The goal of this protocol is to use temperature to control the flow speeds of three-dimensional active fluids. The advantage of this method not only allows for regulating flow speeds in situ but also enables dynamic control, such as periodically tuning flow speeds up and down.
We present a method for using temperature to tune the flow speeds of kinesin-driven, microtubule-based three-dimensional (3D) active fluids. This method allows for tuning the speeds in situ without the need to manufacture new samples to reach different desired speeds. Moreover, this method enables the dynamic control of speed. Cycling the temperature leads the fluids to flow fast and slow, periodically. This controllability is based on the Arrhenius characteristic of the kinesin-microtubule reaction, demonstrating a controlled mean flow speed range of 4–8 µm/s. The presented method will open the door to the design of microfluidic devices where the flow rates in the channel are locally tunable without the need for a valve.
Active matter is differentiated from conventional passive matter due to its capability to convert chemical energy into mechanical work. A material that possesses such capability can consist of living or non-living entities such as bacteria, insects, colloids, grains, and cytoskeletal filaments1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10. These material entities interact with their neighbors. At a larger scale, they self-organize into either turbulent-like vortices (active turbulence) or material flows11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20. An understanding of self-organization of active matter has led to various applications in molecular shuttles, optical devices, and parallel computation21,22,23. To bring applications to the next level requires control beyond self-organization. For example, Palacci et al. developed a hematite-encapsulated colloid that self-propelled only when exposed to manually controlled blue light, which led to the emergence of living crystals24. Morin et al. established the control of rolling Quincke colloids by using a tunable external electric field, resulting in colloidal flocking in a racetrack-like channel25. These previous works demonstrate the role of local control in applications and advance the knowledge base of active matter.
In this article, we focus on the controllability of kinesin-driven, microtubule (MT)-based 3D active fluids. The fluids consist of three main components: MTs, kinesin molecular motors, and depletants. The depletants induce a depletion force to bundle the MTs, which are later bridged by motor clusters. These motors walk along the MTstoward the plus end. When a pair of bridged MTsis antiparallel, the corresponding motors walk in opposite directions. However, the motors are bound in a cluster and are unable to walk apart, so they cooperatively slide apart pairs of MTs (interfilament sliding, Figure 1A). These sliding dynamics accumulate, causing bundles of MTsto extend until reaching their buckling instability point and break (extensile bundles, Figure 1B)26. The broken bundles are annealed by the depletion force, which subsequently extends again, and the dynamics repeat. During the process of the repeating dynamics, the bundle movements stir the nearby liquid, inducing flows that can be visualized by doping with micron-scale tracers (Figure 1C). Sanchez et al. and Henkin et al. have characterized the mean speeds of tracers, finding that the speeds were tunable by varying the concentrations of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), depletants, motor clusters, and MTs19,27. However, such tunability existed only prior to active fluid synthesis. After synthesis, the tunability was lost, and the fluids self-organized in their own way. To control active fluid activity after synthesis, al. reported a method using the light-activated dimerization of motor proteins, allowing fluid activity to be tuned on and off using light28. While light control is convenient in terms of locally activating the fluids, the method requires redesigning the structures of motor proteins, along with modifying the optical paths in a microscope. Here, we provide an easy-to-use method for locally controlling fluid flows without microscope modification while keeping the motor structure intact.
Our method of locally tuning active fluid flow is based on the Arrhenius law because the kinesin-MT reaction has been reported to increase with temperature29,30,31,32. Our previous studies showed that the temperature dependence of the mean speed of an active fluid flow followed the Arrhenius equation: v = A exp(-Ea/RT), where A is a pre-exponential factor, R is the gas constant, Ea is the activation energy, and T is the system temperature33. Therefore, fluid activity is sensitive to the temperature environment, and the system temperature needs to be consistent to stabilize the motor performance, and consequently, the fluid flow speed34. In this article, we demonstrate the use of the motor's temperature dependence to continuously tune the flow speeds of active fluids by adjusting the system temperature. We also demonstrate the preparation of an active fluid sample, followed by mounting the sample on a microscope stage whose temperature is controlled via computer software. Increasing the temperature from 16 °C to 36 °C speeds up the mean flow speeds from 4 to 8 µm/s. Additionally, the tunability is reversible: repeatedly increasing and decreasing the temperature sequentially accelerates and decelerates the flow. The demonstrated method is applicable to a wide range of systems where the main reactions obey the Arrhenius law, such as the MT gliding assay29,30,31,32.
