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Mesh Analysis for AC Circuits

JoVE 핵심
Electrical Engineering
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JoVE 핵심 Electrical Engineering
Mesh Analysis for AC Circuits


소셜에 공유하기

In radio communication, an impedance-matching circuit aligns the radio transmitter and receiver impedance. Consider a basic impedance-matching circuit composed of a resistor, followed by a capacitor and an inductor arranged in parallel. If the input and output signals are known, the current flowing through the capacitor can be calculated. The angular frequency, extracted from the time-domain expression for input voltage, is utilized to determine the impedance of the inductor and capacitor. The transformed frequency domain circuit represents the impedances and the input and output signals in polar form. For analysis, mesh currents are assigned, and Kirchhoff's voltage law is applied to each mesh, resulting in a set of linear simultaneous equations. These equations can be represented in matrix form, and Cramer's rule can then be employed to solve for the mesh currents. The current in the shared branch is the difference between the mesh currents. By substituting the calculated mesh currents, the current across the capacitor is obtained in the polar form and then transformed into the time domain.


Mesh Analysis for AC Circuits

In the domain of radio communication, the significance of impedance matching must be considered. It is crucial to ensure the efficient transmission of signals between radio transmitters and receivers. Achieving this balance involves using impedance-matching circuits, with one fundamental configuration comprising a resistor, capacitor, and inductor.

The process of harmonizing these impedances begins with a clear understanding of the input and output signals. Once these signals are known, the next step is calculating the current flowing through the capacitor in this circuit.

The angular frequency, extracted from the time-domain expression of the input voltage, assumes a critical role. It is a guiding factor in determining the impedance values of the inductor and the capacitor.



The circuit is then transformed into the frequency domain. This representation includes impedances, input and output signals, all expressed in polar form, simplifying the analysis. To delve deeper into the circuit's operation, mesh currents are assigned, and Kirchhoff's voltage law (KVL), a foundational principle in mesh analysis, is applied. Importantly, mesh analysis is particularly suited for planar circuits.

The outcome of this meticulous analysis yields a set of linear simultaneous equations, which can be elegantly represented in matrix form. Cramer's rule comes into play to reveal the mesh currents, allowing for the determination of the current shared across the capacitor.

Substituting the calculated mesh currents provides the current flowing through the capacitor, initially expressed in polar form. As a result, this data is skillfully transformed into the time domain, understanding and optimizing the impedance-matching circuit.