本研究报告了一种使用废培养基对人类胚胎进行染色体筛选的方案,该方案避免了胚胎活检并使用 NGS 进行染色体倍性鉴定。本文介绍了详细的过程,包括培养基的制备、全基因组扩增(WGA)、下一代测序(NGS)文库的制备和数据分析。
在临床体外受精 (IVF) 中,PGT-A 的常用方法需要对滋养外胚层 (TE) 中的一些细胞进行活检。这是形成胎盘的谱系。然而,这种方法需要专业技能,具有侵入性,并且存在假阳性和假阴性,因为 TE 中的染色体数量和发育成胎儿的内细胞团 (ICM) 并不总是相同的。NICS是一种需要对从TE和ICM释放到培养基中的DNA进行测序的技术,可能为这些问题提供一条出路,但先前已被证明疗效有限。本研究报告了NICS的完整方案,包括培养基采样方法、全基因组扩增(WGA)和文库制备,以及通过分析软件进行NGS数据分析。考虑到不同胚胎实验室的冷冻保存时间不同,胚胎学家有两种收集胚胎培养基的方法,可以根据试管婴儿实验室的实际情况进行选择。
先前的报道表明,在胚胎发育过程中,微量的DNA物质被分泌到培养基中,并且已经努力使用废胚胎培养基14,15,16,17,18进行全面的染色体筛选(CCS)。然而,检测的检出率和准确性尚未满足临床广泛使用的要求。本研究报告了 NICS 检测方法在提高检测率和 NICS 测试准确性方面的改进19.近年来,囊泡液 (BF) 已被研究为微创 PGT-A 的分析样本。然而,囊胚液样本中成功的全基因组扩增和可检测 DNA 的比例从 34.8% 到 82%20,21,22 不等。各种研究中报告的 BF 体积范围为 0.3 nL 至 1 μL。鉴于BF中DNA含量低,可以通过混合囊胚液和培养基来增加游离DNA的量,以提高检测的成功率和一致性。库兹涅佐夫等人。23和Li等24用激光处理透明带,向培养基中释放囊胚液,提高胚胎DNA总量,WGA后合并培养基/BF样品的扩增率分别为100%和97.5%。Jiao等25也用同样的方法获得了100%的扩增成功率。
本研究报告了一个详细的方案,包括废培养基样品制备、NGS 制备和数据分析。通过小心地从卵母细胞中去除卵丘细胞,本研究进行了卵胞浆内单精子注射(ICSI)和囊胚培养。收集第 4 天-第 5 天/第 6 天用过的培养基用于 WGA 和 NGS 文库制备。通过使用NICS技术,本研究在大约3 h内简化了WGA和NGS文库的制备步骤,并在大约9 h内获得了无创的CCS结果。
The authors have nothing to disclose.
作者感谢 Shiping Bo 和 Shujie Ma 在 NGS 数据分析方面的帮助。基金资助:本工作由国家重点研发计划(批准号:2018YFC1003100)资助。
1.5 mL EP tube, 0.2 mL PCR tube | Axygen | MCT-150-C, PCR-02-C | DNase/RNase free, Low Binding PCR tubes and 1.5 mL micro-centrifuge tubes are recommended. |
10 µL, 200 µL, 1000 µL DNase /RNase Free Tips | Axygen | T-300-R-S, T-200-Y-R-S, T-1000-B-R-S | This can be replaced by other brand/For sample transfer |
100 % ethanol | Sinopharm Chemical | 10009218 | This can be replaced by other brand/For DNA library purification |
Barcode Primer1-48 | Yikon Genomics | Reagent in NICSInst library preparation kit | For library amplificaton |
BD Falcon Organ Culture Dish, Sterile | BD Bioscience | 363037 | This can be replaced by other brand/For embryo culture |
BD Falcon Tissue culture Dishes (Easy Grip) , Sterile | BD Bioscience | 353001 | This can be replaced by other brand/For embryo culture |
BD Falcon Tissue culture Dishes, Sterile | BD Bioscience | 353002 | This can be replaced by other brand/For embryo culture |
Cell Lysis Buffer | Yikon Genomics | Reagent in NICSInst library preparation kit | For culture medium pre-treatment |
Cell Lysis Enzyme | Yikon Genomics | Reagent in NICSInst library preparation kit | For culture medium pre-treatment |
ChromGo software | Yikon Genomics | Data analysis | |
CMPure Magbeads | Yikon Genomics | Reagent in NICSInst library preparation kit | For library purification |
Cryotop open systerm | KITAZATO BioPharma | 81110 | This can be replaced by other brand/For embryo vitrification |
Distill water | Yikon Genomics | Reagent in NICSInst library preparation kit | To dissolve DNA |
ES (Vitrification kit) | KITAZATO BioPharma | Reagent inVitrification kit | This can be replaced by other brand/For embryo vitrification |
HOLDNIG | ORIGIO | MPH-MED-35 | This can be replaced by other brand/For ICSI |
Hyaluronidase solution, 80 U/mL | SAGE | ART4007-A | This can be replaced by other brand/Digest oocyte-corona-cumulus complex |
