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Peroxisomes and Mitochondria

JoVE Core
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JoVE Core 生物学
Peroxisomes and Mitochondria



In eukaryotic cells, peroxisomes and mitochondria are the two major sites of oxygen utilization. Peroxisomes are single membrane-bound organelles. They contain up to 50 different enzymes, which allow for biosynthetic and degradative functions, such as oxidizing long-chain fatty acids and producing hydrogen peroxide as a by-product. Because hydrogen peroxide is cytotoxic, catalase — a peroxisomal enzyme, rapidly converts it into water and oxygen. Catalase can also break down alcohol using hydrogen peroxide into acetaldehyde and water. The mitochondrion is a double membrane-bound organelle found in nearly all eukaryotic cells except red blood cells. Its inner membrane is folded many times to form cristae, which contain the electron transport chain— protein complexes responsible for producing ATP through oxidative phosphorylation. Because mitochondria are the major sites of ATP synthesis, they are present in greater numbers in tissues with high energy requirements, such as muscle and liver tissues. Mitochondria are also sites for the oxidation of most dietary fatty acids producing large amounts of acetyl coenzyme A, which can be used to generate ATP.


Peroxisomes and Mitochondria

Peroxisomes and mitochondria are two important oxygen-utilizing organelles in eukaryotic cells. Mitochondria carry out cellular respiration—the process that converts energy from food into ATP. Peroxisomes carry out a variety of functions, primarily breaking down different substances, such as fatty acids.

The peroxisome is a single membrane-bound cellular organelle that can perform several different functions, including lipid metabolism and chemical detoxification. The enzymes within peroxisomes serve to transfer hydrogen atoms from various molecules to oxygen, producing hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). In this way, peroxisomes can neutralize poisons such as alcohol.

Peroxisomes oversee reactions that neutralize free radicals. Peroxisomes produce large amounts of toxic H2O2 in the process but contain enzymes that convert H2O2 into water and oxygen, releasing them safely into the cytoplasm. Like miniature sewage treatment plants, peroxisomes neutralize harmful toxins so that they do not wreak havoc in the cells. The liver is the organ primarily responsible for detoxifying the blood before it travels throughout the body, and liver cells contain an exceptionally high number of peroxisomes. The kidneys also contain a high number of peroxisomes for blood detoxification.

Mitochondria are surrounded by a double membrane— a smooth outer membrane and an inner membrane that has many folds called cristae. The space within the inner membrane is called the matrix. During cellular respiration, pyruvate from the breakdown of glucose in the cytoplasm travels into the matrix, where it enters the citric acid cycle. Then, oxidative phosphorylation through the electron transport chain occurs in the inner membrane of the mitochondria, producing a significant amount of ATP. The cristae increase the surface area of the inner membrane, providing more regions for ATP production.

Both peroxisomes and mitochondria are self-replicating, but mitochondria additionally have their DNA and ribosomes, enabling them to produce their proteins. Mitochondria and peroxisomes are both highly concentrated in cells where they are needed the most. For example, liver cells—which break down toxic substances in the blood—have high numbers of peroxisomes, and muscle cells—which have large energy requirements—are rich in mitochondria.