نحن هنا وصفا لطريقة سريعة وبسيطة لصورة fluorescently المسمى الخلايا في الدماغ شبه شرائح سميكة. عن طريق تحديد ، تشريح ، وإزالة أنسجة الدماغ بصريا وصفنا كيف يمكن استخدام معيار التصوير epifluorescent مبائر أو لتصور الخلايا الفردية والشبكات العصبية داخل الأنسجة العصبية سليمة.
A fundamental goal to both basic and clinical neuroscience is to better understand the identities, molecular makeup, and patterns of connectivity that are characteristic to neurons in both normal and diseased brain. Towards this, a great deal of effort has been placed on building high-resolution neuroanatomical maps1-3. With the expansion of molecular genetics and advances in light microscopy has come the ability to query not only neuronal morphologies, but also the molecular and cellular makeup of individual neurons and their associated networks4. Major advances in the ability to mark and manipulate neurons through transgenic and gene targeting technologies in the rodent now allow investigators to ‘program’ neuronal subsets at will5-6. Arguably, one of the most influential contributions to contemporary neuroscience has been the discovery and cloning of genes encoding fluorescent proteins (FPs) in marine invertebrates7-8, alongside their subsequent engineering to yield an ever-expanding toolbox of vital reporters9. Exploiting cell type-specific promoter activity to drive targeted FP expression in discrete neuronal populations now affords neuroanatomical investigation with genetic precision.
Engineering FP expression in neurons has vastly improved our understanding of brain structure and function. However, imaging individual neurons and their associated networks in deep brain tissues, or in three dimensions, has remained a challenge. Due to high lipid content, nervous tissue is rather opaque and exhibits auto fluorescence. These inherent biophysical properties make it difficult to visualize and image fluorescently labelled neurons at high resolution using standard epifluorescent or confocal microscopy beyond depths of tens of microns. To circumvent this challenge investigators often employ serial thin-section imaging and reconstruction methods10, or 2-photon laser scanning microscopy11. Current drawbacks to these approaches are the associated labor-intensive tissue preparation, or cost-prohibitive instrumentation respectively.
Here, we present a relatively rapid and simple method to visualize fluorescently labelled cells in fixed semi-thick mouse brain slices by optical clearing and imaging. In the attached protocol we describe the methods of: 1) fixing brain tissue in situ via intracardial perfusion, 2) dissection and removal of whole brain, 3) stationary brain embedding in agarose, 4) precision semi-thick slice preparation using new vibratome instrumentation, 5) clearing brain tissue through a glycerol gradient, and 6) mounting on glass slides for light microscopy and z-stack reconstruction (Figure 1).
For preparing brain slices we implemented a relatively new piece of instrumentation called the ‘Compresstome’ VF-200 (http://www.precisionary.com/products_vf200.html). This instrument is a semi-automated microtome equipped with a motorized advance and blade vibration system with features similar in function to other vibratomes. Unlike other vibratomes, the tissue to be sliced is mounted in an agarose plug within a stainless steel cylinder. The tissue is extruded at desired thicknesses from the cylinder, and cut by the forward advancing vibrating blade. The agarose plug/cylinder system allows for reproducible tissue mounting, alignment, and precision cutting. In our hands, the ‘Compresstome’ yields high quality tissue slices for electrophysiology, immunohistochemistry, and direct fixed-tissue mounting and imaging. Combined with optical clearing, here we demonstrate the preparation of semi-thick fixed brain slices for high-resolution fluorescent imaging.
نظرا للتطبيق على نطاق واسع من استخدام البروتينات الفلورية لاستهداف الخلايا العصبية فرعية للتحقيق عبر المجهر الضوئي ، والحاجة إلى سرعة الشاشة والصورة وتحليل الشبكات العصبية داخل أنسجة الدماغ سليمة أصبحت لا تقدر بثمن.
التقدم الت…
The authors have nothing to disclose.
وقد تم تمويل هذا العمل عن طريق الدعم من خلال مؤسسة ماكنير ، NARSAD ، ومنح NINDS R00NS064171 – 03.
Name of the item | Company | Catalogue number | Comments (optional) |
bone scissors | F.S.T. | 16044-10 | -or equivalent |
dissection scissors | F.S.T. | 14084-08 | -or equivalent |
type I-B agarose | Sigma | A0576 | |
Compresstome | Precisionary Instruments | VF-200 | -other vibratomes are compatible |
double sided adhesive | Grace Bio-Labs | SA-S-1L | |
Superfrost Plus slides | VWR | 48311-703 | |
Cover glass | VWR | 48383-139 | |
glycerol | EMD Chemicals Inc. | GX0185-6 | -or equivalent |