

Published: January 16, 2017


Here, we present a comprehensive capillary zone electrophoresis protocol for the assessment of intrinsic physicochemical heterogeneity of monoclonal antibodies as a quality attribute.


Biotherapeutic proteins, such as monoclonal antibodies (mAbs), are feasible alternatives for the treatment of chronic-degenerative diseases. The biological activity of these proteins depends on their physicochemical properties. The use of high-performance techniques like chromatography and capillary electrophoresis has been described for the analysis of physicochemical heterogeneity of mAbs. Nowadays, capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) technique constitutes one of the most resolutive and sensitive assays for the analysis of biomolecules. Besides, the electro-driven separation in CZE is governed by extensive properties of matter and offers the advantage of analyzing proteins close to their native state. However, the successful implementation of this technique for routine analysis depends on the skills of the analyst at the critical steps during sample and system preparation. The purpose of this tutorial is to detail the steps to succeed in the CZE analysis of mAbs. Further, this protocol can be used for the development and improvement of skills of the personnel involved in protein analytical chemistry laboratories.


单克隆抗体(mAbs)是生物治疗性蛋白质与由于其充当针对多种慢性和变性疾病1容量越来越大的兴趣。像其他生物分子,单克隆抗体很容易在其生命周期的各个阶段要经历数理化修改( 从合成到最终产品)。这样的修饰包括,但不限于:脱酰胺,糖基化,氧化,环化,异构化,聚集和蛋白水解切割2。因此,需要能够解决固有亚型的分析技术来监测单抗异质性和稳定性,以便建立质量标准。

毛细管电泳(CE)是outinside充满背景电解质(BGE)一个狭窄的石英管(微米范围)进行高性能的分离技术。在一个电场的应用(高达30,000 V),带电荷的分子对朝带相反电荷( 电驱动的分离)的电极迁移。在CE使用高电压的允许快速分析和提高效率,这是优于传统的凝胶电泳。毛细管区带电泳(CZE)是在生物制药行业常规地用于产品质量评估3-9一个基于CE的技术。不像CE的其它模式( 例如 ,毛细管凝胶电泳,毛细管等电聚焦)或基于色谱的方法,CZE可以不使用变性剂或固相接口来进行的,从而允许接近其天然状态10的mAb的内在非均质性的分析。单克隆抗体同种型的CZE分离覆盖有亲水性聚合物(中性毛细管)一个熔融石英毛细管的内部发生,并且是根据它们不同的电泳迁移率,这是由电荷,质量,尺寸和形状(或流体力学体积)11排除。单抗部分被检测到时,它们被动员并通过检测窗口,这是由紫外线(UV)吸收检测器在214nm 4感测到的。




1.溶液的制备 准备BGE解决方案。 制备0.05%组成的溶液100毫升(M / V)羟丙基甲基纤维素(HPMC),200mM的ε氨基正己酸(EACA)和30毫摩尔乙酸锂。 注:由于HPMC是一种粘弹性聚合物,倒出粉末放入玻璃烧杯中,加水80毫升,最后加入搅拌棒。继续添加其余试剂为常。处理醋酸锂的时候,因为它会导致眼睛不适戴安全防护眼镜。 调节至pH值4.8±0.1,用50%(体积/体?…

Representative Results

图2示出一个200毫EACA,30mM乙锂的典型电电流分布,pH值4.8 BGE与用Tris缓冲液(50mM,pH 8.0)中稀释的抗TNFα单克隆抗体样品。如可以观察到的,当前是整个分析稳定和可以为30至35微安值之间振荡。 图3示出一个空白样品的CZE电泳,其中所检测的峰对应于组胺内标。预计对组胺为具有3.7至4.1分的迁移时间。 图4显示抗TNFα单克隆抗体的CZE电?…





The authors have nothing to disclose.


The authors thank Wiley for the granted permission to use the concepts of the following publication for this tutorial. Carlos E. Espinosa-de la Garza, Francisco C. Perdomo-Abúndez, Jesús Padilla-Calderón, Jaime M. Uribe-Wiechers, Néstor O. Pérez, Luis F. Flores-Ortiz, Emilio Medina-Rivero: Analysis of recombinant monoclonal antibodies by capillary zone electrophoresis. Electrophoresis. 2013. 34. 1133-1140. Copyright Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA. This work was supported by CONACyT, Mexico, grant 230551.


Glacial acetic acid Tecsiquim AT0035-7
ACS grade hydrochloric acid J.T. Baker 9535-05
Histamine dihydrochloride Fluka 53300
(Hydroxypropyl) methyl cellulose  Fluka 09963
Lithium acetate Sigma-Aldrich 517992
6-Aminocaproic acid Sigma-Aldrich A2504
eCAP Tris Buffer, 50.0 mM,  pH 8 Beckman Coulter 477427
PA 800 Plus Pharmaceutical Analysis System Beckman Coulter A66528
eCAP Neutral capillary  Beckman Coulter 477441
Vial, Micro, 200 µl Beckman Coulter 144709
Universal Vial Caps Beckman Coulter A62250
Universal Vials Beckman Coulter A62251
Cable, Optics, UV/Vis Beckman Coulter 144093
UV/Vis Detector Module Beckman Coulter 144733
Cartridge Assembly Kit, Blank Beckman Coulter 144738


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Cite This Article
Espinosa-de la Garza, C. E., Salazar-Flores, R. D., Pérez, N. O., Flores-Ortiz, L. F., Medina-Rivero, E. Capillary Electrophoresis Separation of Monoclonal Antibody Isoforms Using a Neutral Capillary. J. Vis. Exp. (119), e55082, doi:10.3791/55082 (2017).

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