Large-scale Reconstructions and Independent, Unbiased Clustering Based on Morphological Metrics to Classify Neurons in Selective Populations
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Journal JoVE Neurosciences
Large-scale Reconstructions and Independent, Unbiased Clustering Based on Morphological Metrics to Classify Neurons in Selective Populations

12:27 min

February 15, 2017



  • 00:05Titre
  • 01:15Neuronal Reconstruction: Cell Body
  • 04:25Neuronal Reconstruction: Dendritic Arbors
  • 08:29Independent Clustering
  • 09:24Results: Independent Clustering of 160 TRN Neurons
  • 11:35Conclusion


Traduction automatique

This protocol describes large-scale reconstructions of selective neuronal populations, labeled following retrograde infection with a modified rabies virus expressing fluorescent markers, and independent, unbiased cluster analyses that enable comprehensive characterization of morphological metrics among distinct neuronal subclasses.

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