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Nursing Ethical Principles I

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JoVE 핵심 Nursing
Nursing Ethical Principles I


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The following ethical principles guide nurses in carrying out their professional responsibilities consistent with quality care and adherence to moral obligations.

Autonomy refers to the patient's right to decision-making based on their beliefs and values.

The nurse should respect the patient's right to make healthcare decisions, such as the decision to refuse treatment.

Beneficence refers to doing or promoting good.

The nurse acts in the patient's best interests regardless of the nurse's personal opinion, and the interventions should promote good toward the patient, for example, practicing hand hygiene to prevent infection.

Non-maleficence is avoiding or minimizing harm.

The nurse should avoid any action that could cause harm to the patient, such as administering incorrect medications or failing to follow safety standards.

Justice requires fairness or equal distribution of benefits. For example, the nurse provides quality care regardless of a patient's race or ethnicity.

Fidelity refers to keeping a promise.

Fidelity in nursing implies staying faithful to professional promises, for example, keeping medical or legal information confidential.


Nursing Ethical Principles I

Ethical principles serve as the moral compass in the longstanding tradition of nursing, guiding healthcare professionals in their interactions with patients and families. These principles, namely autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, justice, and fidelity, provide a robust framework for navigating the ethical complexities of daily nursing practice.


Autonomy underscores the significance of a patient's self-determination and freedom from external control. In healthcare, respecting the rights of patients or their surrogates to make decisions is paramount. For instance, patients can refuse medical interventions, treatment, medications, or surgery, irrespective of their potential benefits.


Beneficence involves promoting good and acting in the patient's best interest. Nurses, as advocates for their patients, strive to promote well-being. It can be manifested through actions such as implementing fall precautions like keeping side rails up, providing assistance when needed, and ensuring adherence to medication rights during administration.


Non-maleficence emphasizes the duty to avoid causing harm. Nurses must deliver care that minimizes risks and considers potential consequences. It includes promptly discontinuing a medication that causes severe side effects and diligently avoiding negligence in patient care.


Justice centers around fairness, ensuring that patients receive fair and impartial treatment. This principle extends to equitable access to healthcare resources, regardless of economic status. Nurses play a crucial role in upholding justice by providing care without bias or discrimination.


Fidelity involves keeping promises and remaining faithful to professional commitments. Nurses exhibit fidelity by delivering competent, safe, and efficient patient care. It includes supporting patient decisions, upholding autonomy, and actively contributing to advancing the nursing profession, such as safeguarding patient confidentiality.

By upholding these ethical principles, nurses contribute to a healthcare environment grounded in trust, respect, and patient-centered care. Applying these principles ensures that nursing practice aligns with the highest standards of ethical conduct, fostering a compassionate and supportive relationship between healthcare professionals and those they serve.