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손상통과 DNA 중합효소

JoVE 핵심
Molecular Biology
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JoVE 핵심 Molecular Biology
Translesion DNA Polymerases


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During replication, a sliding clamp, which is a β-subunit in bacteria or proliferating cell nuclear antigen – PCNA – in eukaryotes, fastens the polymerase to the DNA as it moves along the strand, catalyzing the new DNA synthesis.  When this replicative polymerase gets stalled on a damaged base or region, specialized enzymes covalently modify this sliding clamp through the addition of ubiquitin or SUMO proteins. The modification triggers the release of the replicative polymerase and recruitment of a special polymerase called Translesion DNA polymerase, or TLS polymerase, to the damaged site through interactions with the clamp.  Next, the TLS polymerase inserts a nucleotide across the damaged site in a process called “Translesion DNA synthesis”. Once the nascent DNA chain has extended beyond the lesion, the chemical modification is detached from the clamp, and the TLS polymerase is switched with the cell’s replicative DNA polymerase.  With the binding of the replicative polymerase, accurate DNA replication resumes. Unlike damage repair, there is no restoration to the original DNA sequence, and the damage or lesion will still be present in the DNA, so the phenomenon is described as damage tolerance.  During replication, while some TLS polymerases can add the correct nucleotides to the new strand by chance, others may be prone to errors that give rise to mutations. The type of lesion often determines the accuracy of the polymerase. For example – where the error is an abasic site, there is no coding information for the polymerase to add the correct nucleotide during replication. In archaea, the polymerase Dpo4 preferentially adds an Adenine opposite an abasic site – but other polymerases may fix similar lesions in different ways.


손상통과 DNA 중합효소

Translesion (TLS) polymerases rescue stalled DNA polymerases at sites of damaged bases by replacing the replicative polymerase and installing a nucleotide across the damaged site. Doing so, TLS allows additional time for the cell to repair the damage before resuming regular DNA replication.

TLS polymerases are found in all three domains of life – archaea, bacteria, and eukaryotes. Of the different classes of TLS polymerases, members of the Y family are fitted with specialized structures that are optimized to carry out TLS DNA synthesis.

Despite sharing structural similarities, Y family polymerases differ from replicative polymerases in certain key ways that allow them to perform TLS. Y family polymerases lack the intrinsic 3′-to-5′ exonuclease domain of replicative DNA polymerases that allows them to proofread the newly replicated strand. Another key difference is the larger and more open active site of Y family TLS polymerases that can fit bulky, chemically modified bases, including covalently linked bases in a thymine-thymine dimer.

During TLS DNA synthesis, TLS polymerase must extend the strand beyond the insertion across the damaged site. If the replicative polymerase is reinstated right after the TLS polymerase inserts a base, the 3’ to 5’ exonuclease proofreading activity of the replicative polymerase will recognize and remove the inserted base. The length of extension by the TLS polymerase depends on the pathway followed. For a non-mutagenic pathway, the number of insertion maybe 5, while for a frameshift pathway, the insertion will be 4 nucleotides-long.

Suggested Reading

  1. Goodman, Myron F., and Roger Woodgate. "Translesion DNA polymerases." Cold Spring Harbor perspectives in biology 5, no. 10 (2013): a010363.