

Published: December 05, 2014


Monitoring brain activity during upright motor tasks is of great value when investigating the neural source of movement disorders. Here, we demonstrate a protocol that combines functional near infrared spectroscopy with continuous monitoring of muscle and kinematic activity during 4 types of motor tasks.




在功能性任务的神经成像变得更轻便和成本效益的使用非侵入性官能近红外光谱(fNIRS)通过测定血流动力学在皮质,以确定大脑活动的区域。 fNIRS的可移植性是在直立和功能任务,例如步态1,这是不可能与其他技术的研究中特别有用,如功能性磁共振成像(fMRI)。这种能力是在神经学和神经科学领域的关键,并可能提供新的见解基本运动障碍的儿童和成人脑瘫(CP),并影响到电机控制等神经系统疾病的机制。理解的机制提高了设计有效的干预对目标损伤和活动限制的源的能力。




近红外光的连续波被发射,并在690纳米和830纳米以上使用fNIRS系统以50赫兹的速率在感觉皮质检测,使用定制设计的源 – 检测器的配置。肌电图数据收集无线在1000赫兹的频率。反光标记3-D的位置是由光学运动捕捉系统100赫兹的速率收集的。两个不同的计算机处理的数据采集,一个用于fNIRS,另一个用于动作捕捉和肌电图。使用从对应于鼠标按钮按下启动教学动画为每个任务三分之一的计算机触发脉冲数据同步。对于除步态的所有任务,教学动画设计规范参与者的性能使用任务(1赫兹),通过卡通动物跳跃或踢,以及听觉提示所代表的步伐视觉引导。


注:此方案经美国国立卫生研究院的机构审查委员会(ClinicalTrials.gov标识符:NCT01829724)。所有参加者有机会提问,之前,他们的参与提供了知情同意书。在考虑变化所引起的最近使用血管扩张剂和血管收缩剂的血液动力学反应,参与者被要求从酒精和咖啡因以避免在实验3。这些动画影片被定义在我们的实验室做出之前24小时,但可以用其他声音或特定的替代研究问题的图像。 <p class="…

Representative Results

这个协议协调并发采集3方式捕捉脑血流,肌肉电活动和关节的运动学运动的同时参与者执行电动机的任务( 图1)。 图1.探针位置。该图的左侧部分示出的感觉区的近似位置(蓝色,布洛德曼区域1,2,3),主马达区域(显示为绿色,布洛德曼区域4),和运动前区(?…


同时采集大脑活动的从皮层的目标区域,以及有关如何一个人正在呈现巨大的潜力,以便改进我们的运动神经控制的理解,无论是在一个典型的显影的人口,以及那些具有运动障碍的量化数据。也有在年龄和运动的任务,可以完成,作为参与者不限于仰卧位置,因为它们将是一个功能性磁共振成像方面具有广阔的应用。的具体设备的物品不限于那些在材料清单提示 – 有几个运动捕获和运动的量化?…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


This project was funded by the Intramural Research Program at the National Institutes of Health Clinical Center. We acknowledge the helpful discussions with Dr. Thomas Bulea, PhD and Laurie Ohlrich, PT in refining the procedures presented in this protocol. Muyinat W. Osoba and Andrew Gravunder, MS assisted with the animations.


Name of Reagent/ Equipment Company Catalog Number Comments/Description
CW6 TechEn fNIRS machine with variable number of sources and detectors, depending on the number of modules included
MX system with ten T40-series cameras Vicon Motion Systems Ltd., Oxford, UK Motion capture cameras
reflective 4 mm markers Vicon Motion Systems Ltd., Oxford, UK n/a Markers used by the motion capture cameras to locate fNIRS optodes, Ar, Al, Nz, and hand coordinates.
reflective 9.5 mm markers Vicon Motion Systems Ltd., Oxford, UK n/a Markers used by the motion capture cameras to locate arm and leg coordinates. Clusters are used for the limb segments, and markers with offsets are uses for PSIS and Iz to improve reliability in data capture.
Trigno Wireless EMG system Delsys, Inc. Natick, MA Electromyography
Bertec split-belt instrumented treadmill Bertec Corporation, Columbus, OH Treadmill
ZeroG body-weight support system Aretech, LLC, Ashburn, VA Track and passive trolley used to support cables, harness can be used for patient safety during gait trials
3DS Max 2013 Autodesk, Inc., San Francisco, CA 3-D animation software used to animate animals for instructional videos
Windows Movie Maker Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, WA software used to combine animation footage with music
Audacity open source Software used to alter musical beat to appropriate cadence


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Sukal-Moulton, T., de Campos, A. C., Stanley, C. J., Damiano, D. L. Functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy of the Sensory and Motor Brain Regions with Simultaneous Kinematic and EMG Monitoring During Motor Tasks. J. Vis. Exp. (94), e52391, doi:10.3791/52391 (2014).

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