
Standardization of a Novel Semi-Automatic Software for Neurite Outgrowth Measurement

Published: August 09, 2024


Neurite outgrowth assays provide a quantitative value about regenerative neuronal processes. The advantage of this semi-automatic software is that it segments cell bodies and neurites separately by creating a mask and measures various parameters such as neurite length, number of branch points, cell-body cluster area, and number of cell clusters.


Effective live-imaging techniques are crucial to assess neuronal morphology in order to measure neurite outgrowth in real time. The proper measurement of neurite outgrowth has been a long-standing challenge over the years in the neuroscience research field. This parameter serves as a cornerstone in numerous in vitro experimental setups, ranging from dissociated cultures and organotypic cultures to cell lines. By quantifying the neurite length, it is possible to determine if a specific treatment worked or if axonal regeneration is enhanced in different experimental groups. In this study, the aim is to demonstrate the robustness and accuracy of the Incucyte Neurotrack neurite outgrowth analysis software. This semi-automatic software is available in a time-lapse microscopy system which offers several advantages over commonly used methodologies in the quantification of the neurite length in phase contrast images. The algorithm masks and quantifies several parameters in each image and returns neuronal cell metrics, including neurite length, branch points, cell-body clusters, and cell-body cluster areas. Firstly, we validated the robustness and accuracy of the software by correlating its values with those of the manual NeuronJ, a Fiji plug-in. Secondly, we used the algorithm which is able to work both on phase contrast images as well as on immunocytochemistry images. Using specific neuronal markers, we validated the feasibility of the fluorescence-based neurite outgrowth analysis on sensory neurons in vitro cultures. Additionally, this software can measure neurite length across various seeding conditions, ranging from individual cells to complex neuronal nets. In conclusion, the software provides an innovative and time-effective platform for neurite outgrowth assays, paving the way for faster and more reliable quantifications.


In sciatic nerves, it is possible to measure axonal regeneration1. Additionally, in vitro studies have shown the feasibility of monitoring axonal outgrowth2,3 to comprehend its various phases, from axonal sprouting to axonal degeneration, in both healthy and injured neurons. By tracking these processes, it is possible to measure parameters such as axonal polarity, initiation, stability, and branching. The last parameter is crucial to understand neuropathic pain perception4,5,6. Similarly, axonal degeneration can be monitored in vivo7 or in vitro8,9. During neurite outgrowth, actin and microtubule cytoskeletal networks stabilize or change according to the needs of the cell10. The actin cytoskeleton reorganizes to allow the formation of the axonal growth cone, and the microtubules re-align into bundles to stabilize the growing neurite11. In order to study neurite outgrowth of central and peripheral neurons in vitro, three common parameters are quantified: total axonal length, maximal distance, and branch points. These parameters are used to study the neuronal outgrowth response to treatment (i.e., neurotrophins, compounds, inhibitors, retinoic acid, siRNA, shRNA) or in genetically modified animals12,13,14. In order to assess if neurons have more elongated neurites and/or more branching, these three parameters allow us to assess the morphology of a neuron. Neurite length measurement is the top-interest parameter in several in vitro experimental setups. From dorsal root ganglia, mainly two types of cultures are performed: dissociated in vitro culture or organotypic culture of whole DRG explants. In either case, neurite length is a gold parameter to assess the outcome of the experiment. In a motor neuron-like cell line (NSC-34), axonal outgrowth and branching are measured after differentiation induced by retinoic acid15,16. In fact, by measuring the neurite outgrowth, it is possible to determine if a specific treatment has worked17, the growth rate18, or the regeneration capacity after an injury procedure19.

How to properly assess neurite outgrowth has posed a significant number of challenges over the years in the research field. However, there is no standardization of neurite length measurements. Some of the most utilized methods for in vitro cell cultures are, for example, the manual NeuronJ plug-in on Fiji18,20 or MetaMorph21,23 and the semi-automatic Neurolucida23,24. Other than manual methodologies, there are automatic methods, too, such as the NeuriteTracer plug-in on Fiji25, HCA Vision software26,27, or WIS-NeuroMath2,28. Other less accurate methodologies rely on the measurement of the overall dimension of the neurons. These methods include the measurement of the vector distance from the cell body to the tip of the longest axon29 or the Sholl analysis30. However, these measurement methods are suitable for very low-density cultures or single neurons. Moreover, all these methodologies are mainly utilized on stained neurons or neurons that are expressing genetically encoded fluorophores (i.e., GFP, Venus, mCherry). The type of neuron and the density of the cell culture deeply affect the choice of measurement methodology. For example, manually segmenting neurons with very intricate and complicated morphologies, such as DRG neurons, can easily become an impossible task. If convoluted neurons are already a challenge to segment, neural nets are completely out of reach for manual approaches due to their highly complex organization.

On the one hand, manual segmentation is very precise because it is performed by human eyes and intelligence; on the other hand, it is really time-consuming. The elevated time expenditure required by manual methods is the main drawback. For this reason, only a few neurons are acquired for analysis, making it less accurate and costly in terms of time. Automatic or semi-automatic approaches, on the other hand, partially reduce the time expenditure. However, they also have some disadvantages. Automatic methods need to be trained in order to work properly, and if the software is not interactive enough with the user, the segmentation can be wrong.

