Whole Lung Agarose Inflation: A Method of Preparing Lungs for Ex vivo Live Imaging

Published: April 30, 2023


Source: Van den Bijgaart R.J.E. et al., Ex vivo Live Imaging of Lung Metastasis and Their Microenvironment, J. Vis. Exp. (2016)

This video describes a method of preparing lungs for ex vivo live imaging to study interactions between cancer cells and stromal cells, using agarose for inflation. In the sample protocol, agarose inflation procedure is described before observing live cellular interactions.


All procedures involving animals have been reviewed by the local institutional animal care committee and the JoVE veterinary review board. 1. Preparation of Lungs for Ex vivo Live Imaging NOTE: Try to work as sterile and careful as possible to avoid unnecessary challenges of the immune cells within the lungs. Inject the mouse intraperitoneal (i.p.) with a lethal overdose of an anesthetic …

Representative Results

Figure 1. Protocol for preparation of lungs for live imaging. (A) Exposure of the trachea after preparation of the mouse. (B) Small snip made in the exposed trachea parallel to the cartilaginous rings. (C) 20 G needle inserted 4-5 mm into the trachea. (D) Instillation of 400 µl 2% low-melting-tem…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


Anesthetic NA NA Anesthesia approved by IACUC, used for anesthesia and/or euthanesia
PBS, USP sterile  Amresco INC  K813-500ML  Ultra pure grade for i.v. injection
1X PBS  UCSF cell culture facility NA
Styrofoam platform NA NA Will be used as dissection board
Fine scissors sharp   Fine Science Tools 14060-11
20 G x 1 needle, short bevel  BD  305178
Forceps   Roboz Surgical Store RS-5135
1 mL syringe without needle  BD  309659
Low-melting-temperature agarose  Lonza  50111 To make 10 ml of solution, weigh 0.2 g of agarose, add to 10 ml 1 x PBS, and heat to dissolve. Agarose will solidify at room temperature, so maintain in a 37 °C water bath until used for inflation.
RPMI-1640 medium without phenol red  Life Technologies  11835-030
24 well Imaging plate  E&K scientific  EK-42892
Glass cover slides, 15 mm  Fisher Scientific  22-031-144
Digital CO2 and temperature controller  Okolab  DGTCO2BX  http://www.oko-lab.com
Climate chamber  Okolab  NA http://www.oko-lab.com
Cell Observer spinning disk confocal microscope  Zeiss NA
Oxygen UCSF  NA
Carbon dioxide UCSF  NA

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Cite This Article
Whole Lung Agarose Inflation: A Method of Preparing Lungs for Ex vivo Live Imaging. J. Vis. Exp. (Pending Publication), e20232, doi: (2023).

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