A protocol outlining the formation of human blastoids that efficiently, timely, and sequentially generate blastocyst-like cells.
A model of the human blastocyst formed from stem cells (blastoid) would support scientific and medical advances. However, its predictive power will depend on its ability to efficiently, timely, and faithfully recapitulate the sequences of blastocyst development (morphogenesis, specification, patterning), and to form cells reflecting the blastocyst stage. Here we show that naïve human pluripotent stem cells cultured in PXGL conditions and then triply inhibited for the Hippo, transforming growth factor- β, and extracellular signal-regulated kinase pathways efficiently undergo morphogenesis to form blastoids (>70%). Matching with developmental timing (~4 days), blastoids unroll the blastocyst sequence of specification by producing analogs of the trophoblast and epiblast, followed by the formation of analogs of the primitive endoderm and the polar trophoblasts. This results in the formation of cells transcriptionally similar to the blastocyst (>96%) and a minority of post-implantation analogs. Blastoids efficiently pattern by forming the embryonic-abembryonic axis marked by the maturation of the polar region (NR2F2+), which acquires the specific potential to directionally attach to hormonally stimulated endometrial cells, as in utero. Such a human blastoid is a scalable, versatile, and ethical model to study human development and implantation in vitro.
A lack of experimental models has limited the understanding of early human embryogenesis. Current knowledge of human-specific aspects of embryonic development is derived from surplus in vitro fertilization (IVF) embryos donated for research. However, the limited availability, difficulties of experimental manipulations, and variable quality of the embryos hinder scientific investigations. On the contrary, a faithful in vitro model of human embryos would allow for complex experimental manipulations, thus providing an ethical opportunity to complement the research on human embryos1,2,3,4. A previously developed model of mouse blastocysts combined mouse embryonic stem cells and trophoblast stem cells5. In this detailed protocol, a method to generate a model of the human blastocyst from naive pluripotent stem cells that is faithful to elemental blastocyst criteria is described6.
Four criteria for human blastoids. Here, in an attempt to establish a standardized definition of human blastoids, we propose four minimal criteria. Although not exhaustive, these criteria might serve as a basis to evaluate the parameters that permit the formation of human blastoids (Figure 1A). (1) Blastoids should form efficiently in terms of morphology and of generation of the analogs of the three lineages namely, epiblast (Epi), trophectoderm (TE), and primitive endoderm (PrE). Inefficiency is likely to point at an inadequate initial cell state or/and culture condition (e.g., blastoid medium). (2) Blastoids should generate analogs of the three lineages according to the developmental sequence (Epi/TE first, PrE/polarTE last)7,8 and timing (induction ~ 3 days; embryonic days 5-7)7,9. (3) Blastoids should form analogs of the blastocyst stage, but not of post-implantation stages (e.g., post-implantation epiblast, trophoblast, or amnion cells). (4) Finally, blastoids should be capable of recapitulating functional features of blastocyst implantation and development. Using this protocol, human blastoids form efficiently using multiple cell lines (>70%), are able to generate the blastocyst cellular analogs sequentially and within 4 days, and the analogs are transcriptionally similar to the blastocyst stage (>96% based on several analysis)6,10,11. Finally, blastoids robustly generate the embryonic-abembryonic axis, which allows them to interact with hormonally stimulated endometrial cells through the polar region, and robustly expand the lineages upon extended culture (time-equivalent: embryonic day 13).
The importance of the initial cell state. Human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) can be stabilized in different states that attempt to capture precise developmental stages. These states are sustained by culture conditions which, although still suboptimal, constrain cells in a pre-implantation- (~ embryonic days 5-7) or post-implantation-like (~ embryonic days 8-14) epiblast stage12. Transcriptomic analysis showed that hPSCs cultured in PD0325901, XAV939, Gö6983, and leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF; termed PXGL naive hPSCs)13,14 are more similar to the blastocyst epiblast as compared to hPSCs cultured in fibroblast growth factor (FGF) 2 and activin15 (termed primed hPSCs12) and to human extended pluripotent stem cells (hEPSCs)16 (see analysis in references17,18,19). Accordingly, the transcriptome of primed hPSCs best matches with a post-implantation/pre-gastrulation cynomolgus monkey epiblast20. Additional molecular criteria, like transposon expression, DNA methylation, and X chromosome state, confirmed that variations of the naive state more closely resemble the blastocyst epiblast as compared to the primed state17,21. Finally, lines of naive hPSCs have been successfully derived directly from blastocysts using PXGL culture conditions22.
