

Published: September 08, 2014


Dopaminergic neurons play a vital regulatory role in the brain. Their loss is associated with Parkinson’s disease. In this video, we show how to generate primary cultures of central dopaminergic neurons from embryonic mouse mesencephalon. Such cultures are useful to study the extreme vulnerability of these neurons to various stresses.


多巴胺能神经元代表了在大脑中的神经元的总数的不到1%。这样低的神经元的数量调节重要脑部功能,如马达控制,动机和工作记忆。黑质纹状体多巴胺能神经元的选择性退化在帕金森氏病(PD)。这种渐进的神经元损失明确的病理症状电机(运动迟缓,静止性震颤和肌强直)有关。负责任的多巴胺能神经元退变主要代理仍是未知数。然而,这些神经元似乎是在各种条件下非常脆弱。原代培养物构成的最相关的模型之一来调查性能和多巴胺能神经元的特征。这些培养物可以以阻止或减缓神经元变性提交模仿PD病理各种应激剂和神经保护性化合物。 PD的大量的转基因小鼠模型中对已根儿在过去十年中ATED进一步增加研究者对多巴胺能神经元培养物的兴趣。在这里,视频协议侧重于胚胎小鼠大脑的细腻解剖。腹侧的精确切除是至关重要的,获得神经元培养足够丰富的多巴胺能细胞,使随后的研究。此协议可实现与胚胎转基因小鼠,并适合免疫荧光染色,定量PCR,第二信使量化,或神经元死亡/存活评估。







在这项工作中所用的小鼠照料并符合欧盟理事会(86/609 / EU)的使用实验动物的指导方针进行处理。 1,准备所需的解决方案库存解决方案 10X聚-L-鸟氨酸(巴解组织)溶液:称取10mg解放军氢溴酸盐(分子量= 30,000-70,000),溶于70毫升无菌水。筛选储存在-20℃下用0.2微米的针筒式过滤器,等分试样的溶液,和。 30%葡萄糖溶液:称取30克D(+) – 糖和无菌水?…

Representative Results

的中脑培养步骤的图示流程图如图1所示。简言之,从怀孕的瑞士小鼠收集E13.5胚胎后,腹侧被从整个胚胎解剖。在分离脑片段依次提交酶促消化和机械解离。解离的细胞,通过离心沉淀,重新悬浮在培养基中,并接种在预​​先包被12或24孔板中。将细胞保持15天不更换培养基。 腹侧中脑解剖的详细流程图,对应于步骤3.2中,示于图2。虚线红色线条表…


这个协议提出必要从胚胎小鼠和免疫荧光法检测多巴胺能神经元的制备中脑的神经元的原代培养物的方法和试剂。关键步骤的程序是在胚胎的清扫和收集的脑碎片的机械解离。高品质的解剖工具,有助于掌握解剖技术。 DA能神经元构成脑的一小部分。因此,收集的腹侧中脑的右侧部分是必不可少的,以获得含有多巴胺神经元的2-4%的培养。机械解离应仔细并轻轻进行。如果文化包含集群的非游离?…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


Supported by grants from CNRS and INSERM. PM acknowledges support from the Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale en France (Equipe FRM 2009). SC acknowledges support from the Fondation de France.


Fetal Bovine Serum Lonza 14-801F
DMEM 4.5g/L Glucose with L-Glutamine Lonza BE12-604F
0.05% Trypsin-EDTA (1X), Phenol Red  Life Technologies 25300-054
Penicillin-Streptomycin (10,000 U/mL) Life Technologies 15140122
L-glutamine, 200 mM Solution Life Technologies 25030123
Dulbecco’s Phosphate Buffered Saline Sigma-Aldrich  D8537
Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle’s Medium/Nutrient Mixture F-12 Ham Sigma-Aldrich  D0547 Powder
Laminin – 1 mg/mL in Tris buffered NaCl Sigma-Aldrich  L2020
Poly-L-Ornithine hydrobromide Sigma-Aldrich  P3655
Insulin from porcine pancreas Sigma-Aldrich  I5523
apo-Transferrin human Sigma-Aldrich  T1147
Putrescine dihydrochloride Sigma-Aldrich  P5780
Progesterone Sigma-Aldrich  P8783
Sodium selenite Sigma-Aldrich  S5261
HEPES Sigma-Aldrich  H4034 
Glycine Sigma-Aldrich  G7126 Stock solution 1M in water
Gelatin Sigma-Aldrich  G9391 Stock solution 2% (w/v) in water
Triton X-100 Sigma-Aldrich  T8532
Paraformaldehyde 16% in water Electron Microscopy Sciences RT 15710-S
Sodium hydrogen carbonate (NaHCO3) Merck Millipore 106329
D(+)-Glucose, Monohydrate Merck Millipore 4074-2
Hydrochloric acid – c(HCl) = 1 mol/l (1 N) Titripur Merck Millipore 109057
Sterile water – Aqua B. Braun Braun
Ethanol absolute NORMAPUR analytical reagent VWR 20821.321
Sterile Petri Dishes VWR 82050-566
Pasteur pipettes plain glass – Wilhem Ulbrich GdbR. VWR 612-2297
Counting chamber Malassez VWR 631-0975
Serum Acrodisc Syringe Filter with Supor Membrane, Sterile, GF/0.2 µm, 37 mm PALL Life science 4525
Surgical Scissors – Straight, sharp-sharp, 14.5 cm long Fine Science Tools 14002-14 To open the abdominal wall
Scissors – Straight, pointed, delicate, 10 cm long MORIA 4877A To open the uterine wall
Forceps – Curved, usual, serrated jaws 1 mm MORIA 2183 To manipulate embryos
Vannas Scissors – Curved, pointed, 7 mm blades MORIA MC50 To take out the mesencephalon
Ultra Fine Forceps – Curved, delicate, 13 cm long MORIA 9987 To remove meninges
BD BioCoat Poly-D-Lysine 24-well Multiwell Plates BD Bioscience 356414
BD Falcon 12-well Cell Culture Plate, flat-bottom with lid BD Bioscience 353043
SuperFrost Microscope Slides, Ground edges 90º MENZEL-GLÄSER AG00008032E
Precision cover glasses thickness No. 1.5H circular 18 mm Ø MARIENFELD 117580
Polyclonal Rabbit Anti-Microtubule-Associated Protein 2 (MAP2) Antibody Chemicon Millipore AB5622 1/200
Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Glutamate Decarboxylase (GAD67) Antibody, clone 1G10.2 Chemicon Millipore MAB5406 1/400
Monoclonal Rat Anti-Dopamine Transporter (DAT) Antibody, clone DAT-Nt  Chemicon Millipore MAB369 1/500
Monoclonal Mouse Anti-5-HT Antibody 1/8,000 – Generous gift from Yves Charnay (Swizerland,
Goat Serum, New Zealand Origin Life Technologies 16210-064
Alexa Fluor 405 Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG (H+L) Antibody Life Technologies A-31556 1/200
Alexa Fluor 488 Goat Anti-Mouse IgG (H+L) Antibody Life Technologies A-11001 1/1000
Alexa Fluor 594 Goat Anti-Rat IgG (H+L) Antibody Life Technologies A-11007 1/1000
VECTASHIELD HardSet Mounting Medium Vector Laboratories H-1400
Stereomicroscope Carl Zeiss microscopy Stemi-2000C
Bunsen Burner FIREBOY VWR 451-0136


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Citar este artigo
Gaven, F., Marin, P., Claeysen, S. Primary Culture of Mouse Dopaminergic Neurons. J. Vis. Exp. (91), e51751, doi:10.3791/51751 (2014).

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