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Defenses Against Pathogens and Herbivores

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JoVE 핵심 생물학
Defenses Against Pathogens and Herbivores


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Plants cannot flee from attackers, such as plant-eating animals or pathogens. Nevertheless, the world around us is green. What defense mechanisms did plants evolve to combat these attacks?

The tough layers of the epidermis and other structural defenses, such as hairs and thorns, deter plant-eating animals—also called herbivores.

When pathogens, such as bacteria, overcome structural defenses, plants resort to another line of defense. Membrane-bound receptors recognize molecular patterns that signal the presence of a pathogen. 

For instance, plants recognize the protein flagellin, which is specific to bacteria. The recognition of flagellin triggers a signaling cascade in plant cells, leading to diverse immune responses, such as the closure of stomata, the production of antimicrobial chemicals, and the strengthening of the cell wall.

Some pathogens evolved the ability to overcome these general plant defense mechanisms by injecting effector molecules that perturb the immune response.

As a countermeasure, some plant species evolved resistance proteins that detect the effector molecules in a highly specific manner. Resistance proteins induce a signaling cascade that often results in the expression of pathogenesis-related genes.

The detection of pathogen effectors or tissue-damage signals may also induce rapid programmed cell death, also called the hypersensitive response, near the area of infection. 

The hypersensitive response rapidly limits the spread of the pathogen by initiating structural changes of the cell wall and inducing systemic acquired resistance. Systemic acquired resistance is a long-term defense against pathogens in parts of the plant that are distant from the site of infection.

Herbivore attack often induces chemical plant defenses that disturb the digestive system or negatively affect the skin of the herbivore.

As an indirect defense strategy, plants may release volatiles that attract a parasite, which ultimately kills the herbivore.


Defenses Against Pathogens and Herbivores

Plants present a rich source of nutrients for many organisms, making it a target for herbivores and infectious agents. Plants, though lacking a proper immune system, have developed an array of constitutive and inducible defenses to fend off these attacks.

Mechanical defenses form the first line of defense in plants. The thick barrier formed by the bark protects plants from herbivores. Hard shells, modified branches like thorns, and modified leaves like spines can also discourage herbivores from preying on plants. Other physical barriers like the waxy cuticle, epidermis, cell-wall, and trichomes can help resist invasion by several pathogens.

Plants also resort to the production of chemicals or organic compounds in the form of secondary metabolites like terpenes, phenolics, glycosides, and alkaloids, for defense against both herbivores and pathogens. Many secondary metabolites are toxic and lethal to other organisms. Some specific metabolites can repel predators with noxious odors, repellant tastes, or allergenic characteristics.

Plants also produce proteins and enzymes that specifically inhibit pathogen-proteins or pathogen-enzymes by blocking active sites or altering enzyme conformations. Proteins like defensins, lectins, amylase inhibitors, and proteinase inhibitors are produced in significant quantities during pathogen attack and are activated to inhibit the invasion effectively.

Additionally, plants can also develop a mechanism of Systemic Acquired Resistance (SAR) upon prior, localized exposure to a pathogen, analogous to the innate immune system in animals. This mechanism enables plants to sense the presence of pathogens and activate defense responses to pathogen attacks.

Suggested Reading

Conrath, Uwe. “Systemic Acquired Resistance.” Plant Signaling and Behavior 1, no. 4 (2006): 179–84. [Source]

Freeman, Brian C, and Beattie, Gwyn A,. “An Overview of Plant Defenses against Pathogens and Herbivores.” Overview of Plant Defenses. The American Phytopathological Society. Accessed February 6, 2020. [Source]