Human early blastocyst cells are not yet committed. Murine lineage specification occurs from the morula stage that precedes the blastocyst stage23. On the contrary, dissociation and re-aggregation experiments have shown that the human trophectoderm cells of early blastocysts are not yet committed24. Accordingly, analysis of the cells of human blastocysts by single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNAseq) has shown that the first lineage specification (trophoblast/epiblast) occurs after the formation of the blastocyst cavity7. This deferred human specification correlates with observations that hPSCs are potent to form trophoblasts25,26,27 when mouse PSCs are largely committed to the epiblast lineage. These combined observations led to the possibility that naive hPSCs reflect a blastocyst stage and retain the potential to form the three blastocyst lineages. Lately, the potency of hPSCs to specify extraembryonic analogs has been proposed to shift from trophectoderm to amnion during progression from naive to primed state27. Thus, naive hPSCs are more similar to the pre-implantation stage17,18,21 and have an enhanced capacity to form trophoblasts as compared to primed hPSCs27, hEPSCs16, or intermediate reprogrammed states28, which are prone to form post-implantation analogs10 (Figure 1B). The initial cell state is thus crucial to forming the appropriate extraembryonic analogs. Although a thorough side-by-side analysis of converted trophectoderm analogs remains to be done, a PXGL naive state reflecting the early blastocyst appears important to form high-fidelity blastoids.
Prompting specification and morphogenesis by signaling pathways inhibition. The inhibition of the Hippo signaling pathway is a conserved mechanism driving trophoblast specification in mice, cows, and humans9,29,30. Also, since 2013, it is known that the inhibition of the NODAL (A83-01) and the extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK; PD0325901 or equivalent) and the activation of the bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signaling pathways triggers primed hPSCs to activate the transcriptional network associated with the trophoblast lineage25,31,32,33,34. Moreover, recently several reports also confirmed that the inhibition of both NODAL and ERK pathway and activation of BMP facilitate the trophoblast differentiation from naive hPSCs25,31,32,33,34. Finally, if trophoblast specification is triggered from a naive state, cells recapitulate aspects of the developmental progression of the trophectoderm26. However, self-renewing lines reflecting the blastocyst trophectoderm haven't been stabilized in vitro. Following trophoblast specification, induction of the epidermal growth factor (EGF) and Wnt signaling pathways along with HDAC inhibition might facilitate trophoblast developmental progression34,35 and stabilize cells into lines of human trophoblast stem cells (hTSCs) reflecting post-implantation cytotrophoblasts18,35. Such lines can be derived both from blastocysts and placental tissues35.
The second extraembryonic lineage, termed PrE, is specified after trophoblasts and originates from the epiblast7,9. Contrary to murine PrE36, the human counterpart is thought to be independent of FGF signaling37,38. Lines reflecting the extraembryonic endoderm (termed nEnd) were established from naive hPSCs by induction of signaling pathways using activin A, Wnt, and LIF39. Inconsistent with embryo inhibition experiments, ERK inhibition has been shown to prevent the formation of such nEND cells in vitro39. Until now, such lines have not been derived directly from blastocysts.
Lately, models of the early embryo have been formed by combining variations of the media previously developed for hTSCs35 and nEND cells39 thus using activators of the transforming growth factor- β (TGF-β), EGF, and Wnt signaling pathways28,40. These embryo models form at low efficiency (10%-20%) and form cells resembling the post- rather than pre-implantation stage10, including analogs of the post-implantation epiblast, trophoblast, amnion, gastrula, mesodermal tissues (~ embryonic day 14), and cytotrophoblasts10. On the contrary, a triple inhibition of the Hippo, ERK, and TGF-β pathways efficiently guides the formation of blastoids comprising blastocyst-like cells41. Along with the initial cell state, we propose that triple pathways inhibition (Hippo, ERK, TGF-β) is the second essential parameter to form high-fidelity blastoids (Figure 1B).
