
Isolation, Fixation, and Immunofluorescence Imaging of Mouse Adrenal Glands

Published: October 02, 2018


Here we present a method to isolate adrenal glands from mice, fix the tissues, section them, and perform immunofluorescence staining.


Immunofluorescence is a well-established technique for detection of antigens in tissues with the employment of fluorochrome-conjugated antibodies and has a broad spectrum of applications. Detection of antigens allows for characterization and identification of multiple cell types. Located above the kidneys and encapsulated by a layer of mesenchymal cells, the adrenal gland is an endocrine organ composed by two different tissues with different embryological origins, the mesonephric intermediate mesoderm-derived outer cortex and the neural crest-derived inner medulla. The adrenal cortex secretes steroids (i.e., mineralocorticoids, glucocorticoids, sex hormones), whereas the adrenal medulla produces catecholamines (i.e., adrenaline, noradrenaline). While conducting adrenal research, it is important to be able to distinguish unique cells with different functions. Here we provide a protocol developed in our laboratory that describes a series of sequential steps required for obtaining immunofluorescence staining to characterize the cell types of the adrenal gland. We focus first on the dissection of the mouse adrenal glands, the microscopic removal of periadrenal fat followed by the fixation, processing and paraffin embedding of the tissue. We then describe sectioning of the tissue blocks with a rotary microtome. Lastly, we detail a protocol for immunofluorescent staining of adrenal glands that we have developed to minimize both non-specific antibody binding and autofluorescence in order to achieve an optimal signal.


Immunohistochemistry is a technique for detecting tissue components with the use of antibodies to specific cellular molecules and subsequent staining techniques to detect the conjugated antibodies1. This immunohistochemical procedure requires specific fixation and processing of tissues that are often empirically determined for the specific antigen, tissue and antibody utilized2. Fixation is crucial to preserve the "original" state of the tissue and thereby maintaining intact cellular and subcellular structures and expression patterns. Further processing and embedding procedures are required to prepare the tissue for sectioning into thin slices that are used for histologic studies involving immunohistochemistry.

Immunostaining can be performed with either chromogenic or fluorescent detection. Chromogenic detection requires the utilization of an enzyme to convert a soluble substrate into an insoluble colored product. While this enzyme can be conjugated to the antibody recognizing the antigen (primary antibody), it is more often conjugated to the antibody recognizing the primary antibody (i.e., the secondary antibody). This technique is highly sensitive; the colored product resulting from the enzymatic reaction is photostable and requires only a brightfield microscope for imaging. However, chromogenic immunostaining may not be suitable when trying to visualize two proteins that co-localize, since the deposition of one color can mask the deposition of the other one. In the case of co-staining, immunofluorescence has proven to be more advantageous. The advent of immunofluorescence is attributed to Albert Coons and colleagues, who developed a system to identify tissue antigens with antibodies marked with fluorescein and visualize them in the sectioned tissues under ultraviolet light3. Fluorescence detection is based on an antibody conjugated with a fluorophore that emits light after excitation. Because there are several fluorophores with emissions at different wavelengths (with no or little overlap), this detection method is ideal for the studies of multiple proteins.

The adrenal gland is a paired organ located above the kidney and characterized by two embryologically distinct components surrounded by a mesenchymal capsule. The outer adrenal cortex, derived from the mesonephric intermediate mesoderm, secretes steroid hormones while the inner medulla, derived from the neural crest, produces catecholamines including adrenaline, noradrenaline, and dopamine. The adrenal cortex is histologically and functionally divided in three concentric zones, with each zone secreting different classes of steroid hormones: the outer zona glomerulosa (zG) produces mineralocorticoids that regulate electrolyte homeostasis and intravascular volume; the middle zona fasciculata (zF), directly beneath the zG, secretes glucocorticoids that mediate the stress response through the mobilization of energy stores to increase plasma glucose; and the inner zona reticularis (zR), which synthesizes sex steroid precursors (i.e., dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEAS))4.

Some variation in adrenocortical zonation is present between species: for example, Mus musculus lacks the zR. The unique postnatal X-zone of M. musculus is a remnant of the fetal cortex characterized by small lipid-poor cells with acidophilic cytoplasms5. The X-zone disappears at puberty in male mice and after the first pregnancy in female mice, or gradually degenerates in not-bred females6,7. Moreover, the tortuosity and thickness of the zG exhibits marked variation between species as does organization of peripheral stem and progenitor cells in and adjacent to the zG. The rat, unlike other rodents, has a visible undifferentiated zone (zU) between the zG and zF that functions as a stem cell zone and/or a zone of transient amplifying progenitors. Whether the zU is unique to rats or simply a more prominently organized cluster of cells is unknown8,9.