1. Preparation of MTs
CAUTION: In this step we purify tubulins from bovine brain tissue. Bovine brain may cause variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD)35. Therefore, the brain waste and related solutions, bottles, and pipette tips should be collected in a biowaste bag and disposed of as biohazardous waste according to the rules of the institution.
2. Synthesize kinesin clusters
NOTE: Bacteria exist ubiquitously and can grow in the media and contaminate the preparation process. To prevent contamination, actions involving contact with the cell cultures (e.g., pipetting) MUST be performed near a flame. Tools such as flasks, pipettes, pipette tips, media, and plates MUST be autoclaved before use.
3. Prepare polyacrylamide-coated glass slides and coverslips (modified from Lau et al.45)
4. Prepare kinesin-driven, MT-based active fluids
5. Control sample temperature
6. Characterize the active fluid activity (modified from methods by Henkin et al. and Wu et al.20,27)
NOTE: The previous sections are used to prepare active fluid samples (sections 1–4) and control their temperature (section 5). To demonstrate the use of temperature to control the active fluid activity, observe the fluid behaviors, analyze their activities, and characterize their response to temperature.
Preparing the kinesin-driven, MT-based active fluids requires both kinesin and MTs. The MTs were polymerized from labeled tubulins (steps 1.3 and 1.4) that were purified from bovine brains (step 1.1, Figure 2A), followed by recycling to enhance purity (step 1.2, Figure 2B). The kinesin motor proteins were expressed in and purified from E. coli (steps 2.1 and 2.2, Figure 2B)41,52. The concentration of the prepared kinesin stock was measured with an SDS gel by comparing the main band brightness with that of recycled tubulins with known concentrations (step 2.3, Figure 2B inset). The brightness values of the tubulin bands (B) were linearly fit to their corresponding concentration (C) using the equation C = aB + ϵ, yielding a = 3.1 × 10-2 mg/mL and ϵ = 8.7 × 10-4 mg/mL (Figure 2C). The fitted equation was used to determine the concentration of a kinesin band by applying the measured band brightness, Bk = 1,060, yielding a kinesin concentration of Ck = 0.95 mg/mL. MT and kinesin samples with known concentrations were used to prepare active fluid samples. The active fluids were synthesized, loaded into a polyacrylamide-coated flow cell, and the cell was sealed with UV glue (sections 3 and 4)46.
To demonstrate the control of the active fluid activity with the temperature, the active fluid sample was mounted on the homemade temperature stage (step 5.2, Figure 3A-C). The sample temperature was monitored and controlled by the controller according to a proportional-integral-derivative (PID) algorithm53. Samples controlled at 10 °C, 20 °C, 30 °C, and 40 °C appeared to fluctuate in temperature within 0.1–0.3 °C for 4 h, demonstrating the stability and reliability of this temperature control setup (Figure 3D).
To observe the sample, the setup was mounted onto an epifluorescence microscope. The sample was doped with Alexa 488-labeled tracers, which were imaged with fluorescence microscopy via a GFP channel (step 6.1). The tracers were imaged every Δt = 2 s. The sequential images allowed for tracking tracer trajectories ri, where i represents the tracer index (step 6.2, Figure 4A). The trajectories revealed a mean speed v(t) ≡ <|ri(t) – ri(t– Δt)|/Δt>I (step 6.3). The mean speeds measured at 20–36 °C appeared to be nearly time-independent at t = 0–2 h, whereas at 10 °C and 40 °C the mean speeds decayed quickly (Figure 4B). The decay at 10 °C was caused by MT depolymerization below 16 °C. The decay at 40 °C was due to the kinesin clusters malfunctioning above 36 °C. According to our previous studies these kinesin motor clusters lose the ability to drive pairs of MTs after preincubation at >36 °C33. To characterize the mean speeds for each temperature while reflecting the decay induced by these factors, the mean speeds were averaged between t = 1–2 h (steps 6.3 and 6.4)33. The time-averaged mean speeds were measured between 10 °C–40 °C (step 6.5, Figure 4C). Below 16 °C and above 36 °C the mean speeds decayed quickly due to MT depolymerization and malfunctioning kinesin clusters33, whereas increasing temperatures from 16 °C to 36 °C accelerated the mean speeds from 4 to 8 µm/s, demonstrating the feasibility of tuning the mean speed of an active fluid flow using temperature. To further demonstrate the capability of the temperature control, the system temperatures were alternated between 20 °C and 30 °C every 30 min. The mean speeds of the active fluids did not only accelerate and decelerate accordingly, but they also responded to the temperature change within 10 s (Figure 5). Such a reversible and quick response of the active fluid demonstrates the workability of using temperature to dynamically control fluid activities.