Evaluating the cell state and reflected stage using scRNAseq. The states of cells composing blastoids can be evaluated through scRNAseq analysis. Their transcriptional similarity to specific embryonic stages can be measured using blastoid cells alone and by comparison with primed hPSCs or hTSCs that reflect post-implantation stages20,35. Performing cluster analyses using different levels of definition reveals how subpopulations progressively merge when definition decreases, thus revealing clusters' similarities. Although optimality in the number of clusters can be measured42, high-resolution clustering also informs on the eventual presence of small abnormal subpopulations, for example reflecting the post-implantation stages10. The genes differentially expressed between clusters can provide information on their analogs in the development process by assessing the expression levels of reference gene sets that define stage-specific lineages. This allows measuring the enrichment of blastoid subpopulations either through unsupervised distance maps (e.g., using top enriched genes) or by gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA)43. Using this blastoid protocol, only three main clusters form that transcriptionally reflect the three blastocyst lineages. One cluster includes both the initial naive hPSCs and the epiblast analog of the blastoids. Analyzing cells at different time points showed the sequential nature of lineages specification (trophoblasts start to specify within 24 h, and primitive endoderm cells within 60 h). A high-resolution clustering captured a subpopulation of cells (3.2%) expressing genes specific to gastrulation stage embryos (possibly mesoderm or amnion). Of note, the initial naive hPSCs also comprised 5% of post-implantation-like cells, as previously described44. In a second analysis, blastoid cells can be merged in silico with reference cells isolated from concepti at different stages45,46,47 in order to infer stage equivalence. Here, cells isolated from pre-implantation concepti45,46, in vitro cultured blastocysts45, and gastrulation-stage embryos47 were used as reference points. Using this protocol, it was quantified that the mismatched blastoid cells revealed by high-resolution clustering indeed cluster with post-implantation mesoderm and amnion. In future steps, transcriptome benchmarking should be complemented with analysis of transposon expression, DNA methylation, and of the X chromosome status that also provide landmarks of developmental stages21.
Evaluating axis formation and other functionalities of human blastoids. A mature blastocyst is characterized by the formation of the embryonic-abembryonic axis patterning trophoblasts for implantation. Using this blastoid protocol, an axis robustly forms exemplified by a maturation of the proximal trophoblasts (e.g., NR2F2+/CDX2-) that acquire the capacity of attaching to endometrial organoid cells only when they are hormonally-stimulated48,49. Comparison with trophospheres that do not form the epiblast shows that these inner cells induce abutting trophoblasts to mature so as to mediate the initial attachment to the endometrium. When cultured in an extended culture medium designed for cynomolgus monkey blastocysts50, all three lineages from the blastoid consistently expand for six additional days (time-equivalent of day 13) although their organization doesn't reflect that developmental stage.
The implication of high-efficiency and high-fidelity human blastoids. The conservation of developmental principles that were discovered in model organisms is inherently difficult to test in the human conceptus due to the restricted access and to the technical difficulties in genetically and physically manipulating it. A high-efficiency and high-fidelity blastoid model would allow for high-throughput genetic and drug screens, which are at the basis of scientific and biomedical discoveries. In addition, the incorporation of complex genetic modifications to alter and record biological processes would complement such studies. Overall, we propose that the triple inhibition (Hippo, TGF-β, ERK) of naive PXGL hPSCs is conductive for the efficient formation of high-fidelity human blastoids complying with the four minimal criteria. The scalable and versatile nature of this protocol makes it suitable to generate targeted hypotheses that can then be validated using human blastocysts. As such, human blastoids will not replace the use of human conceptus for in vitro research but might act as a powerful way to funnel research through previously inaccessible experimental approaches at the heart of the scientific and biomedical discovery process. The protocol shows how to form human blastoids and also how to analyze the cells that are contained within the blastoid.
The Guidelines for Stem Cell Research and Clinical Translation of the International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR) recommends that research on human blastoids is permissible only after review and approval through a specialized scientific and ethics review process3,4. All the experimental procedures were conducted by following the guidelines of the human research ethics committee of the Institute of Molecular Biotechnology of the Austrian Academy of Science (IMBA) under the approval Rivron_Stellungnahme_2020-04-22. Compliance with these guidelines is necessary for publishing research results in scientific journals.
1. Culture of human naive embryonic stem cell in PXGL condition
NOTE: Naive hPSCs can be obtained from relevant laboratories. Lines used here were obtained from the laboratories of Yasuhiro Takashima (currently at CiRA, Kyoto, Japan) and of Austin Smith (currently at Living Systems Institute, Exeter, UK). Alternatively, naive hPSCs can be resetted in house from lines of primed hPSCs as described previously13,14. Naive hPSCs appear stable for multiple passages (> 15) but the quality of the culture can vary over time. If the quality of naive hPSC decreases, thaw a new vial of cells or generate de novo naive hPSCs from primed PSCs. For all media compositions see Supplementary Table 1.
