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Chapter 5

First and Second-Order Circuits

Electrical circuits with resistors and a single energy storage element – a capacitor or inductor are called first-order circuits. They are described by a …
When a DC source is removed abruptly from an RC circuit, the circuit becomes source-free. Assuming the fully charged capacitor's initial voltage is …
When a DC source is applied abruptly to an RC circuit, its voltage is represented as a unit step function. The voltage across the capacitor is the step …
When a DC source is suddenly disconnected from an RL circuit, it becomes source-free. Assuming the inductor has an initial current i0, the initial energy …
When an RL circuit is connected to a DC source, its complete response is divided into transient and steady-state responses. The transient response is the …
An electrical circuit comprising two irreducible energy storage elements is called a second-order circuit. Some examples include RLC circuits as well as …
A source-free RLC circuit a composed of a resistor, an inductor, and a capacitor in series without an external energy source. Here, the initial energy …
A source-free series RLC circuit is represented by a second-order differential equation. Its complete solution is a linear combination of two distinct …
Consider an automobile ignition system that produces high voltage from the battery essential for generating a spark. This system can be modeled as a …
Consider a street lamp with an RLC surge protector to protect its components from sudden voltage spikes. This setup can be approximated by the simplest …
Consider an audio system that utilizes a second-order low-pass filter to eliminate the undesirable high-frequency noise in the audio signal. This setup …
A student uses an RL circuit to study the muscle response of a frog's leg to electrical stimulation. Closing the switch causes a brief muscle …
Underdamped parallel RLC circuits can sustain oscillations at a resonant frequency, making them suitable for use in oscillators. An electrical engineer is …
This manuscript describes an experimental procedure that allows obtaining diverse quantitative information on temporal and spatial evolution of water …
Throughout the last decade, there has been a rapid development of existing test procedures and methods evaluating the human vestibular system. In 2009 and …
Neural entrainment refers to the synchronization of neural activity to the periodicity of sensory stimuli. This synchronization defines the generation of …