Figure 1: Introduction of kinesin-driven, MT-based 3D active fluids. (A) Schematics of interfilament sliding. Pairs of antiparallel MTs were bundled by depletants and driven apart by motor clusters. (B) Motor clusters collectively drove pairs of MTs, leading MT bundles to extend. (C) The extensile bundles constituted a MT-based active gel (green) that stirred the surrounding liquid to induce a flow. To track the flow, the liquid was doped with tracers (red). This figure was adapted from Bate et al.33. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 2: Images of SDS gels from the tubulin and kinesin purifications. (A) Image of an SDS gel of purified tubulin. (B) Image of an SDS gel of recycled tubulins and purified kinesin. The lanes from left to right were protein standards, blank, 1.25–0.25 mg/mL recycled tubulins, blank, and kinesin stock. (C) The concentration of purified kinesin was determined by comparing the band brightness with the sequential bands of tubulins with measured concentrations (red and blue dashed rectangles in inset). The brightness of each band was measured by summing the pixel values within a cropped band image. To reduce the background noise, before cropping the gel image was transferred to grayscale, black-and-white inverted, and then contrast-enhanced to reveal a black background (inset). Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 3: Temperature control setup. (A) Schematics of the aluminum block for the temperature control setup. The block contains an internal channel for water to flow through it and carry away the TEC-generated heat. The central hole allows the sample to be illuminated by bright field microscopy on one side and imaged with an objective on the other side. (B) Schematics of the temperature control setup. Silicon thermal paste is applied between the aluminum cooling block and the TEC and between the TEC and the sapphire disc. (C) Image of a sample mounted on the temperature-controlled stage. Water tubes are connected to a pump immersed in a water reservoir. (D) Recorded sample temperatures vs. time for target temperatures 10 °C, 20 °C, 30 °C, and 40 °C, respectively. Sample temperatures were maintained at temperatures with a fluctuation of 0.1–0.3 °C. B and D were adapted from Bate et al.33. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 4: Tuning active fluid flows via temperature. (A) Imaging tracers (white dots) allowed for tracking the flow trajectories sequentially (miscellaneously colored curves). The tracers were monitored every 5 s (Δt = 5 s) at room temperature (~20 °C). (B) Tracer mean speed vs. time at 10 °C, 20 °C, 30 °C, 36 °C, and 40 °C, respectively. (C) Tracer mean speed vs. temperature. Each point represents the average tracer mean speed during the first and second hours. Below 16 °C the MTs depolymerized, and above 36 °C, kinesin clusters malfunctioned. Therefore, the working temperature is between 16–36 °C, where mean speeds varied from 4–8 µm/s. The error bars represent the standard deviation of the time-averaged mean speeds. B and C were adapted from Bate et al.33. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 5: Alternating the flow speed of active fluids by periodically alternating the system temperature. Switching the temperature between 20 °C and 30 °C every 30 min accelerated and decelerated flow speeds repeatedly, demonstrating local control of active fluid activities with the temperature. This figure was adapted from Bate et al.33. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Supplemental File 1: MATLAB script 1. Please click here to view this file (Right click to download).
Supplemental File 2: MATLAB script 2. Please click here to view this file (Right click to download).
Controlling active matter in situ opens the door to directed self-organization of active matter4,5,24,28,54. In this article, we present a protocol for using temperature to control kinesin-driven, MT-based active fluids in situ, based on the Arrhenius characteristic of the system29,30,31. Because the system is protein-based, maintaining protein functionality throughout the experiment is key to successfully applying the protocol. The main proteins in the system are MTs and kinesin clusters. The former depolymerize below 16 °C and the latter malfunction above 36 °C33. Maintaining the system temperature between 16–36 °C is therefore vital for active fluids to develop steady dynamics and to enable their response to temperature reversibly (Figure 4 and Figure 5). However, the temperature is controlled based on a PID algorithm, which tends to overshoot the target temperature53. To reduce this overshooting, we recommend setting multiple intermediate target temperatures before setting the final target temperature. For example, to heat up the sample from room temperature (approximately 20 °C) to 35 °C, rather than setting the target temperature directly at 35 °C, we recommend an intermediate target temperature of 30 °C to reduce the chance that the temperature increases above 36 °C, which would irreversibly damage the proteins33. Similarly, when cooling the sample from room temperature to ~16 °C, it is recommended to set an intermediate target temperature of 18 °C, because before reaching a steady state, the PID may cool the sample below 16 °C, depolymerizing the MTs33.