2. Formation of Blastoids
3. Formation of blastoids in 96-well ultra low attachment microplates
4. Formation of trophospheres
5. Analysis of the blastoid cells state and its reflected stage using scRNAseq
6. Extended culture to assess blastoid developmental progression
7. Immunostaining blastoids
Typically, naive hPSCs cultured in PXGL (Figure 2A) are aggregated and cavitated structures that emerge between 48 to 72 h after PALLY induction and reach a diameter of 150-250 µm within 96 h (Figure 2B). Using optimal (1) seeding cell numbers, (2) duration of pre-culture aggregation with N2B27 (0 to 24 h), (3) concentration of individual chemical components (especially LPA), and (4) duration of PALLY treatment, the induction efficiency reaches 70%-80% as defined based on morphometric parameters (overall size of 150-250 µm, single regular cavity, single inner cell cluster; Figure 2C,D) and the presence of the three lineages. A suboptimal initial cell state and/or induction conditions will result in less efficient or no blastoid formation. To ensure maximum efficiency and to only form pre-implantation analogs, it is crucial to use a high-quality culture of naive PXGL hPSCs. This can be assessed by measuring by FACS the percentage of cells positive for the surface markers SUSD2 (naive state) and CD24 (primed state). Additional surface markers specific to the off-target extraembryonic lineages (e.g., amnion, extraembryonic mesoderm) would be useful as well but, to the best of our knowledge, are currently not available. If the formation efficiency obtained is lower than the results reported, it is important to carefully check all the components of the blastoid medium, especially LPA that is reconstituted in PBS and that, as a GPCR ligand, can be more unstable as compared to synthetic molecules reconstituted in DMSO. In most cases, even if the yield is not maximal, the cavitated structures are still composed of the three blastocyst lineages. The emergence of three blastocyst lineages and formation of embryonic-abembryonic axis can be confirmed by the immunofluorescence staining of markers (EPI: NANOG, OCT4, TE: GATA3, Polar-TE NR2F2, Mural-TE: CDX2, PrE: GATA4; Figure 2E,G). Trophospheres, which are only composed of TE, help to further dissect the role of intercellular communication. Trophospheres can form at 50%-60 % efficiency within 96 h of induction (Figure 2H,I). Blastoid formation can be performed not only in homemade microwell arrays but also in commercially available ultra-low attachment 96 well-plates with optimization of induction conditions (see Protocol and Figure 2J). Blastoids also have the capacity to further develop for additional 6 days, which is time-equivalent of day 13 embryo, with in vitro differentiation protocol (Figure 2K).
In order to further characterize the cell state of blastoid cells, single-cell RNA sequencing technology must be used. UMAP is commonly applied to visualize a distribution of cell states and unsupervised clustering analysis is performed on it to evaluate the proximity of individual cell states. Different parameters in the single-cell data analysis can affect how cells are displayed in the UMAPs, thus leading to clusters with different spatial and relative positions and shapes (Figure 3A). However, in this analysis, cells display markedly reproducibly distinct clustering profiles regardless of the parameters used to perform the clustering and the visualization of the data, which allows distinguishing with high confidence the three blastocyst lineages. We used cells from embryos harvested at different developmental stages as a reference. The merging of these datasets shows that the majority of the trophectoderm analog from blastoid clustered with pre-implantation trophectoderm but not with post-implantation trophoblasts (Figure 3B). These results were also confirmed by an independent consortium10.
When Carnegie stage 7 (CS7) gastrulating embryos are introduced in the reference map, a small population of blastoid cells (3%) clustered with the mesoderm and amnion lineages of these embryos (Figure 3C). When amnion-like cells are introduced in the reference map, a small population of blastoid cells (< 2%) clustered with such amnion-like cells.
Overall, only the structures comprising a single regular cavity, a single inner cell cluster, an overall size ranging from 150-250 µm, comprising transcriptomic analogs of the three blastocyst lineages, and largely devoid of other lineages (e.g., amnion, mesoderm, extraembryonic mesoderm) are considered as human blastoids.
