Non Laser Capture Microscopy approccio per la Microdissezione delle Regioni discreti cervello di topo per la totale isolamento di RNA e valle Next-Generation Sequencing e profili di espressione genica
Non-Laser Capture Microscopy Approach for the Microdissection of Discrete Mouse Brain Regions for Total RNA Isolation and Downstream Next-Generation Sequencing and Gene Expression Profiling
Non Laser Capture Microscopy approccio per la Microdissezione delle Regioni discreti cervello di topo per la totale isolamento di RNA e valle Next-Generation Sequencing e profili di espressione genica
RNA expression profiling of discrete mouse brain regions requires a precise and repeatable tissue collection strategy. A protocol that uses both coronal brain sectioning and tissue corer-assisted microdissection is described here. The yield and quality of total RNA obtained from the resulting samples confirms the utility of the outlined method.
Atkins, N., Miller, C. M., Owens, J. R., Turek, F. W. Non-Laser Capture Microscopy Approach for the Microdissection of Discrete Mouse Brain Regions for Total RNA Isolation and Downstream Next-Generation Sequencing and Gene Expression Profiling. J. Vis. Exp. (57), e3125, doi:10.3791/3125 (2011).