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Ladder Diagrams: Redox Equilibria

JoVE Core
Analytical Chemistry
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JoVE Core Analytical Chemistry
Ladder Diagrams: Redox Equilibria



Ladder diagrams representing redox equilibria use electrochemical potential, E, as their scale.

Consider the half-cell reaction between Fe3+ and an electron to yield Fe2+. At equilibrium, E equals its standard state potential,  Eo of +0.771V.

The concentration of Fe3+ is higher for more positive potentials than Eo, while Fe2+ dominates at potentials more negative than Eo.

Now, consider the half-cell reaction between Sn4+ and an electron to yield Sn2+ with Eo of +0.154V. Above this point, Sn4+ dominates, whereas Sn2+ is the dominant species below this point. 

Adding excess Sn2+ to the system reduces Fe3+, changing the solution potential to +0.154V.

Generally, the electrochemical potential varies with the pH of the solution.

For instance, the ladder diagram of the half-cell reaction between UO22+ and two electrons to give U4+ shows that at pH zero, E equals +0.327V.

If the pH of the solution changes, the E value changes, affecting the concentration of the predominant species.


Ladder Diagrams: Redox Equilibria

Ladder diagrams are useful tools for understanding redox equilibrium reactions, especially the effects of concentration changes on the electrochemical potential of the reaction. The vertical axis in the redox ladder diagrams represents the electrochemical potential, E. The area of predominance is demarcated using the Nernst equation.

Consider the Fe3+/Fe2+ half-reaction, which has a standard-state potential of +0.771 V. At potentials more positive than +0.771 V, Fe3+ predominates, whereas Fe2+ predominates at potentials more negative than +0.771 V. When the Fe3+/Fe2+ half-reaction is coupled with the Sn4+/Sn2+ reaction, the concentration of Fe3+ can be reduced by adding Sn2+ to excess. In this case, the potential of the resulting solution approaches +0.154 V down to +0.771 V, and Fe2+ and Sn4+ predominate.

To understand the interdependence between change in solution pH and electrochemical potential, consider the example of UO22+/U4+ half-reaction, whose electrochemical potential varies with the pH of the solution. As the pH of the solution decreases, the electrochemical potential increases, changing the dominant species from U4+ to UO22+.