Figure 1: Four features and two approaches for generating high-fidelity blastoids. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 2: Blastoid and trophospheres derived from aggregates of Naïve hPSC. (A) Phase-contrast images showing naive hPSCs cultured in PXGL medium co-cultured with irradiated MEF. Scale bar: 50 µm. (B) Phase-contrast images showing the morphological change of naive hPSCs aggregates cultured on a non-adherent hydrogel microwell array with 500 nM LPA (PALLY medium). Scale bar: 200 µm. (C) Human blastoids formed on a microwell array after 96 h. Scale bars: 400 µm. (D) Quantification of the percentage of microwells containing a human blastoid induced by PALLY culture condition with optimized LPA concentration from different naive hPSC lines (n= 3 microwell arrays). (E) Immunofluorescence staining of human blastoids with epiblast (EPI) markers (yellow) NANOG and OCT4; the TE markers (cyan) CDX2 and GATA3; and the primitive endoderm marker (magenta) SOX17 and GATA4. Scale bar: 100 µm. (H-I) Quantification of the cell number (left) and percentage of cells (right) belonging to each lineage in blastoid (96 h) based on immunofluorescence staining of OCT4, GATA3, and GATA4. (G) Immunofluorescence staining of human blastoids for CDX2 (cyan) and NR2F2 (magenta). (F) Phase-contrast images of early and late-stage trophospheres on microwell array induced by addition of 3 µM SC144 (H) or 2 µM XMU-MP-1 (I), respectively. (J) Phase-contrast images showing the morphological change of naive hPSCs aggregates cultured in ultra-low attachment 96 well plate with 500 nM LPA (PALLY medium). (K) Phase-contrast image (left) and immunofluorescence staining (right) for OCT4 (yellow), GATA3 (cyan), and GATA4 (magenta) in blastoid grown in postimplantation culture condition for 6 days. Scale bar: 100 µm. This figure is adapted from6,10. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 3: Characterization of the composition of blastoids by single cell sequencing. (A) Unsupervised clustering analysis with different parameters on UMAP of the transcriptome of single cells derived from the different time points of blastoid (24 h, 60 h, 96 h), naive hPSCs, primed hPSCs, and hTSC (represent the post-implantation cytotrophoblast). (B) UMAP of the transcriptome of cells derived from blastoid (96 h), naive hPSCs, and primed hPSCs integrated with published data sets from human embryos of pre-implantation, peri-implantation (in vitro cultured blastocysts), and gastrulation (Carnegie stage 7, i.e., between E16-19) stages. Individual cells are colored based on their origin in human embryos (left), blastoid-derived cells or stem cells (middle), and the result of unsupervised clustering analysis (right). (C) UMAPs of the transcriptome of cells derived from blastoids, naive hPSCs, primed hPSCs, and integrated with published data set from gastrulation (Carnegie stage 7, i.e., between E16-19) stage embryo. Individual cells are colored based on their origin in human embryos (left), blastoid-derived cells or stem cells (middle), and the result of unsupervised clustering analysis (right). This figure is adapted from6. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Supplementary Table 1: All media composition used in this study. Please click here to download this Table.
In the present study, we show, step by step, how to establish human blastoids with high efficiencies using a simple and robust protocol. Upon aggregation of naive PXGL hPSCs and their triple inhibition, blastoids form efficiently (> 70%) and sequentially generate the 3 blastocyst analogs within 4 days. Limitations in the efficiency and quality of the blastoids (e.g., presence of off-target cells) can occur if the initial state is sub-optimal. Of note, we have measured that PXGL hPSCs contains about 5% of cells reflecting the post-implantation stages. These cells might limit the formation of high-quality blastoids. Beyond the initial naive PXGL state that reflects the blastocyst epiblast, another pivotal factor is the medium used for blastoid formation. In order to rapidly form blastocyst-like cells and prevent the formation of off-target, post-implantation-like cells, we propose that triple pathways inhibition (Hippo, ERK, TGF-β) is essential. While different cell lines give different yields of blastoid upon ERK/TGF-β inhibition (generally around 10%-20%), exposure to LPA results in the formation of equally high blastoid yield across all cell lines, while using strict morphometric and lineage specification criteria. LPA possibly acts on the inhibition of the Hippo pathway, which plays a critical role in the first lineage segregation between epiblast and trophectoderm lineages in mouse and human8,51. The significant improvement of the blastoid efficiency by LPA suggests that the Hippo pathway-mediated inner-outer cell specification mechanisms at play in the blastocyst are co-opted during blastoid formation. A current limitation lies in the fact that, due to a sub-optimality of the protocols used to culture human blastocyst or blastoids at time-equivalent day 7-13 (after blastocyst/blastoid formation), we are not capable of assessing to which extent we can properly model post-implantation development.