Other than neurite outgrowth measurement, the number of branch points is also valuable information. With manual segmentation, the number of branch points can be calculated, whereas this is not possible with a vector distance. With automatic methods, the number of branch points is usually provided, whereas with the Sholl analysis, it has to be calculated with a mathematical formula.

In this methods paper, we aim to describe the functionality and effectiveness of this semi-automatic software in measuring the total axonal length and other parameters. The machine allows for the automatic acquisition of images at defined time points or for conducting long-term studies (days, weeks, months), preserving a physiological environment for live cells. Measuring neurite outgrowth using phase-contrast time-lapse imaging has the benefit of enabling continuous monitoring of neurite kinetics and growth. Additionally, it is also possible to monitor cell death through the addition in the media of specific dyes that target dead cells31,32,33. Although the software has been released in 2012, we are the first to standardize this methodology in a reproducible and unbiased way for the accurate quantification of neurite outgrowth. However, it is important to note that the software is not included with the purchase of the machine. Despite this additional expense, its use offers significant advantages in measuring total axonal length and other parameters, thereby contributing to research in the field of neuroscience.


1. Scanning the vessel on the machine NOTE: The detection is performed by the built-in Basler Ace 1920-155 µm camera. Open the program by clicking Connect to Device and selecting Schedule – To Acquire. Then click the + sign. Specify whether the vessel will be scanned repeatedly or only 1x by choosing the option Scan on Schedule or Scan Once Now, respectively. <…

Representative Results

The neurite outgrowth measurement algorithm is robustly capable of detecting neurites in both neural networks and single neurons. It generates a yellow mask that segments objects with high contrast, such as cell bodies, cellular debris, dead cells, tissue explants, and shadows. Additionally, a magenta mask appears on neurites of various thicknesses. Neurite length values are provided in mm/mm2, indicating that the axonal length has been divided by the area of the image, which is 0.282739 mm2 and con…


Accurately measuring how neurons grow in healthy, injured, and diseased conditions is a critical parameter in many experimental setups within the neuroscience field. Whether working with organotypic cultures of whole DRG explants or dissociated cultures, properly measuring axonal outgrowth has been a significant challenge over the last 20 years. Without reliable and accurate quantification of neurite outgrowth, it is impossible to assess if a specific treatment, such as retinoic acid (for 4 days) for NSC-34 cells<sup cla…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


We want to thank Alessandro Vercelli for the critical comments and Sartorius's technical support for the help. Our research on these topics has been generously supported by the Rita-Levi Montalcini Grant 2021 (MIUR, Italy). This research was funded by Ministero dell'Istruzione dell'Università e della Ricerca MIUR project Dipartimenti di Eccellenza 2023-2027 to Department of Neuroscience Rita Levi Montalcini. D.M.R.'s research has been conducted during and with the support of the Italian national inter-university PhD course in Sustainable Development and Climate Change (link:


Collagenase A Merck / Roche 10103586001
Dispase II (neutral protease, grade II) Merck / Roche 4942078001
Dulbecco's modified eagle's medium Merck / Sigma D5796
Fetal bovin serum  Merck / Sigma F7524
Ham's F-12 Nutrient Mix (1X) ThermoFisher Scientific 21765029
Ham's F12 w/ L-Glutamine Euroclone ECM0135L
Hanks' Balanced Salt Solution Euroclone ECM0507L
HBSS (10X), no calcium, no magnesium, no phenol red ThermoFisher Scientific 14185045
HyClone Characterized Fetal Bovine Serum (U.S.) Cytiva SH30071.03
Incucyte, Neurotrack Analysis Software  Sartorius 9600-0010
L-15 Medium (Leibovitz) Millipore/Sigma L5520
Laminin Mouse Protein, Natural ThermoFisher Scientific 23017015
L-Cysteine Merck / Sigma C7352
Leibovitz's L-15 medium w/o L-glutamine Euroclone ECB0020L
mouse NGF 2.5S (>95%) Alomone Labs N-100
Neurobasal Medium [-] Glutamine ThermoFisher Scientific 21103049
NSC-34 CELLutions Biosystems Inc (Ontario, Canada) CLU140
Papain from papaya latex Sigma P4762
Penicillin-Streptomycin (5,000 U/mL) ThermoFisher Scientific 15070063
Percoll (Density 1.130 g/mL) Cytiva 17089101
Poly-D-Lysine Solution (1mg/mL) EMD Millipore/Merck A-003-E
Poly-L-Lysine Solution (0-01%) Sigma P4832
Recombinant Human NT-3 PeproTech 450-03
Retinoic Acid Merck / Sigma R2625
Trypsin-EDTA solution Sigma T3924
β-Tubulin III (Tuj1) antibody Merck / Sigma T8660


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Musso, G., Dotta, S., Parmar, A., Rasà, D. M., Di Cunto, F., Marvaldi, L. Standardization of a Novel Semi-Automatic Software for Neurite Outgrowth Measurement. J. Vis. Exp. (210), e67163, doi:10.3791/67163 (2024).

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