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Levels of Communication II: Organizational, Public, and Group Dynamics

JoVE 핵심
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JoVE 핵심 Nursing
Levels of Communication II: Organizational, Public, and Group Dynamics


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Organizational communication is exchanging ideas, views, attitudes, and other related information internally, within an organization, and externally to stakeholders.

In internal communication, procedures, policies, regulations, and other information may flow from top-level managers to lower-level managers and across all healthcare workers.

External communication occurs through mediums like websites or press conferences.

Nurses use organizational communication to work with interdisciplinary teams on strategic planning and conflict management.

Public communication is sender-focused, meaning a single person or small group shares messages to build an impression, motivate, or inform a large audience. Examples include seminars, lectures, and scientific paper presentations.

Group dynamics is a social process that describes how people interact or relate with one another while working toward a common goal.

Some factors that influence group dynamics are group size, gender composition, race, ethnicity, and age among the group.

Nurses must understand group dynamics in order to manage outcomes, coordinate teams, and teach students, as well as strengthen their leadership and management skills.


Levels of Communication II: Organizational, Public, and Group Dynamics

Effective communication is the foundation of a good organization. Communication is the lifeblood of an organization that connects the group with messages. In an organization, communication occurs in upward, downward, and horizontal lines. Downward communication travels from the administrative and senior levels to the staff through official channels such as manuals, rules and regulations, and organizational charts. Staff members initiate upward communication, which is addressed to executives and typically takes the shape of a complaint or a request. Colleagues engage in horizontal communication when they meet to talk about topics of interest, solve problems, and share knowledge.

Communication encourages motivation by informing and elaborating on the task, how the employees manage it, and how to improve their performance. As it aids in identifying and evaluating potential action plans, communication is a source of information for organizational members' decisions. A person's perspective changes through communication, and a person with more knowledge will have a more favorable viewpoint than someone with less knowledge. Additionally, meetings, organizational magazines, and other verbal and written communication aid in shaping employees' views.

Communication also helps in socializing. One cannot survive without communication. Communication also assists in controlling organizational members' behavior in various ways. They must abide by organizational policies, carry out their duties effectively, and inform their superiors of any problems at work or complaints that they may have.

 Public communication is when an individual or group addresses a specified audience with a message. When groups are too big to sustain connections with every member, one-to-many communication is frequently required. Public speaking is among the most often used methods of communication in public.

If one speaks to ten people, the speaker can see everyone in the room and immediately react as they nod their heads in agreement or disagreement. On the other hand, a speaker can only watch some people in the audience, which is why it is difficult to solicit input if they are speaking to 10,000 people at once. Speakers can adapt their message to a smaller audience as they interpret audience feedback. With a larger audience, a speaker will likely deliver a very prepared speech that does not alter based on individual audience members' feedback.

Group dynamics is a social process that describes how people interact or relate with one another while working toward a common goal. Nurses need to understand group dynamics to strengthen their leadership and management skills. Knowledge of group dynamics helps nurses manage outcomes, coordinate teams, and teach students. Some factors that influence group dynamics are group size, gender composition, race, ethnicity, and age.