leaves the brain circulation with the periphery. Essential nutrients needed for nervous tissue are permitted to enter the BBB, while some essential amino acids like glutamate are expelled from the brain, as high concentrations can cause permanent neuroexcitatory damage to brain tissue2. Under normal physiological conditions, the BBB limits the amount of plasma proteins like albumin3,4 and prothrombin from entering the brain since those can have detrimental effects5,6,7. Finally, the BBB protects the brain from neurotoxins that are circulating in the periphery, such as xenobiotics from food or the environment1. Overall, damage to brain tissues is irreversible, and aging that correlates with low levels of neurogenesis8 highlights the importance of the BBB in protecting and preventing any factors from accelerating the neurodegenerative process.
In dolichoectasia (or large blood vessel dilatation), a decrease in vessel elasticity is observed, which results in vessels undergoing morphological changes, thus rendering them dysfunctional9 and leading to reduced blood flow in the brain. This reduction in blood flow subsequently diminishes oxygen and glucose supply, ultimately triggering damage to the BBB through the activation of reactive astrocytes10. When the internal elastin lamina of vessels is damaged from dolichoectasia11, repeated stimulation of the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is necessary for angiogenesis. This can lead to the formation of leaky vessels and ultimately result in pathological angiogenesis, characterized by the development of defective vessels12. During pathological angiogenesis, when blood vessels become defective, a compensatory mechanism appears to restore vessel integrity by upregulating tight junction proteins. However, this process can inadvertently disrupt the BBB when the structural integrity of a blood vessel is lost13. This may occur through further disrupting the BBB and promoting the production of amyloid plaque14. Additionally, leakage from the periphery can cause neuroinflammation15, which results in neuronal degeneration and subsequent memory loss.
Structurally the protection that the BBB provides is through the tight junctions that prevent xenobiotic agents from the blood entering the brain. When permitting certain substances to enter the brain, the BBB mainly does it through two major processes, passive diffusion, or specific channels (like ion channels and transporters)1. In AD, research has demonstrated that a dysfunctional vascular system plays a significant role in the progression of the condition12,13. The formation of amyloid-beta (Aβ) plaques and neurodegeneration can result from the breakdown of the BBB12,13 and disturbances in cerebral blood flow16. A reduction in cerebral blood flow can be seen in elderly individuals diagnosed with vascular dementia and AD17,18. Damage to the blood-brain barrier (BBB) along with a dysfunctional cerebral blood flow (CBF) can contribute to the increased production of Aβ concentration in the brain, accompanied by the infiltration of foreign materials from the peripheral circulation19.
To investigate the pathogenesis of neurological diseases like AD and vascular dementia (VaD), models are developed to replicate the disease. In vitro models are extensively used but lack the biological environment for extensive disease modeling like mixed cell population, thus necessitating the importance of in vivo models. Mice are commonly used due to their ease of genetic manipulation in generating human-like properties (e.g., pathology) in disease. With the progression that has been made so far, there is still a continued need for improved models to emulate disease phenotypes like large vessel dilatation and their role in AD. To this end, we saw an opportunity and modified a technique that involved the injection of elastase into the Cisterna magna of mice20,21. Elastase is an enzyme that has been shown to break down elastin in connective tissue22 and in surrounding tight junctions23. The Cisterna magna was chosen as the point of injection due to it being located directly above the circle of Willis, the largest blood vessel in the brain. By injecting elastase into the Cisterna magna, we can compromise the BBB and blood vessels by breaking down the tight junctions and inducing dilatation of blood vessels (circle of Willis)24,25. Combining this technique with the use of an AD mouse model of pathology, for improved understanding of the pathogenesis for the vascular component of AD, can provide valuable insights into the complex interactions and influences between these two distinct pathologies.
Previous studies have demonstrated instances where patients display both the pathological features of AD and VaD, a condition typically referred to as mixed dementia26,27. Thus, understanding the interconnected mechanisms between both conditions can offer a more comprehensive perspective on the progression and manifestation of these neurodegenerative disorders, enhances our comprehension of the underlying mechanisms and potential therapeutic strategies. To this end, we demonstrate the application of elastase in an AD pathology mouse model (AppNL-F) to identify vascular changes.
