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Concentration and Rate Law



The rate of a reaction often depends on the reactant concentrations. For any reaction, the relationship between the reaction rate and the reactant concentrations can be expressed mathematically using a rate law or the rate equation.  In a rate law, k is the proportionality constant, or the rate constant, and n is the reaction order with respect to a single reactant, whose value is often an integer. In rate laws for multi-reactant reactions, the overall reaction order is the sum of all reactant orders. For each reactant, the reaction rate, rate constant, concentration, and the reaction order are all determined experimentally. The rate law expresses the relationship between all these parameters.  Individual reactant orders commonly take the values 0, 1, or 2, and based on the overall reaction order, chemical reactions can be categorized as zero-order, first-order, or second-order reactions. A single-reactant, or unimolecular, chemical reaction for which the reaction rate remains constant throughout its duration is a zero-order reaction. The reactant order in a zero-order reaction is zero, and according to the rate law, the reactant concentration is raised to the zeroth power. Since the value of any number raised to the zeroth power is one, the reaction rate of a zero-order reaction is equal to the rate constant and, hence, independent of the reactant concentration. Therefore, in a zero-order reaction, even as the reactant's concentration decreases, the reaction rate does not slow down. A unimolecular chemical reaction where the reaction rate is directly proportional to the reactant's concentration is a first-order reaction. The reactant order for a first-order reaction is one, and as per the rate law the reactant’s concentration is raised to the first power. Since the value of any number raised to the power of one remains the same, the reaction rate of a first-order reaction directly depends on the reactant concentration. As the reactant concentration decreases, the reaction rate decreases proportionally in a linear manner. A unimolecular chemical reaction where the reaction rate is dependent on the square of the reactant’s concentration is a second-order reaction. The reactant order is two, and the reactant concentration is raised to the second power. Accordingly, the reaction rate in a second-order reaction directly depends on the square of the reactant concentration. As the reactant concentration decreases, the reaction rate decreases exponentially in a quadratic manner.




例えば、一般的な反応ではaA + bB ⟶となります。abが化学量論係数である場合、反応速度式は次のように記述できます。





反応速度式の反応次数は、反応物濃度に対する反応速度の数的依存性を表します。次のような一般的な反応速度式について(rate = k [A] m [B] n)、反応はAに関してはmの反応次数を持ち、Bに関してはnの反応次数を持ちます。例えば、m = 1かつn = 2の場合、反応はAで1次、Bで2次です。全体的な反応次数は、単に各反応物の次数の合計です。ここでの反応速度式の例では、反応は全体で3次である(1 + 2 = 3)。




• ゼロ次反応では、反応物の濃度は反応速度に影響を与えず、反応全体にわたって一定に保たれます。
• 一次反応では、反応速度は反応物濃度の変化に正比例します。反応物の濃度が低下すると、反応速度も比例して低下します。
•  2次以上の反応では、反応速度は反応物の指数値に比例します。したがって、反応が進行して反応物の濃度が低下すると、反応速度は指数関数的に低下します。

上記の文章は以下から引用しました。 Openstax, Chemistry 2e, Section 12.3: Rate Laws.