Cells of the adrenal cortex contain lipid droplets that store cholesterol esters that serve as the precursor of all steroid hormones10,11.  The term "steroidogenesis" defines the process of production of steroid hormones from cholesterol via a series of enzymatic reactions that involve the activity of steroidogenic factor 1 (SF1), whose expression is a marker of steroidogenic potential. In the adrenal gland, Sf1 expression is present only in cells of the cortex12. An interesting study found the expression of endogenous biotin in adrenocortical cells with steroidogenic potential13. While this can be the cause of a higher background in biotin/streptavidin-based staining methods, due to the detection of endogenous biotin by antibody conjugated with streptavidin, this characteristic could be also employed to distinguish the steroidogenic cells from other populations within the adrenal gland, i.e., endothelial, capsular, and medulla cells.

Innervated by sympathetic preganglionic neurons, the adrenal medulla is characterized by basophilic cells with a granular cytoplasm containing epinephrine and norepinephrine. Medulla cells are named "chromaffin" due to the high content of catecholamines that form a brown pigment after oxidation14. Tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) is the enzyme that catalyzes the rate-limiting step in the synthesis of catecholamines and, in the adrenal gland, is expressed only in the medulla15.

Here we present a protocol for the isolation of mouse adrenal glands, their processing for embedding in paraffin and sectioning, and a method to perform immunofluorescence staining on adrenal sections in order to identify the cellular types constituting the adrenal cortex and medulla. This protocol is a standard in our laboratory for immunostaining with multiple antibodies routinely used in our research.


All methods were performed in accordance with institutionally approved protocols under the auspice of the University Committee on Use and Care of Animals at the University of Michigan. 1. Preparation for Surgery On the day prior to surgery, prepare 4% paraformaldehyde (PFA)/phosphate buffered saline (PBS). In case of frozen aliquots, proceed to thaw one and store at 4 °C. NOTE: 4% PFA is not stable for more than 48 h. CAUTION: PFA is toxic, avoid contact with ski…

Representative Results

Figure 1 represents a schematic of the entire protocol described above. Adrenal glands are harvested from mice, adjacent adipose tissue is removed under a dissecting microscope, and the adrenal are then fixed in 4% PFA. After this step, adrenals are processed and embedded in paraffin, and sectioned with a microtome to cut the organ into thin slices that are deposited on microscope slides. After drying of the sections, immunofluorescence is carried out an…


This protocol describes a method for the isolation of mouse adrenal glands together with the preparation and staining of sectioned paraffin-embedded mouse adrenals.

Compared to other protocols we tested, this immunofluorescence protocol has proven suitable for the majority of antibodies used in our laboratory. However, in certain cases it may require some adjustments to improve the staining results. One variable that can easily be modified and tested is the length of fixation. In our laborator…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


We thank Dr. Mohamad Zubair for his helpful suggestions and technical assistance in the establishment of this protocol. This work was supported by National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, National Institutes of Health Research Grant 2R01-DK062027 (to G.D.H).


24-well cell culture plate Nest Biotechnology Co. 0412B
Disposable needles 25Gx5/8" Exel International 26403
Paraformaldehyde (PFA) Sigma-Aldrich  P6148
Paraplast plus  McCormik scientific 39502004 Paraffin for tissue embedding
Shandon biopsy cassettes II with attached lid Thermo scientific 1001097 Cassettes for tissue processing
High Profile Microtome Blades Accu-Edge 4685 Disposable stainless steel blades
Peel-a-way disposable plastic tissue embedding molds Polysciences Inc. 18986 Truncated,22mm square top tapered to 12mm bottom
Superfrost Plus Microscope Slides Fisherbrand 12-550-15 75x25x1 mm
Xylene Fisher Chemical X5P1GAL 
200 Proof Ethanol Decon Labs, Inc.
Certi-Pad Gauze pads  Certified Safety Mfg, Inc 231-210 3"x3. Sterile latex free gauze pads
M.O.M kit  Vector laboratories BMK-2202 For detecting mouse primary antibodies on mouse tissue
KimWipes Kimtech 34155 Wipes 4.4×8.4 inch
Super PAP PEN Invitrogen  00-8899 Pen to draw on slides
Microscope cover glass  Fisherbrand 12-544-D Size: 22x50x1.5
DAPI Sigma D9542  (Prepared in 20mg/mL stock)
ProLong Gold antifade reagent Molecular Probes P36930 Mounting agent for immunofluorescence
X-cite series 120Q Lumen Dynamics Light source
Coolsnap Myo Photometrics Camera
Optiphot-2  Nikon Microscope
microtome Americal Optical
Tissue embedder Leica EG1150 H 
Tissue processor  Leica ASP300S
Normal goat serum Sigma G9023
Mouse anti-TH Millipore MAB318 Primary antibody
Rabbit anti-SF1 Ab proteintech group (PTGlabs)  custom made Primary antibody
Alexa-488 Mouse IgG  raised goat Jackson ImmunoResearch 115-545-003  Secondary antibody
Dylight-549 Rabbit IgG raised goat Jackson ImmunoResearch 111-505-003 Secondary antibody
Citrate acid anhydrous Fisher Chemical A940-500
NIS-Elements Basic Research  Nikon Software for imaging


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Finco, I., Hammer, G. D. Isolation, Fixation, and Immunofluorescence Imaging of Mouse Adrenal Glands. J. Vis. Exp. (140), e58530, doi:10.3791/58530 (2018).

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