The presented temperature control method relies on cooling and heating using a TEC. The use of the TEC ensures that the sample reaches the target temperature within seconds, whereas a conventional temperature control setup using a temperature-controlled water bath takes minutes to reach the desired temperature (Figure 5)55. The TEC generates nonzero net heat that is dissipated by an aluminum internal water circulation system. However, the water allows mold to grow, which will eventually clog the channel56. A clogged channel inhibits water flow, and the heat will accumulate in the aluminum block, eventually melting the water tubes. The melted tubes cause water to spill over the microscope and camera, damaging the electronic instruments. Therefore, to adopt the presented temperature control setup, we recommend adding 0.1% hydrogen peroxide to the water to inhibit mold growth57,58,59. We expect that this step will ensure that the aluminum internal channel remains clog-free and prevent water damage to nearby electronic devices.
Manipulating the temperature, coating the flow cell surfaces with polyacrylamide, and synthesizing active fluids are three critical steps to realizing this in situ-controlled active fluid. However, this controllability is limited to the temperature range where the involved proteins can function normally. In the active fluid system, the primary proteins are MTs and kinesin clusters, which function normally between 16–36 °C33. Within this temperature range, active fluids vary their mean flow speeds from 4–8 µm/s (Figure 4C). Mean speeds outside this range are beyond the limit of the control method presented. In contrast, Ross et al. reported an alternative that allows for the active fluid activities to be switched on and off using light28. The light control also allows for activating active fluids in a 50 µm scale optically-defined boundary. However, such an alternative requires modifying the kinesin structure along with tuning an optical path in a microscope. In comparison, the advantages of adopting the method presented in this article are 1) the active fluids do not need to be redesigned, 2) the microscopes do not need to be modified, 3) the temperature control setup is low-cost and easy to use, and 4) the method is transferrable to other temperature-dependent systems such as the gliding assay29,30,31,32 or more generally enzyme-based systems60. We also expect that the presented method will open the door to designing microfluidic systems where channel flows are controlled locally without valves.
The authors have nothing to disclose.
Plasmid K401-BCCP-H6 was a gift from Dr. Zvonimir Dogic. This research was supported by Dr. Kun-Ta Wu’s start-up fund in Worcester Polytechnic Institute. We thank Dr. Zvonimir Dogic for the protocols to purify and label tubulin and to synthesize active fluids. We are grateful to Dr. Marc Ridilla for his expertise in protein expression and purification. We thank Dr. William Benjamin Roger for assisting us with building the temperature-controlled stage. We acknowledge Brandeis MRSEC (NSF-MRSEC-1420382) for use of the Biological Materials Facility (BMF). We acknowledge the Royal Society of Chemistry for adapting the figures from Bate et al. on Soft Matter33.
(±)-6-Hydroxy-2,5,7,8-tetramethylchromane-2-carboxylic acid | Sigma-Aldrich | 238813 | Trolox |
2-Mercaptoethanol | Sigma-Aldrich | M6250 | |
3-(Trimethoxysilyl)propyl methacrylate, 98%, ACROS Organics | Fisher Scientific | AC216550050 | |
3.2mm I.D. Tygon Tubing R-3603 | HACH | 2074038 | Water tubes |
