Take an anesthetized mouse secured to a stereotaxic frame with its skull exposed.
The skull features implanted ground, reference, and anchoring screws, as well as a craniotomy to expose the brain.
Take a silicon probe fixed to an insertion tool and mounted on a holder.
The probe features shanks with linearly arranged electrodes.
Insert the probe into the brain slightly above the desired depth and fix it to the anchoring screws with dental cement.
Then, lower it further to reach the target depth.
Release the insertion tool, then release the connector board and fix it on the skull.
Connect the connector board's ground and reference wires to the corresponding wires on the skull for a stable electrical connection.
Cover the assembly with a protective casing.
Allow the mouse to recover and start recording.
The electrodes extracellularly record the neuronal activity at the implanted site, called the local field potential.