The protocol develops a three-dimensional (3D) model of a dendritic segment with dendritic spines for modeling synaptic plasticity. The constructed mesh can be used for computational modeling of AMPA receptor trafficking in the long-term synaptic plasticity using the software program Blender with CellBlender and MCell.
Computational modeling of diffusion and reaction of chemical species in a three-dimensional (3D) geometry is a fundamental method to understand the mechanisms of synaptic plasticity in dendritic spines. In this protocol, the detailed 3D structure of the dendrites and dendritic spines is modeled with meshes on the software Blender with CellBlender. The synaptic and extrasynaptic regions are defined on the mesh. Next, the synaptic receptor and synaptic anchor molecules are defined with their diffusion constants. Finally, the chemical reactions between synaptic receptors and synaptic anchors are included and the computational model is solved numerically with the software MCell. This method describes the spatiotemporal path of every single molecule in a 3D geometrical structure. Thus, it is very useful to study the trafficking of synaptic receptors in and out of the dendritic spines during the occurrence of synaptic plasticity. A limitation of this method is that the high number of molecules slows the speed of the simulations. Modeling of dendritic spines with this method allows the study of homosynaptic potentiation and depression within single spines and heterosynaptic plasticity between neighbor dendritic spines.
Synaptic plasticity has been associated with learning and memory1. Synaptic plasticity, such as long-term potentiation (LTP) and long-term depression (LTD), is associated respectively with the insertion and removal of AMPA receptors (AMPARs) in and out of the synaptic membrane2. The AMPAR synapses are located on top of the small volume structures called dendritic spines3. Each spine contains a protein dense region in the postsynaptic membrane called the postsynaptic density (PSD). Anchor proteins at the PSD trap AMPARs in the synaptic region. There are few copies of AMPARs within a single synapse and the trafficking and reaction of AMPARs with other species in dendritic spines is a stochastic process2,4. There are several compartmental models of synaptic receptor trafficking at dendritic spines5,6,7,8. However, there is a lack of stochastic computational models of the trafficking of AMPARs associated with synaptic plasticity at the 3D structures of the dendrites and their dendritic spines.
Computational modeling is a useful tool to investigate the mechanisms underlying the dynamics of complex systems such as the reaction-diffusion of AMPARs in dendritic spines during the occurrence of synaptic plasticity9,10,11,12. The model can be used to visualize complex scenarios, varying sensitive parameters and making important predictions in scientific conditions involving many variables that are difficult or impossible to control experimental12,13. Defining the level of detail of a computational model is a fundamental step in obtaining accurate information about the modeled phenomenon. An ideal computational model is a delicate balance between complexity and simplicity to capture the essential characteristics of the natural phenomena without being computationally prohibitive. Computational models that are too detailed can be expensive to compute. On the other hand, systems that are poorly detailed can lack the fundamental components that are essential to capture the dynamics of the phenomenon. Although 3D modeling of dendritic spines is computationally more expensive than 2D and 1D, there are conditions, such as in complex systems with many nonlinear variables reacting and diffusing in time and 3D space, for which modeling at a 3D level is essential to obtain insights about the functioning of the system. Further, the complexity can be reduced carefully to preserve the essential characteristics of a lower-dimensional model.
In a stochastic system with few copies of a given species within a small volume, the average dynamics of the system deviates from the average dynamics of a large population. In this case, the stochastic computational modeling of reaction-diffusing particles is required. This work introduces a method for stochastic modeling reaction-diffusion of a few copies of AMPARs in 3D dendritic spines. The purpose of this method is to develop a 3D computational model of a dendritic segment with dendritic spines and their synapses for modeling synaptic plasticity.
The method uses the software MCell to solve the model numerically, Blender for constructing 3D meshes, and CellBlender to create and visualize the MCell simulations, including the spatiotemporal reaction-diffusion of molecules in 3D meshes14,15,16. Blender is a suite for the creation of meshes and CellBlender is an add-on for the base software Blender. MCell is a Monte Carlo simulator for the reaction-diffusion of single molecules17.
The rationale behind the use of this method consists of modeling synaptic plasticity to achieve a better understanding of this phenomenon in the microphysiological environment of the dendritic spines14. Particularly, this method allows the simulation of homosynaptic potentiation, homosynaptic depression, and heterosynaptic plasticity between dendritic spines14.
The features of this method include modeling the 3D geometric structure of the dendrite and its synapses, the diffusion by random walk, and the chemical reactions of the molecules involved with synaptic plasticity. This method provides the advantage of creating rich environments to test hypotheses and make predictions about the functioning of a complex nonlinear system with a large number of variables. In addition, this method can be applied not only for studying synaptic plasticity but also for studying stochastic reaction-diffusion of molecules in 3D mesh structures in general.
Alternatively, 3D meshes of dendritic structures can be constructed directly in Blender from electron microscope serial reconstructions18. Although meshes based on serial reconstructions provide 3D structures, access to the experimental data is not always available. Thus, the construction of meshes adapted from basic geometric structures, as described in the present protocol, provides flexibility to develop customized dendritic segments with dendritic spines.