AppNL-Fmice (3 months old) that express human amyloid plaque at a physiological level were used for this study though this system can be used with any rodent model. All animal procedures were approved by the Animal Care Committee of CAMH (Protocol #843) and were in accordance with the ethical standards of the Canadian Council on Animal Care guidelines. Mice were bred in-house and kept on a 12-h light-dark cycle with ad libitum access to chow and water.
1. Procedure for Cisterna magna (CM) injection
2. Silicone rubber compound injection and tissue harvest
3. Quantitative analysis
4. Removal of silicone rubber compound using alcohol dehydration
NOTE: It is important to dehydrate the brain to help remove the excess silicone rubber compound from the blood vessel which can potentially improve the quality of immunostaining.
5. Immunohistochemical staining
We were successful in locating the Cisterna magna beneath the occipital region of the skull after carefully positioning the mouse on the stereotaxic frame and dissecting the muscles. This anatomical structure, resembling an inverted triangle and highlighted in yellow, is situated beneath the base of the skull (Figure 1). To ensure precision and prevent any damage to the brain tissue, 1-2 mm of the Hamilton syringe bevel was gently inserted into the Cisterna magna.
After the elastase injection, the animals were perfused with PBS and 4% PFA at three distinct time intervals: 2 weeks, 1 month, and 3 months. Subsequently, their blood vessels were fixed with a silicone rubber compound to improve the visualization of blood vessels, as depicted in Figure 2. Qualitatively, the elastase-induced dilatation reveals an increased visibility of the small blood vessels around the Circle of Willis and an enlarged and tortuous basilar artery, compared to the control group that received a vehicle injection (Figure 3).
Quantitative analysis revealed a significant difference between the elastase and control groups, with enlargement of blood vessels in the elastase group seen at 2 weeks (32% increase; p-value= 0.019), 1 month (19% increase; p-value= 0.020), and 3 months (20% increase; p-value= 0.020) after injection (Figure 4). Subsequent dehydration of the brains through a gradual increase in ethanol concentration, followed by immersion in methyl salicylate, facilitated the removal of excess silicone rubber compound and contributed to an enhanced quality of histological staining (Figure 5).
Figure 1: Location of the Cisterna magna. Enhanced visualization reveals the Cisterna magna isolated from adjacent neck muscles, showcasing its position in relation to the brain and cranial structure, particularly the occipital bone. Highlighted by a yellow triangle, the Cisterna magna resembles an inverted triangle, offering clarity in anatomical depiction. Scale bars: 5 mm. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 2: Injection of yellow dye. Transcardial perfusion was utilized to prepare the tissue for histological staining. (A) The perfusion setup for mice involved pumping PBS into the body for 4 minutes to remove the blood, followed by PFA for another 4 min for protein fixation. (B) The injection of dye into the left ventricle of a mouse after perfusion enhances the visibility of blood vessels in the brain, facilitating easy observation with the naked eye. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 3: Pictograph of brains injected with elastase and PBS. The visualization illustrates the enlargement of the BA and increased tortuosity around the CW following elastase injection, in comparison with the control group (PBS). CW, circle of willis; BA, basilar artery. Scale bars: 3 mm. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 4: Elastase-induced and sustained dilatation of blood vessels over 3 months. Compared to the control group treated with PBS, we observed significant blood vessel dilation following a single elastase injection into the Cisterna magna of 3-month-old mice, which sustained for 3 months. The basilar artery was measured at 2 weeks, 1 month, and 3 months after elastase injection. Data are mean ± SD; 2- way Anova, Sidak (post hoc testing); *p < 0.019 (2 weeks), *p < 0.020 (1 month), and *p < 0.020 (3 months). Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 5: NeuN staining of dehydrated brain after the removal of excessive yellow dye. After placing the brain in increasing concentrations of ethanol and methyl salicylate for 24 h each, the brain was sectioned using a microtome and stained for the neuronal marker NeuN. In the diagram, it is evident that the (A) non-dehydrated brain exhibits greater visible blood vessels compared to the (B) dehydrated brain, as indicated by the white arrow. This facilitates a more accurate analysis of these sections, as it reduces the background interference related to blood vessels. Scale bars: 3 µm. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
This article demonstrates an improved protocol for cerebrovascular dilatation, providing a precise and straightforward approach for elastase injection into the Cisterna magna of mice. This anatomical point serves as a direct gateway to the cerebrospinal fluid, offering a valuable avenue for the investigation of different neurological diseases. One of the main advantages of this modified technique is that injecting a single dose of elastase into the Cisterna magna of mice was able to cause and sustain dilatation of large blood vessels for at least 3 months without the need for repeatable injection or implanting a cannula. The approach of administering elastase into an AD mouse model is another notable advantage, particularly for accelerating the deposition of amyloid plaques in the brain. Typically, AD models such as AppNL-F mice (utilized in this study) showed plaque formation at 6 months of age28. This model was selected because these mice naturally exhibit human-like amyloid deposition under normal aging conditions. Injecting elastase into the Cisterna magna at 3 months of age could exacerbate AD pathology by reducing cerebral blood flow16 and increasing blood-brain barrier disruptions12,13.