Analyzing the transcriptomic state of the blastoid cells can easily be achieved using scRNAseq, adequate reference maps, and bioinformatic methods. Previously, the transcriptomic analysis showed that hPSCs cultured in PXGL are more similar to the blastocyst epiblast as compared to the primed state. Limitations in the analysis of the data can occur if the reference map only comprises blastocyst-stage cells. The reference map should include cells originating from post-implantation embryos in order to assess the presence of potential off-target cells. In the future, in order to benchmark blastoid cells, a reference map including all the tissues of the pre-and post-implantation human conceptus would be extremely valuable. In addition, multi-omics single cell reference maps, for example including transcriptome, chromatin accessibility, and DNA methylation, would further help. Finally, standardized bioinformatic methods to quantitatively assess the similarities between cells from embryo models and reference concepti, and to positively identify off-target cells would further help to unbiasedly analyze and compare results.
Altogether, blastoids formed by triple inhibition of Hippo, TGF-β, and ERK pathways possess the four features of 1) highly efficient morphogenesis, 2) correct sequence of lineage specification, 3) high purity of blastocyst-like cells at the transcriptome level, 4) capacity to model peri-implantation development. These features of blastoids will facilitate building hypotheses on blastocyst development and implantation, however, they do not recapitulate earlier stages of embryonic development. In contrast to the limited accessibility and versatility of human blastocyst, blastoids are amenable to genetic and drug screens for the functional investigations of blastocyst development and implantation. In the future, such basic knowledge could contribute to improving IVF media formulation, developing post-fertilization contraceptives, and better managing early pregnancy.
The authors have nothing to disclose.
This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (ERC-Co grant agreement No.101002317 'BLASTOID: a discovery platform for early human embryogenesis'). H.H.K. is supported by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF), Lise Meitner Programme M3131-B. We thank Yasuhiro Takashima for sharing the H9 and H9-GFP cell lines, and Austin Smith, Peter Andrews, and Ge Guo for sharing the HNES1, Shef6, niPSC 16.2b and cR-NCRM2 cell lines. We thank Hossein Baharvand for sharing the endometrial organoids. We thank Joshua M. Brickman for sharing the RNA isolated from PrE differentiated cells and nEND cells. We thank Shankar Srinivas for sharing the single-cell RNA sequencing data of the peri-gastrulation embryo. We thank Aleksand Bykov and Luisa Cochella for technical assistance for SMARTSeq2 library preparation. We thank the NGS, Biooptic, and Stem Cell facility at IMBA for critical assistance.
Neurobasal media | in house | ||
DMEM/F12 | in house | ||
100X N2 supplemen | Gibco | 17502048 | |
50X B27 supplement | Gibco | 17504044 | |
100X Glutamax | Gibco | 35050038 | |
100 mM Sodium Pyruvate | Gibco | 11360039 | |
MEM-Non-essential amino acids | Gibco | 11140050 | |
1 M Hepes | in house | ||
50 mM 2-Mercaptoethanol | Thermofisher | 31350010 | |
100X Penicillin-Streptomycin | Sigma-Aldrich | P0781 | |
Bovine Serum Albumin solution | Sigma-Aldrich | A7979 | |
PD0325901 | Medchem express | HY-10254 | |
XAV-939 | Medchem express | HY-15147 | |
Gö 6983 | Medchem express | HY-13689 | |
Human recombinant Leukemia Inhibitory Factor | in house | ||
A83-01 | Medchem express | HY-10432 | |
1-Oleoyl Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) | Peprotech | 2256236 | |
Y-27632 | Medchem express | HY-10583 | |
CMRL medium | Gibco | 21530027 | |
Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS) | Sigma-Aldrich | F7524 | |
KnockOut Serum Replacement (KSR) | Thermofisher | 10-828-028 | |
Accutase | Biozym | B423201 | cell detachment solution |
Geltrex | Thermofisher | A1413302 | growth factor basement membrane extract |
TROP2 antibody | R&D systems | MAB650 | |
PDGFRα antibody | R&D systems | AF307 | |
SC-144 | Axon | 2324 | |
XMU-MP-1 | Med Chem Express | HY-100526 | |
Matrigel | basement membrane matrix | ||
Countess cell counting chamber slides | Thermo fisher | cell counting slides | |
DAPI Staining Solution | Miltenyi Biotec | 130-111-570 |