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Culturing Murine Spiral Ganglion Neuron Explants on Multielectrode Arrays

Culturing Murine Spiral Ganglion Neuron Explants on Multielectrode Arrays

내레이션 대본

Begin with a dissected mouse inner ear segment containing the spiral ganglion and the organ of Corti, specialized structures of the inner ear.

The organ of Corti contains hair cells that act as receptors for auditory signals.

The spiral ganglion consists of neuron cell bodies that extend processes to innervate the hair cells of the organ of Corti.

Separate the spiral ganglion from the organ of Corti and obtain small tissue sections or explants from it.

Now, take an extracellular matrix-coated multielectrode array containing culture media.

Place the explants on the array and position the organ of Corti outside the electrode area. Incubate.

The explants attach to the coated multielectrode surface.

Regularly add media containing serum proteins and growth factors.

During culturing, the media components and the organ of Corti provide neurotrophic support, promoting neurite outgrowth from the spiral ganglion neurons over the multielectrode.

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