It is important to note that injecting substances into the Cisterna magna can be impeded by CSF pressure. We addressed this limitation by developing a method aimed at minimizing its impact, recognizing that we cannot eliminate the potential interference of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) on elastase delivery to the brain. Elastase's ability to digest elastin results in a reduction in arterial stiffness, thereby weakening the arteries and causing blood vessels to elongate and become tortuous29,30, making it a suitable intervention for causing dolichoectasia.
Typically, it takes around 20 min to complete the surgical injection into the Cisterna magna per mouse. During the process, the mice are anesthetized with 1.5%-2% isoflurane used as general anesthesia. It is recommended to deploy the use of a stereotaxic frame with a tooth bar and ear bars to ensure stability and firmness of the mouse head during the operation, which is a delicate and crucial step. Incorrect positioning on the stereotaxic frame may result in a tilted head and imprecise delivery, as well as the potential to hit a blood vessel. Gently cut the skin by running the scalpel below the base of the occipital bone to reveal the midline of the nape of the neck. The scalpel then ran along the midline to make a neat cut, and fine forceps were used to separate muscles. Overall, this minimizes bleeding, which helps the mouse recover much faster.
We opted for a 15 mU dosage of elastase based on the findings of previous work20, which demonstrated that there was no difference between 15 mU and 25 mU dosages. Furthermore, they noted that higher concentrations led to increased mortality rates. While a 28% mortality rate was reported with the 15 mU dosage20, the method used in this study yielded no fatalities among the cohort. We had zero mortalities during the entire surgical process of all mice and a 5-10% mortality post-surgery up to 3 months afterward. However, the primary focus of this study lies in understanding dolichoectasia, the dilation of large blood vessels. This emphasis led us to concentrate on the basilar artery as the primary reference for measuring dilatation. Additionally, injecting elastase into the Cisterna magna of mice induces a broad effect, dilating both large and small blood vessels.
When injecting into the cistern magna of any animal, it is crucial to consider the distance between brain tissue and the Cisterna magna space to avoid damaging the brain with the needle. Due to mice having a relatively small distance, we only insert the bevel of the syringe into the Cisterna magna. To minimize the risk of infection, the procedure must be performed with sterile surgical equipment, with the mouse anesthetized. Administering bupivacaine and Metacam before the procedure can help reduce post-operative discomfort and promote faster recovery for the animals. The Cisterna magna, located at the base of the skull, is made visible by thoroughly drying the surgical site with a sterile cotton swab. For the current investigation, the surgical region is around 1 cm in size, which is the maximum area that can be used to obtain a clear view of the Cisterna magna. Additionally, the small incision site helps the animal to heal more quickly.
It is crucial to maximize drug retention within the Cisterna magna space. Previous research attempted to prevent drug leakage by placing a cotton swab at the injection site following elastase administration21. However, we have concerns about the efficacy of this method, as the absorbent nature of cotton at the injection site could potentially compromise the effectiveness of elastase by reabsorbing it after injection. Likewise, in another study20, the needle was quickly removed after injecting elastase into the Cisterna magna, posing another potential challenge in ensuring optimal drug enters the Cisterna magna space, potentially leading to elastase leakage into the cerebrospinal fluid. Therefore, the proposed method here begins with puncturing the Cisterna magna to release cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), followed by placing a sterile cotton swab at the puncture site to absorb excess CSF and alleviate pressure within the space. Subsequently, the cotton swab is removed, and the needle is reinserted into the same spot for elastase injection into the cisterna space without reapplying the cotton swab. Furthermore, we opted to keep the needle in place for 1-2 min post-injection, allowing the elastase to diffuse adequately throughout the Cisterna magna before gently withdrawing it. However, it should be noted that this technique requires performing the injection-free hand and steady anchoring of the needle while puncturing the Cisterna magna and injecting the elastase slowly. In addition, it is important to avoid damaging the large blood vessels across the Cisterna magna when injecting since it can result in complications like circling after surgery, which is an endpoint and requires euthanization. Overall, the method demonstrates dilatation lasting up to 3 months from a single elastase injection into the Cisterna magna, surpassing the 2-week dilatation observed in previous methods20,21. In conclusion, this approach extends the duration of dilatation but also consistently delivers substances, such as elastase, directly to the brain. This method is preferred for its minimally invasive approach to transporting substances across the blood-brain barrier, offering an additional advantage as it can further expanded for drug delivery to the central nervous system.
