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Lethal Alleles

JoVE 핵심
Molecular Biology
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JoVE 핵심 Molecular Biology
Lethal Alleles


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An allele that results in the death of an organism is called a lethal allele. Lethal alleles always involve essential genes, which are necessary for an organism’s survival. When a mutation is caused by a dominant lethal allele, both homozygotes and heterozygotes that inherit the allele perish. Dominant lethal alleles are rarely identified in populations because the affected individuals are often eliminated rapidly. A notable exception to this observation is Huntington’s disease, a neurological disorder that ultimately leads to death. However, the onset of disease doesn’t occur until the age of 40. By this time, many affected individuals have already passed their mutant alleles to their progeny. Unlike dominant lethal alleles, recessive lethal alleles only result in the death of homozygotes. An example of an essential gene is agouti, which is responsible for determining coat color in mice. Agouti was first studied in 1905 by Lucien Cuénot and is depicted here with capital A for agouti. Cuénot experimented on the wild-type allele of the agouti gene, which is functional and gives rise to a gray coat color in mice. Such a mouse is called 'agouti' in color. A mutant allele of the agouti gene is non-functional and results in a yellow coat color in the mouse. Cuénot crossed two yellow mice and observed 2 yellow mice for every gray mouse, in a ratio of 2:1. This showed that the yellow coat color is a dominant phenotype. Notably, these results did not match Mendel's expected phenotypic ratio of 3:1 for a monohybrid cross. To identify the genotype of the yellow mice, he performed a test cross where yellow mice were crossed with homozygous wild-type gray mice. Half of the resulting offspring were gray in color, and the other half were yellow, in a ratio of 1:1, which indicated that all the yellow mice were heterozygous and not a single yellow mouse was homozygous. In 1910, W. E. Castle and C. C. Little demonstrated that when two heterozygotes were crossed, one-quarter of the offspring died during embryonic development. The failed embryos were homozygous for the mutant agouti-allele suggesting that it is a recessive lethal allele. This explained why Cuénot never observed homozygous yellow mice, and the numbers did not fit a typical Mendelian ratio.


Lethal Alleles

Agouti: A Lethal Allele

Lucien Cuénot discovered lethal alleles in 1905 while studying the inheritance of coat color in mice. The agouti gene is responsible for the color of the coat in mice. This gene codes for an agouti-signaling protein, which is responsible for melanin distribution in mammals. The wild-type allele gives rise to gray-brown coat color in mice, while the mutant allele gives rise to yellow coat color. In addition to coat color, the agouti gene is associated with the yellow mouse obesity syndrome, characterized by early onset of obesity and tumors.

In a breeding experiment, Cuénot crossed two yellow mice and observed that two offspring were yellow and one was gray. The progeny never showed the 3:1 phenotypic ratio expected from a monohybrid cross. Instead, they showed a 2:1 phenotypic ratio of yellow to grey mice.

In 1910, W.E. Castle and C.C. Little demonstrated that the missing yellow mice were dying in the embryonic stage. The embryo carried both recessive mutant alleles, a homozygous condition that affects the differentiation of both the inner cell mass (ICM) and trophectoderm, the outer layer of the blastocyst.

Lethal Alleles in Humans

Some recessive lethal alleles cause genetic disorders in humans. For example, achondroplasia is a genetic disorder that affects bone development resulting in short-limbed dwarfism. It is caused by a dominant allele, which means the presence of a single copy of the mutated allele causes the disorder. However, when the same allele is present in homozygous form, it becomes lethal and causes death during embryonic development. Even though the disease is caused by a dominant allele, the lethality is recessive; hence, it is called a recessive lethal allele.

Similarly, dominant lethal alleles can also cause genetic disorders in humans. Such lethal alleles cause death even if they are present in a single copy. Mostly, these alleles are hard to find in a population because it causes the early death of an organism. An example of a dominant lethal allele is Huntington’s disease, a fatal neurological disorder. The onset of this disease is slow, which allows heterozygotes to survive after birth. If the person survives until the reproductive age, the genes are passed on to their offspring. This way, the allele persists in the population.

Suggested Reading

  1. Lobo, I. (2008) Mendelian ratios and lethal genes. Nature Education 1(1):138.
  2. Michaud, Edward J., Scott J. Bultman, Lisa J. Stubbs, and Richard P. Woychik. "The embryonic lethality of homozygous lethal yellow mice (Ay/Ay) is associated with the disruption of a novel RNA-binding protein." Genes & development 7, no. 7a (1993): 1203-1213.
  3. Miltenberger, Rosalynn J., Randall L. Mynatt, J. Erby Wilkinson, and Richard P. Woychik. "The role of the agouti gene in the yellow obese syndrome." The Journal of nutrition 127, no. 9 (1997): 1902S-1907S.
  4. McKusick, Victor A., Thaddeus E. Kelly, and John P. Dorst. "Observations suggesting allelism of the achondroplasia and hypochondroplasia genes." Journal of medical genetics 10, no. 1 (1973): 11-16.