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Leveling Effect and Non-Aqueous Acid-Base Solutions

JoVE 핵심
Organic Chemistry
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JoVE 핵심 Organic Chemistry
Leveling Effect and Non-Aqueous Acid-Base Solutions


소셜에 공유하기

In an acid–base reaction, when a base stronger than the conjugate base of the solvent is used, it deprotonates the solvent to produce the conjugate base. Over time, the base gets completely consumed, making it unavailable to deprotonate any acid that is weaker than the solvent.

Similarly, if an acid stronger than the conjugate acid of the solvent is used, it protonates the solvent to produce more of the conjugate acid. Eventually, none of the acid is present to protonate any base that is weaker than the solvent.

In both cases, the solvent prevents the stronger base or the stronger acid from reacting with the desired compound. This is the leveling effect of the solvent. 

For a successful acid–base reaction, the chosen solvent must facilitate the reaction without reacting.

To illustrate, consider an aqueous solution of amide ions. Since an amide ion is stronger and less stable than the conjugate base of water, it deprotonates water, favoring the formation of more hydroxide ions.

Consequently, the solution contains mostly hydroxide ions and few amide ions. Due to the leveling effect of water, the amide ions get consumed, and they are unavailable for the deprotonation of a compound like acetylene that has a pKa value higher than that of water. 

Suppose a more basic solvent like ammonia with a pKa value higher than acetylene is used. In this case, amide ions will deprotonate acetylene instead of the solvent ammonia, and the reaction will proceed as desired, producing more of the conjugate base of acetylene.

To summarize, the acidity of the solvent levels the strength of strong bases; that is, the base used cannot be stronger than the conjugate base of the solvent.

Similarly, the basicity of the solvent levels the strength of strong acids, which means that the acid used cannot be stronger than the conjugate acid of the solvent.


Leveling Effect and Non-Aqueous Acid-Base Solutions

This lesson defines the leveling effect in acidic and basic solutions and its role in aqueous and non-aqueous solutions. It is essential to understand the competing nature of various species in a chemical system.

The Leveling Effect of a Solvent

A generic acid (HA) reacts with the generic base (B) to yield the corresponding conjugate base (A) and conjugate acid (HB):

Figure 1: A generic acid-base reaction

However, if the reaction takes place in a solvent (HX), the solvent can also participate in the reaction, depending on the strength of its corresponding conjugate acid or base. This leads to two situations.

For the first kind, assume that the generic acid (HA) in a reaction is a weaker acid than the solvent (HX). In such a case, B− will deprotonate the solvent to produce the solvent's conjugate base (X-), leading to B being entirely consumed and unavailable to interact with the reactant (HA):

Figure 2: A reaction depicting the leveling effect of a solvent on a generic base

This phenomenon is referred to as the leveling effect of the base by a solvent.

Alternatively, assume that the generic base (B-) in a reaction is a weaker base than the solvent (HX). In such a case, HA will protonate the solvent to produce the solvent's conjugate base (H2X), leading to HA being entirely consumed and unavailable to interact with the reactant (B-):

Figure 3: A reaction depicting the leveling effect of a solvent on a generic acid

This phenomenon is referred to as the leveling effect of the acid by a solvent.

The Leveling Effect of Water on a Strong Base

To visualize the leveling effect of solvent on strong bases, consider an aqueous solution of acetylene reacting with sodium amide. In this example, acetylene (pKa=25) is a weaker acid than the solvent, water (pKa=15.7), as evident from the inverse relationship between acidity and pKa value. Therefore, as provided in Figure 4, the amide ion deprotonates the water instead of acetylene, demonstrating the leveling effect of water on strong bases.

Figure 4: Example of the leveling effect in a reaction between acetylene, sodium amide, and water

Since the hydroxide ions are more stable in this reaction, the equilibrium favors the hydroxide ions' formation that replace the amide ions in the solution. However, the hydroxide ions are not basic enough to deprotonate the acetylene, leaving it in the solvent intact. Therefore, to deprotonate acetylene using amide, the choice of solvent plays a key role. It is necessary to use a solvent like ammonia with a pKa of 38 that is greater than the pKa of acetylene (25). This makes acetylene the stronger acid to ensure the solvent is not deprotonated.

The Leveling Effect of Water on a Strong Acid

Similarly, to understand the leveling effect of solvent on strong acids, consider an aqueous solution of perchloric acid interacting with morpholine. In this example, morpholine (pKa=8.36) is a weaker base than the solvent that is water (pKa=15.7), as evident from the direct relationship between basicity and pKa value. Therefore, as provided in Figure 5, the perchloric acid protonates the water instead of morpholine, demonstrating the leveling effect of water on strong acids.

Figure 5: Example of the leveling effect in a reaction between perchloric acid, morpholine, and water

Since the hydronium ions are more stable in this reaction, the equilibrium favors the formation of hydronium ions that replace the solution's perchlorate ions. However, the hydronium ions are not acidic enough to protonate the morpholine, leaving it in the solvent intact. Therefore, to protonate morpholine using perchloric acid, the choice of solvent plays a key role. It is necessary to use a solvent like benzoic acid with a pKa of 4.2 that is lower than the pKa of morpholine (8.36). This makes morpholine the stronger base to ensure the solvent is not protonated.

In summation, the choice of solvent must satisfy key conditions - it should not be deprotonated by the stronger base or protonated by the stronger acid before interacting with the other reactant. Typically, water is the solvent used in most reactions, enforcing a leveling effect on strong acids and bases. Hence, reactions employing acids stronger than H3O+ and bases stronger than OH cannot be used in water.

Suggested Reading

  1. Brown, W.H., & Iverson, B.L., & Anslyn, V.E., & Foote S.C. (2014). Organic Chemistry. Mason, Ohio: Cengage Learning, 118-123.
  2. Solomons, G., & Fryhle, C. & Snyder, S. (2015). Organic Chemistry. New Jersey, NJ: Wiley, 192-194.
  3. Loudon, M., & Parise, J. (2016). Organic Chemistry. New York, NY: Macmillan Publishers, 230-234.
  4. Klein, D. (2017). Organic Chemistry. New Jersey, NJ: Wiley, 183-188.
  5. Clayden, J., & Greeves, N., & Warren, S. (2012). Organic Chemistry. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 300-305.