Another alternative computational method is the bulk simulation of well-mixed reactions in a regular volume9,10,11,19,20,21,22. The bulk simulations are very efficient in solving the reactions of many species within a single well-mixed volume23, but the bulk approach is extremely slow to solve the reaction-diffusion of molecules within many well-mixed voxels in a high-resolution 3D mesh. On the other hand, the present method using MCell simulations of reaction-diffusion of individual particles works efficiently in high-resolution 3D meshes15.
Before using this method, one should ask whether the phenomenon studied requires a stochastic reaction-diffusion approach in a 3D mesh. If the phenomenon has few copies (less than 1,000) of at least one of the reacting species diffusing in a complex geometric structure with small volume compartments such as dendritic spines, then stochastic modeling of reaction-diffusion in 3D meshes is appropriate for the application.
There are several steps required to construct a 3D computational model of a dendritic segment containing dendritic spines with synaptic plasticity. The main steps are the installation of the proper software for the construction of the model, the construction of a single dendritic spine to be used as a template to create multiple spines, and the creation of a dendritic segment that is connected with multiple dendritic spines. The step for modeling synaptic plasticity consists of inserting anchors at the PSD region and AMPARs in the dendritic segment and dendritic spines. Then, kinetic reactions between the anchors located at the PSD and AMPARs are defined to produce complexed anchor-AMPAR species that trap the AMPARs at the synaptic region. Respectively, the increase and decrease of the affinity between the anchors and the synaptic AMPARs create the process of LTP and LTD.
NOTE: Please see the Supplementary file 1 for the glossary of terms used in this protocol.
1. Install Blender, CellBlender, and MCell
NOTE: This protocol requires installation of MCell, Blender, and Cell Blender.
2. Create a single dendritic spine
NOTE: This procedure creates a mesh of a single dendritic spine with a spine head and a spine neck using a modified sphere.
3. Creating a dendrite with multiple spines
4. Define surface regions
NOTE: This procedure creates the surface regions of the mesh that later will be used to set up how the regions interact with the molecules.
5. Create molecules
6. Define surface classes
NOTE: This procedure defines the classes with the properties that are associated with the surface regions. The extrasynaptic regions reflect the free anchors and anchors bound to AMPAR. The lateral ends of the dendrite reflect all the molecules.
7. Assign the created classes to each surface region
NOTE: This step assigns the surface classes to the surface regions.
8. Place molecules on the mesh
NOTE: This step places the AMPARs, anchors, and AMPAR bound to anchors on the mesh.
9. Create the chemical reactions
10. Plot the output of the model
11. Run the simulations
These results provide the steps for the construction of a 3D mesh that simulates a dendritic spine with a spine head and spine neck (Figure 1 to Figure 4). In addition, multiple dendritic spines can be inserted in a single dendritic segment (Figure 5) to study heterosynaptic plasticity of AMPARs14. The PSD on the top of the spine head (Figure 6) is the place where synaptic anchors bind to AMPARs and trap them temporarily at the synapse (Figure 7, Figure 8).
Synaptic plasticity could be verified roughly through changes in the number of species of anchor_AMPAR, anchor_AMPAR_LTP, and anchor_AMPAR_LTD at each spine. For the exact calculation of the occurrence of synaptic plasticity, it is recommended to calculate the variation in the total number of anchored and free AMPARs at the synapse. This can be performed using third-party programs to open the saved data of the simulation to summate the time series of the free AMPARs and the anchored AMPARs at each PSD (Figure 8).
The release of AMPARs on the mesh allowed the observation of their diffusion by a stochastic random walk along the dendrite and dendritic spines. Factors that modify the affinity of AMPARs for the anchors, such as posttranslational modifications and alterations of the rates of endocytosis and exocytosis, can trap the AMPARs at the PSD24,25,26. The binding of AMPARs with the anchors located at the PSD trapped a high density of AMPARs at the synapse. Homosynaptic potentiation (Figure 9) and depression (Figure 10) could be verified respectively through increases and decreases in the number of anchored AMPARs caused by changes in the affinity of AMPARs by anchors in comparison to the basal condition (Figure 11). Factors that reduced the affinity of AMPARs with the anchors released multiple AMPARs from one dendritic spine (i.e., homosynaptic depression) and induced heterosynaptic potentiation at the neighboring spines. Also, factors that increased the affinity of AMPARs for the anchors at one spine induced homosynaptic potentiation at that spine and heterosynaptic depression at the neighboring spines14. In this way, heterosynaptic plasticity was observed as the opposite effect at the neighboring spines of the homosynaptic plasticity induced at a given spine. For instance, homosynaptic LTP induction at a single spine created a heterosynaptic LTD effect at the neighboring spines (Figure 8E,F,G).
