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보존적 부위 특이적 재조합과 상변이

JoVE 핵심
Molecular Biology
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JoVE 핵심 Molecular Biology
Conservative Site-specific Recombination and Phase Variation


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Site-specific recombination is a type of genetic exchange where specialized enzymes called site-specific recombinases catalyze the movement of DNA sections between defined sites that share some sequence homology. When movements such as these occur, the regions to be exchanged are typically flanked by a pair of symmetric sequences comprised of double-stranded DNA of around 20 to 30 base-pairs long. The specialized enzymes called recombinases that bind to these sequences can belong to Serine or Tyrosine recombinase families. The families have either a serine or a tyrosine residue at the active site of the enzyme and employ distinct mechanisms. In the case of serine recombinase, the subunits first specifically bind to their novel recognition sequences, forming a synaptic complex. Then, the active site serine attacks the phosphodiester DNA backbone at the center of these sequences creating break-points known as crossover sites. Next, serine recombinases will cut all involved DNA helices before strand exchange proceeds. In contrast, Tyrosine recombinases bind in the same manner, but cut and join one strand of the DNA duplex at a time. The Tyrosine residue then covalently bonds with the 3’ end of the cleaved strand while the free 5’ hydroxyl groups attack the protein-DNA bond, forming a Holliday junction intermediate. This complex pattern is the first crossover event. Then, when the remaining DNA strands are cleaved and exchanged by the recombinase subunits in the second event, the Holliday junction is resolved to the recombinant products. There are three potential outcomes of recombination events like these.  The first is integration, in which a circular DNA molecule gets inserted into a second, linear DNA. When both the sites are on the same DNA molecule the second outcome might be excision, where the part of the DNA cut out is simply removed, free to integrate elsewhere in the genome.  In the third scenario, if the incision sites are in opposite orientations inversion can occur – where the section of DNA is removed and then re-integrated in the opposite orientation. A well-studied example of this phenomenon is the site-specific inversion of a chromosomal segment of the bacterium Salmonella, which allows it to produce two different types of the protein flagellin depending on the environment, and this process is called Phase variation.


보존적 부위 특이적 재조합과 상변이

Because the DNA segments are cut and reorganized in a direction-specific manner, site-specific recombination has emerged as an efficient genetic engineering technique. Flippase and Cyclization recombinases or Flp and Cre, respectively, are two members of the tyrosine recombinase family derived from bacteriophages, that are used to mediate site-specific DNA insertions, deletions, and targeted expression of proteins in mammalian cell lines.

The recognition sites for Cre recombinase called LoxP sites are around 34 basepairs in length. LoxP sites contain 13 bp palindromic sequences, meaning that the nucleotide sequence reads the same in both 5’ to 3’ and 3’ to 5’ directions. Site-specific recombination mediated by Cre recombinases is one of the most popular methods used in the creation of transgenic mice with acquired mutations. Using thermostable variants of Cre recombinase with tissue specific promoters allows for spatial control over Cre recombinase's expression and action. For instance, placing a kidney-specific Cadherin promoter upstream of the Cre gene allows the enzyme to be expressed only in renal tissues. For temporal control of Cre recombinase activity, the enzyme gene is fused with a ligand binding domain so that the enzyme is expressed only in the specific ligand’s presence.

A major limitation in using site-specific recombination as a genome editing tool is that the recombination target site or sites must be first inserted or must be present by chance. If a genomic site congruent with the enzyme recognition site can be preselected, the recombinases can be used with “made-to-order” target specificity. Recent studies have used mutagenesis and gene shuffling to design Flp variants that can functionally recognize sites with combinatorial mutations. The results are promising for future iterations of gene shuffling that can yield more specific Flp variants and can be used commercially as a molecular tool for engineering large genomes.

Suggested Reading

  1. Yang, Wei. "Topoisomerases and site-specific recombinases: similarities in structure and mechanism." Critical reviews in biochemistry and molecular biology 45, no. 6 (2010): 520-534.
  2. Xiong, Ling, Xiaole L. Chen, Hannah R. Silver, Noreen T. Ahmed, and Erica S. Johnson. "Deficient SUMO attachment to Flp recombinase leads to homologous recombination-dependent hyperamplification of the yeast 2 μm circle plasmid." Molecular biology of the cell 20, no. 4 (2009): 1241-1251.