
Using Tree-Rings to Reconstruct Fire History Information from Forested Areas

Published: October 22, 2020


This work explains the most appropriate techniques and methods for conducting a fire history study from beginning site selection to final analysis of fire-climate relationship.


Annual tree-ring patterns are a source of ecological and environmental information including the history of fires in forested areas. Tree-ring based fire histories include three fundamental phases: field collection, laboratory methods (preparation and dating), and data analysis. Here we provide step-by-step instructions and issues to consider, including the process for selecting the study area, sampling sites, plus how and which fire-scarred trees to sample. In addition, we describe fire-scar sample preparation and dating which are done in the laboratory. Finally, we describe basic analysis and relevant results, including examples from studies that have reconstructed fire history patterns. These studies allow us to understand the historical fire frequency, changes in those frequencies related to anthropogenic factors, and analyzes of how climate influences fire occurrence over time. The description of these methods and techniques should provide a greater understanding of fire history studies that will benefit researchers, educators, technicians, and students interested in this field. These detailed methods will allow new researchers to this field, a resource to start their own work and achieve greater success. This resource will provide a greater integration of tree-ring aspects within other studies and lead to a better understanding of natural processes with forested ecosystems.


Forest fires, ignited by natural or anthropogenic causes, are considered one of the most common ecological disturbance factors that influence terrestrial ecosystems1. For example, fire and more specifically fire regimes, influence plant species composition and structure2. Fire is also a fundamental process linking biogeochemical cycles and climatic variability3,4. In some areas, fire contributes to degradation and deforestation, while in other areas, fire is fundamental for regeneration and sustaining open forest structures5,6. As a result, understanding the ecological role of forest fires is essential to management and conservation programs.

Fire regimes are defined as the pattern of fire events over time characterized by the frequency and its variability in type, extent, intensity, seasonality and severity7,8. Forest fire regimes can be studied through direct observation, reports, satellite images, oral history, age structure and species composition, and through the use of dendrochronological methods9. Dendrochronology uses tree-rings, dated with annual precision, to study climatic and ecological events10. One of the branches of Dendrochronology is fire history reconstruction or Dendropyrochronology which uses tree-rings to determine the spatial and temporal patterns of past and contemporary fires thereby reconstructing the fire regime within a study area11,12. Dendrochronological methods, provide precision and resolution advantages compared to other dating methods, because they allow dating of ecological events, with annual to intra-annual (i.e., seasonal) precision, at long temporal scales, sometimes up to several thousand years13,14.

Fire history reconstructions are also critical in understanding how general climate circulation patterns at regional scales have influenced fire spread. These analyses of the climate-fire relationship are novel because they provide insight into how climate influences fire frequencies over long periods of time, which is not possible with the modern instrumental climate records4. In order to facilitate reconstructing fire histories, we provide a field and laboratory protocol that describes dendrochronological methods and techniques that will allow researchers, teachers, technicians, and students interested in this field of study to initiate their own projects and studies.

In this protocol, we provide the tools to develop a greater understanding and answers to different ecological questions in the field of forest ecology such as: 1) What is the fire regime? 2) Have fire regimes changed in recent decades or have fire frequencies continued without significant change? or 3) Have there been changes attributed to anthropogenic influence? 4) How are fire frequency patterns related to climate variability?


1. Sampling strategy Determining the study area Generally, forest areas are extensive (hundreds or thousands of hectares), therefore, select a study area that will meet the objectives, which in this case, is to determine the fire history and its variability over time (Figure 1). Limit the study area only to the areas that contain fire-scarred trees which will be the sampling unit. Reconnaissance of the study area can often be facilitated using drones and video te…

Representative Results

When a surface fire burns in a forest, the tree trunks of some trees are often damaged, causing injury that subsequently heals (Figure 7A). These scars form when the fire is intense enough or has a long enough residence time to penetrate the bark and kill part of the cambium. Historically, such fires occurred often enough to prevent the accumulation of fuels; therefore, most of these fires would not be able to reach the tree canopies. As a result, most mature trees survived and continued gro…


In forested ecosystems, fire is a key ecological process; therefore, reconstructing historical fire regimes is important toward understanding the frequency, seasonality, and variability of fires overtime. Changes to the historical fire regime can potentially lead to unintended consequences in regards to forest structure and health; therefore, such information is critical in forest management. This methodological approach focuses on the importance of selecting the study area and sites, collecting the best fire-scarre…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


The research project was carried out thanks to the financing through the project: Study of the climate-fires relation in north-central Mexico, financed by the SEP-CONACYT fund.


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Digital camera CANON EOS 90D DSLR To take pictures of the site and the samples collected (https://www.canon.com.mx/productos/fotografia/camaras-eos-reflex)
Digital camera for microscope OLYMPUS DP27 https://www.olympus-ims.com/es/microscope/dp27/
Electrical tape or Plastic wrap to protect samples uline.com https://www.uline.com/Product/Detail/S-6140/Mini-Stretch-Wrap-Rolls/
FHAES Software https://www.frames.gov/partner-sites/fhaes/fhaes-home/
Field format There is no any specific characteristic To collect information from each of the samples
Field notebook To take notes on study site information
Gloves For field protection
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Software CDendro/ CooRecorder Tree-ring-measurements and dating can also be done using scanned images of the cross-sections https://www.cybis.se/forfun/dendro/
Software Measure J2X Version 4.2 ttp://www.voortech.dreamhosters.com/projectj2x/tringSubscribeV2.html
Stereomicroscope OLYMPUS SZX10 https://www.olympus-ims.com/en/microscope/szx10/
Topographic map, land cover map Obtained from a public institution or generated in a first phase of research
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Cerano-Paredes, J., Iniguez, J. M., Villanueva-Díaz, J., Cervantes-Martínez, R., Cambrón-Sandoval, V. H., Estrada-Arellano, J. R., Esquivel-Arriaga, G., Franco-Ramos, O., Vázquez-Selem, L., Cardoza-Martínez, G. F. Using Tree-Rings to Reconstruct Fire History Information from Forested Areas. J. Vis. Exp. (164), e61698, doi:10.3791/61698 (2020).

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