31.75 mm diameter uncoated, sapphire window | Edmund Optics | 43-637 | Sapphire disc |
3M 1181 Copper Tape – 1/2 IN Width X 18 YD Length – 2.6 MIL Total Thickness – 27551 | R.S. HUGHES | 054007-27551 | Copper tape |
Acetic Acid | Sigma-Aldrich | A6283 | |
Acrylamide Solution (40%/Electrophoresis), Fisher BioReagents | Fisher Scientific | BP1402-1 | |
Adenosine 5'-triphosphate dipotassium salt hydrate | Sigma-Aldrich | A8937 | ATP |
Alexa Fluor 647 NHS Ester (Succinimidyl Ester) | Thermo Fisher Scientific | A20006 | Far-red fluorescent dye. Alexa 647 can be pre suspended in dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) before mixing with microtubules ( |
Amicon Ultra-4 Centrifugal Filter Unit | Sigma-Aldrich | UFC801024 | Centrifugal filter tube. Cutoff molecular weight: 10 kDa |
Ammonium Persulfate, 100g, MP Biomedicals | Fisher Scientific | ICN802829 | APS |
Ampicillin Sodium Salt (Crystalline Powder), Fisher BioReagents | Fisher Scientific | BP1760 | Ampicillin |
Antivibration Table | Nikon | 63-7590S | |
Avanti J-E Centrifuge | Beckman Coulter | 369001 | |
Bacto Agar Soldifying Agent, BD Diagnostics | VWR | 90000-760 | Agar |
Biotin | Alfa Aesar | A14207 | |
Bucket-plastic white – 2 gallon | Bon | 84-715 | Water bucket |
Calcium Chloride | Sigma-Aldrich | 746495 | CaCl2 |
Catalase from bovine liver | Sigma-Aldrich | C40 | |
CFI Plan Apo Lambda 4x Obj | Nikon | MRD00045 | 4x air objective |
C-FLLL-FOV GFP HC HC HISN ero Shift | Nikon | 96372 | GFP filter cube |
CH-109-1.4-1.5 | TE Technology | CH-109-1.4-1.5 | Thermoelectric Cooler (TEC) |
Chloramphenicol, 98%, ACROS Organics | Fisher Scientific | C0378 | |
Cooling block | N/A | N/A | Custom milled aluminum |
Coomassie Brilliant Blue R-250 #1610400 | Bio-Rad | 1610400 | Triphenylmethane dye |
D-(+)-Glucose | Sigma-Aldrich | G7528 | |
Dimethyl Sulfoxide (Certified ACS), Fisher Chemical | Fisher Scientific | D128 | DMSO |
DL-1,4-Dithiothreitol, 99%, for biochemistry, ACROS Organics | Fisher Scientific | AC165680050 | DTT |
DOWSIL 340 Heat Sink Compound | Dow | 1446622 | Thermal paste |
ETHYL ALCOHOL, 200 PROOF ACS/USP/NF GRADE 5 GALLON POLY CUBE | Pharmco by Greenfield Global | 111000200CB05 | Ethanol |
Ethylene glycol-bis(2-aminoethylether)-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid | Sigma-Aldrich | E3889 | EGTA |
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid | Sigma-Aldrich | 798681 | EDTA |
Fisher BioReagents Microbiology Media Additives: Tryptone | Fisher Scientific | BP1421 | Tryptone |
Fisher BioReagents Microbiology Media Additives: Yeast Extract | Fisher Scientific | BP1422 | Yeast extract |
Fluoresbrite YG Microspheres, Calibration Grade 3.00 µm | Polysciences | 18861 | Tracer particles |
Glucose Oxidase from Aspergillus niger | Sigma-Aldrich | G2133 | |
Glycerol | Sigma-Aldrich | G5516 | |
GpCpp | Jena Bioscience | NU-405L | Guanosine-5′[(α,β)-methyleno]triphosphate (GMPCPP) |
GS Power's 18 Gauge (True American Wire Ga), 100 feet, 99.9% Stranded Oxygen Free Copper OFC, Red/Black 2 Conductor Bonded Zip Cord Power/Speaker Electrical Cable for Car, Audio, Home Theater | Amazon | B07428NBCW | Copper wire |
Guanosine 5'-triphosphate sodium salt hydrate | Sigma-Aldrich | G8877 | GTP |
Hellmanex III | Sigma-Aldrich | Z805939 | Detergent |
HEPES Sodium Salt (White Powder), Fisher BioReagents | Fisher Scientific | BP410 | NaHEPES |
High performance blender machine | AIMORES | AS-UP1250 | Blender |
His GraviTrap | GE Healthcare | 11003399 | Gravity Column |
Imidazole | Sigma-Aldrich | I5513 | |
IPTG | Sigma-Aldrich | I6758 | Isopropyl β-D-1-thiogalactopyranoside |