Figure 1: Creation of the dendritic spine head using a spherical mesh. (A) Adding the UV sphere. (B) Setting up the sphere dimensions. (C) Observing the created sphere. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 2: Construction of the top region. (A) Selecting the top region of the sphere. (B) Removing the selected region to make it flat. (C) Sealing the flat top. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 3: Creating concentric areas on the top of the spine. (A) Visualizing the top. (B) Using a knife to define a concentric region. (C) Creating multiple concentric regions. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 4: Creating the dendritic spine neck. (A) Selecting the bottom of the modified sphere. (B) Deleting the selected vertices. (C) Selecting the bottom. (D) Extrusion of the bottom to create the spine neck. (E) Sealing the bottom of the spine neck. (F) Analyzing the created spine. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 5: Creation of the dendrite with multiple spines. (A) Using the cylindrical mesh to create a dendrite. (B) Aligning the dendritic spine with the cylinder. (C) Joining the cylinder with the spine. (D) The Boolean operation to join the meshes. (E) The new combined mesh. (F) Adding the second spine. (G) Adding the third spine. (H) Adding the fourth spine. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 6: Defining the PSD region and the perisynaptic zone. (A) Selecting the PSD region. (B) Detailed view of the created PSD. (C) Defining the PSD surface region. (D) Selecting and defining the perisynaptic zone around the PSD. (E) Selecting and defining the lateral surface of the dendrite. (F) Defined surface regions. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 7: Defining the surface molecules. (A) Defining AMPAR, anchor, and AMPAR bound to anchor. (B) Defining the location and quantity of AMPAR copies. (C) Defining the Surface Classes. (D) Assigning the Surface Classes. (E) Creating the chemical reactions between the molecules. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 8: Representative results of synaptic plasticity. (A) Different meshes of a dendritic segment with two, four, or eight spines. (B) A different view of the dendritic segment with eight spines. (C) Detailed view of a dendritic spine with AMPARs and anchors at the PSD. (D) Diagram of the trafficking of AMPARs in and out of the PSD through their interactions with the anchors. (E-G) The curves show the number of synaptic AMPARs at each PSD for the basal condition and during LTP and LTD. The induction of homosynaptic LTP or LTD at a single spine created a heterosynaptic effect in the nearby spines for the mesh with two spines (E), four spines (F), and eight spines (G). Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 9: Representative result of the LTP condition. (A) The x-axis is the time and the y-axis is the number of the complex anchor_LTP_AMPAR at PSD1. There was a release of 200 free anchor_LTP at the beginning of the simulation. A higher number of bonds with anchors was formed in comparison to the basal condition (Figure 11) Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 10: Representative result of the LTD condition. (A) The x-axis is the time and the y-axis is the number of the complex anchor_LTD_AMPAR at PSD1. There was a release of 200 free anchor_LTD at the beginning of the simulation. A lower number of bonds with anchors was formed in comparison to the basal condition (Figure 11). Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 11: Representative result during basal condition. (A) The x-axis is the time and the y-axis is the number of the complex anchor_AMPAR at PSD1. There was a release of 200 free anchors at the beginning of the simulation. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Supplementary File 1. Please click here to download this file.
This article presents a method for the construction of 3D meshes for modeling reaction-diffusion synaptic plasticity processes in a dendritic segment with dendritic spines. The developed model contains a dendritic segment with few dendritic spines. The lateral diffusion and reaction of AMPARs with synaptic anchors allow the simulation of the basal dynamics. The critical steps in the protocol are cutting the sphere for the creation of the top of the spine head (Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3), the extrusion to create the spine neck (Figure 4), and the joining of the dendrite and the spines into a single mesh (Figure 5). It is critical to have a complete overlap between the spine necks and the dendrite; otherwise, the mesh will not be watertight. Other critical steps are the selection of the membrane regions and the definition of the surface classes (Figure 6, Figure 7). Save the files for each critical step with a different name.
Use the mesh analyze tool to ensure that the mesh is watertight, manifold, and outward-facing normal after creating the single spine and after creating the combined dendrite with the spine. If the mesh fails this analysis, return to the last correct version saved. Some steps may be slightly different depending on the version of the software installed, the operating system, and the type of keyboard.
This protocol simulates the trafficking of AMPAR molecules in the 3D mesh (Figure 8, Figure 9, Figure 10, Figure 11), which is key for neuronal excitatory transmission and synaptic plasticity. The trafficking of single molecules in a 3D mesh is an valuable feature of this model with respect to existing methods based on well-mixed volumes with homogeneous distributions of molecules21,22, which is not the physiological condition at the synapses27. A limitation of this technique is the high computational cost and the slow velocity of simulations that use a high number of copies of each molecule and a high number of chemical reactions between them. This constraint can be overcome by reducing the number of copies of each species.
The construction of a system with a realistic 3D mesh and spatiotemporal tracking of molecules is a powerful tool to test mechanical scenarios that can give great insights about the functioning of systems with a high number of nonlinear variables.
The authors have nothing to disclose.
This work was supported in part by the Sao Paulo State Science Foundation (FAPESP) grant #2015/50122-0 and IRTG-GRTK 1740/2, by the IBM/FAPESP grant #2016/18825-4, and by the FAPESP grant #2018/06504-4.
Blender | Blender Foundation | | |
CellBlender | University of Pittsburgh | | |
Mcell | University of Pittsburgh | |