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유전체 각인과 유전

JoVE 핵심
Molecular Biology
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JoVE 핵심 Molecular Biology
Genomic Imprinting and Inheritance


소셜에 공유하기

Genomic imprinting is a phenomenon where the regulation of gene expression is influenced by which parent passed the gene to its offspring. Somatic cells of many organisms, such as mammals, are diploid, that is they have two copies of the genome- one inherited from the father and one from the mother. Copies of the same gene in somatic cells are known as alleles.  In most cases, both of the alleles are expressed simultaneously. However, a small number of genes are expressed depending on the source of the inheritance, due to an imprint or mark that accompanies the gene, such as methylation.  This methylation is resistant to the demethylation that occurs after fertilization and is therefore inherited by the offspring. Methylation of DNA can positively or negatively regulate gene expression.  In mice, the copy of the insulin-like growth factor-2 gene inherited from the mother is silenced, while the copy from the father is expressed due to imprinting. A regulatory DNA sequence represses the insulin-like growth factor-2 gene when an insulator protein is bound. For the allele inherited from the mother, the absence of methylation results in the repression of the gene by the insulator protein. For the allele from the father, methylation at this sequence positively influences the expression of the allele by preventing the protein from binding, resulting in gene expression. Genomic imprinting can be detrimental to an offspring when the typically expressed allele is mutated.  Unlike most genes, the other allele cannot compensate for the mutation due to silencing by genomic imprinting.   For example, cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor 1C is a protein-coding gene responsible for the modulation of cell division. Genomic imprinting ensures the expression of only the maternal allele. The maternal allele’s absence or mutation contributes to a condition known as Beckwith–Wiedemann syndrome characterized by a large body size, a large tongue and protrusion of internal organs outside the body through the belly button.


유전체 각인과 유전

Diploid organisms inherit genetic material through chromosomes from both parents. Copies of the same gene are known as alleles. In most cases, both alleles are simultaneously expressed and allow various cellular processes to function optimally. If one of the alleles is missing or mutated, the expression of the other allele can compensate; however, this is not true for all genes.

The expression of some genes depends on which parent passed the gene to the offspring, through a phenomenon known as genomic imprinting. In genomic imprinting, the DNA coding for the gene or its regulatory sequence is imprinted with chemical tags such as methyl groups, only in the copy inherited from a particular parent. This tag is resistant to demethylation during fertilization and is passed on to the offspring for selective gene expression.

Sometimes two copies of the gene are inherited from the same parent, and the other parent’s gene is missing.  Maternal uniparental disomy is when two copies of the mother’s gene are present; in contrast, paternal uniparental disomy is when two copies are inherited from the father. If there are two copies of the silenced allele and if the typically expressed allele is absent, it often leads to a genetic disorder.

Human Diseases Linked to Genomic Imprinting

Diseases in humans linked to genomic imprinting include Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome, Angelman syndrome,  Prader-Willi syndrome, and some cancers.

Prader-Willi and Angelman syndrome are both associated with chromosome 15. Prader-Willi syndrome occurs when there is maternal uniparental disomy. People with this syndrome can display obesity, sexual under-development, and mental disabilities. Angelman syndrome is associated with paternal uniparental disomy. People with this syndrome may show mental disabilities, developmental deficiencies, sleep disorders and hyperactivity.

Suggested Reading

  1. Butler M. G. (2009). Genomic imprinting disorders in humans: a mini-review. Journal of assisted reproduction and genetics, 26(9-10), 477–486.
  2. Lobo, I. (2008) Genomic Imprinting and Patterns of Disease Inheritance. Nature Education 1(1):66