Isopropyl Alcohol 99% | Pharmco by Greenfield Global | 231000099 | Isopropanol |
JA-10 rotor | Beckman Coulter | 369687 | |
L-Glutamic acid potassium salt monohydrate | Sigma-Aldrich | G1501 | K-Glutamate |
Lysozyme from chicken egg white | Sigma-Aldrich | L6876 | |
Magnesium chloride hexahydrate | Sigma-Aldrich | M2670 | MgCl2•6H2O |
MES sodium salt | Sigma-Aldrich | M5057 | 2-(N-Morpholino)ethanesulfonic acid sodium salt |
MOPS | Sigma-Aldrich | M1254 | 3-(N-Morpholino)propanesulfonic acid |
MP-3022 | TE Technology | MP-3022 | Thermocouple |
N,N,N',N'-Tetramethylethylenediamine 99%, ACROS Organics | Fisher Scientific | AC138450500 | TEMED |
Nanodrop 2000c UV-VIS Spectrophotometer | Thermo Fisher Scientific | E112352 | Spectrometer |
Nikon Ti2-E Nikon Inverted Microscope | Nikon | MEA54000 | |
Norland Optical Adhesive 81 | Norland Products | NOA81 | UV glue |
Novex Sharp Pre-stained Protein Standard | Thermo Fisher Scientific | LC5800 | Protein standard ladder |
NuPAGE 4-12% Bis-Tris Protein Gels, 1.5 mm, 10-well | Thermo Fisher Scientific | NP0335BOX | SDS gel |
Optima L-90K Ultracentrifuge | Beckman Coulter | 365672 | |
Parafilm PM996 Wrap , 4" Wide; 125 Ft/Roll | Cole-Parmer | EW-06720-40 | Wax film |
Pe 300 ultra Illumination System Single Band , 3mm Light Guide control Pod power supply |
Nikon | PE-300-UT-L-SB-40 | Cool LED Illuminator |
Phenylmethanesulfonyl fluoride | Sigma-Aldrich | 78830 | PMSF |
Phosphoenolpyruvic acid monopotassium salt, 99% | BeanTown Chemical | 129745 | PEP |
Pierce Coomassie (Bradford) Protein Assay Kit | Thermo Fisher Scientific | 23200 | |
Pierce Protease Inhibitor Mini Tablets | Thermo Fisher Scientific | A32953 | |
PIPES | Sigma-Aldrich | P6757 | 1,4-Piperazinediethanesulfonic acid |
Pluronic F-127 | Sigma-Aldrich | P2443 | |
Poly(ethylene glycol) | Sigma-Aldrich | 81300 | PEG. Average molecular weight 20,000 Da |
Potassium Hydroxide (Pellets/Certified ACS), Fisher Chemical | Fisher Scientific | P250-500 | KOH |
PowerEase 300W Power Supply (115 VAC) | ThermoFisher Scientific | PS0300 | DC power supply of the gel box |
PS-12-8.4A | TE Technology | PS-12-8.4A | DC power supply of the temperature controller |
Pyruvate Kinase/Lactic Dehydrogenase enzymes from rabbit muscle | Sigma-Aldrich | P-0294 | PK/LDH |
Quiet One Lifegard Fountain Pump, 296-Gallon Per Hour | Amazon | B005JWA612 | Fish tank pump |
Rosetta 2(DE3)pLysS Competent Cells – Novagen | Millipore Sigma | 71403 | Competent cells |
Sharp Microwave ZSMC0912BS Sharp 900W Countertop Microwave Oven, 0.9 Cubic Foot, Stainless Steel | Amazon | B01MT6JZMR | Microwave for boiling the water |
Sodium Chloride (Crystalline/Certified ACS), Fisher Chemical | Fisher Scientific | S271-500 | NaCl |
Sodium dodecyl sulfate | Sigma-Aldrich | L3771 | SDS |
Sodium phosphate monobasic | Sigma-Aldrich | S8282 | NaH2PO4 |
Streptavidin Protein | Thermo Fisher Scientific | 21122 | |
Sucrose | Sigma-Aldrich | S7903 | |
TC-720 | TE Technology | TC-720 | Temperature controller |
Tris Base, Molecular Biology Grade – CAS 77-86-1 – Calbiochem | Sigma-Aldrich | 648310 | Tris-HCL |
Type 45 Ti rotor | Beckman Coulter | 339160 | |
Type 70 Ti rotor | Beckman Coulter | 337922 | |
Type 70.1 Ti rotor | Beckman Coulter | 342184 | |
VWR General-Purpose Laboratory Labeling Tape | VWR | 89097-916 | Paper tapes |
VWR Micro Cover Glasses, Square, No. 1 1/2 | VWR | 48366-227 | Glass coverslips |
VWR Plain and Frosted Micro Slides, Premium | VWR | 75799-268 | Glass slides |
XCell SureLock Mini-Cell | ThermoFisher Scientific | EI0001 | Gel box |
ZYLA 5.5 USB3.0 Camera | Nikon | ZYLA5.5-USB3 | Monochrome CCD camera |