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JoVE Core Química
Solution Equilibrium and Saturation



As a solid solute dissolves in a solvent, over time the concentration of solute molecules in the solution increases. This increases the chances that some of the solute molecules will collide and recombine to form crystals. Recrystallization and dissolution are two competing processes. When the solute starts dissolving, the rate of dissolution is much greater than the rate of recrystallization. As the concentration of dissolved solute increases, the rate of recrystallization increases. When the rate of dissolution is equal to the rate of recrystallization, a dynamic equilibrium is established. A solution at dynamic equilibrium is known as a saturated solution. Any further solute added to this solution will remain undissolved. Conversely, any solution containing less than the amount needed to form a saturated solution is an unsaturated solution and has the capacity to dissolve more solute. If a saturated solution is heated, it can dissolve more solute. When the solution is cooled down slowly and left undisturbed, it forms a supersaturated solution where the solution holds more than the equilibrium amount of solute These supersaturated solutions are unstable—meaning the excess solute often precipitates. If a small amount of solute is added to the supersaturated solution, the crystalline solid acts as a template for the excess solute to rearrange and form crystals. Once the newly formed crystals have settled at the bottom, the saturated solution can remain stable and dynamic equilibrium is reestablished.






溶質の濃度がその溶解度を超えている溶液が生じることもあります。このような溶液は過飽和と呼ばれ、非平衡状態の興味深い例となります。 例えば、まだ“平衡になっていない”開いた容器に入った炭酸飲料は 二酸化炭素ガスが過飽和になっています。 一定の時間が経過すると、CO2の濃度は溶解度に達するまで減少します。

上記の文章は以下から引用しました。Openstax, Chemistry 2e, Section 11.3: Solubility.

Leitura Sugerida

  1. Husband, Tom. "The sweet science of candymaking." ChemMatters 10, no. 11 (2014): 5-8.
  2. Fischinger, Andrew J. "A flotation method for growing large single crystals." Journal of Chemical Education 46, no. 8 (1969): 486.