The authors have nothing to disclose.
This study was made possible by the invaluable contributions of Stephanie Tam who provided support in assisting with the surgeries. We extend our sincere gratitude for her help. The National Institutes of Health (AG066162) for support of this research.
23 G catheter | University Medstore | 2546-CABD305145 | Needed for perfusion (https://www.uoftmedstore.com/index.sz) |
Absolute ethanol | University Medstore | https://www.uoftmedstore.com/index.sz | For removing the microfil |
Betadine scrub | # | https://www.pittsborofeed.com/products/betadine-surgical-scrub | Sterilization |
Betadine solution | Amazon | https://www.amazon.ca/Povidone-Iodine-10-Topical-Solution-100ml/dp/B09DTKJGHW | Sterilization |
Bupivacaine | Provided by animal facility | N/A | Analgesic |
Clippers | BrainTree Scientific Inc | CLP-41590 | Shave fur |
Cotton Q-tip | University Medstore | 1962 | For surgery (https://www.uoftmedstore.com/index.sz) |
Elastase | Sigma-aldrich | E7885 | Used for the dilatation of blood vessel |
Ethanol | University Medstore | 39752-P016-EAAN | Sterilization (https://www.uoftmedstore.com/index.sz) |
Goat anti-mouse 568 | Invitrogen | A11004 | For staining mature neurons |
Graphpad prism 10 | Graphpad prism 10 | https://www.graphpad.com/ | Statistical analysis software |
Hamilton syringe | Sigma-aldrich | 28614-U | Injection elastase |
Heat pad | Amazon | https://www.amazon.ca/iPower-Temperature-Controller-Terrarium-Amphibians/dp/B08L4DBFFZ | Maintain body temperature |
ImageJ software | Fiji Imagej software | imagej.net (USA) | Image analysis software |
Induction chamber | Provided by animal facility | N/A | Anesthesia induction |
Metacam | Provided by animal facility | N/A | Analgesic |
Methyl salicylate | Sigma-aldrich | M6752 | For removing the microfil |
Microfil | Flow Tech, Carver, Massachusetts | https://www.flowtech-inc.com/order/ | Dye (yellow) |
Mouse monoclonal anti-NeuN | Millipore Sigma | MAB377 | For staining mature neurons |
Olympus VS200 slide scanner and VSI software. | Olympus Life Science | https://www.olympus-lifescience.com/en/downloads/detail-iframe/?0[downloads][id]=847254104 | Imaging software |
Paraformaldehyde | University Medstore | PAR070.1 | For protein fixation (https://www.uoftmedstore.com/index.sz) |
Perfusion pump | VWR International | https://pr.vwr.com/store/product/4787969/vwr-variable-speed-peristaltic-pumps | Needed for perfusion |
Scalpel | University Medstore | 2580-M90-10 | For surgery (https://www.uoftmedstore.com/index.sz) |
Stereotaxic | Provided by animal facility | N/A | So secure the animal for surgery |
Surgical scissor | University Medstore | 22751-A9-240 | For surgery (https://www.uoftmedstore.com/index.sz) |
Surgical tape | University Medstore | https://www.amazon.ca/3M-Micropore-Tape-1530-2-Rolls/dp/B0082A9GS2 | Secure the animal on the diaper |
Sutures | University Medstore | 2297-VS881 | For surgery (https://www.uoftmedstore.com/index.sz) |
X2 tweezers | University Medstore | 7731-A10-612 | For surgery (https://www.uoftmedstore.com/index.sz) |