ICSI | ORIGIO | MPH-35-35 | This can be replaced by other brand/For ICSI |
Illumina MiSeq® System | Illumina | SY-410-1001 | For library sequencing |
Incubator | Labotect | Inkubator C16 | This can be replaced by other brand/For embryo culture |
Library buffer | Yikon Genomics | Reagent in NICSInst library preparation kit | For library amplificaton |
Library Enzyme Mix | Yikon Genomics | Reagent in NICSInst library preparation kit | For library amplificaton |
Magnetic Stand | DynaMagTM-2 | 12321D | For library purification |
Microscope | OLYMPUS | 1X71 | This can be replaced by other brand/For embryo observation |
Mini-centrifuge | ESSENSCIEN | ELF6 | For separation |
MT Enzyme Mix | Yikon Genomics | Reagent in NICSInst library preparation kit | For culture medium pre-treatment |
NICSInst library preparation kit | Yikon Genomics | KT1000800324 | Whole genome amplification and library construction |
NICSInst Sample Prep Station | Yikon Genomics | ME1001003 | Amplificate DNA |
Nunc IVF 4-Well Dish | Thermo Scientific | 144444 | This can be replaced by other brand/For embryo washing and blastocyst culture |
Pasteur Pipette | Oirgio | MXL3-IND-135 | This can be replaced by other brand/For embryo tansfer |
Pasteur pipettes | ORIGIO | PP-9-1000 | This can be replaced by other brand/For IVF laboratory |
Pre-Lib Buffer | Yikon Genomics | Reagent in NICSInst library preparation kit | Pre-library preparation |
Pre-Lib Enzyme | Yikon Genomics | Reagent in NICSInst library preparation kit | Pre-library preparation |
Qubit® 3.0 Fluorometer | Thermo Scientific | Q33216 | For library quantification |
Quinn's Advantage Blastocyst Medium | SAGE | ART-1029 | For embryo blastocyst stage culture |
Quinn's Advantage Cleavage Medium | SAGE | ART-1026 | This can be replaced by other brand/For embryo cleavage stage culture |
Quinn's Advantage Fertilization Medium | SAGE | ART-1020 | This can be replaced by other brand/For oocyte and sperm fertilization |
Quinn's Advantage m-HTF Medium with HEPES | SAGE | ART-1023 | This can be replaced by other brand/For embryo clutrure |
Quinn's Advantage SPS Serum protein Substitute Kit | SAGE | ART-3010 | This can be replaced by other brand/To denude the oocyte |
Quinn's Advantage Tissue culture mineral oil | SAGE | ART-4008P | This can be replaced by other brand/To cover the culture medium |
STRIPPER TIPS | ORIGIO | MXL3-IND-135 | This can be replaced by other brand/For denudating granulosa cells |
Vitrification Cryotop Open systerm | KIZTAZATO | 81111 | This can be replaced by other brand/For embryo vitrification |
Vitrification kit | KITAZATO BioPharma | VT101 | This can be replaced by other brand/For embryo vitrification |
Vortexer | Qilinbeier | DNYS8 | Sample mix |
VS (Vitrification kit) | KITAZATO BioPharma | Reagent inVitrification kit | This can be replaced by other brand/For embryo vitrification |
ZILOS-tk Laser System | Hamilton Thorne | CLASS 1 laser | This can be replaced by other brand/For artificial blastocoele collapse |