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Inclusive Fitness

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JoVE 핵심 생물학
Inclusive Fitness


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Inclusive fitness refers to the extent that an individual passes down their genes both directly through the production of offspring and indirectly by helping close relatives reproduce their shared genes.

For example, worker honeybees who are female do not reproduce but they engage in altruistic behaviors such as bringing back food that helps their queen survive and reproduce. Since the workers are closely related to the queen, usually her daughters, many of their genes are passed down through the queen's offspring.

Such altruistic behavior towards relatives is thought to have evolved through kin selection, the natural selection of behaviors that increase the reproductive success of relatives. In the case of the worker bee, their altruism increases their inclusive fitness, even though they do not reproduce themselves.


Inclusive Fitness

Most altruistic behavior—in which one animal helps another at a cost to themselves—occurs between relatives. Scientists think these altruistic behaviors evolved because they increase the inclusive fitness of the animal providing help.

Inclusive fitness is an individual’s ability to pass down their genes—both through their offspring and the offspring of close relatives with shared genes. If an animal helps a close relative improve their reproductive success, this increases the animal’s inclusive fitness, preserving the behavior in the gene pool.

Eusocial Animals

For example, eusocial animals that live in colonies with only one reproductively capable female (a queen)—such as bees and naked mole rats—are all closely related to other members of the colony. The queen is usually the mother, sibling, or aunt of the other members of the colony, depending on the species. The non-reproductive members typically care for and protect the queen and her offspring, often risking their survival. By helping the queen pass down her genes, the inclusive fitness of the non-reproductive individuals increases since they share a similar genetic makeup.

Kin Selection

The natural selection of behaviors that increase the reproductive success of relatives is called kin selection, and it also acts on animals that are not as closely related as eusocial animals. It is theorized that the degree of relatedness affects whether an altruistic behavior will evolve. This is represented by Hamilton’s rule, which weighs the cost of altruism with the benefits, varying in proportion to relatedness. In other words, animals that are more closely related will be more likely to engage in altruistic behavior towards one another, because their inclusive fitness is increased to a greater extent when they share more genes.

Suggested Reading

Galbraith, David A., Sarah D. Kocher, Tom Glenn, Istvan Albert, Greg J. Hunt, Joan E. Strassmann, David C. Queller, and Christina M. Grozinger. “Testing the Kinship Theory of Intragenomic Conflict in Honey Bees (Apis Mellifera).” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, January 7, 2016, 201516636. [Source]