

Published: August 07, 2013


We demonstrate a cell culture protocol for the direct study of neuronal and glial components of the enteric nervous system. A neuron/glia mixed culture on coverslips is prepared from the myenteric plexus of adult mouse providing the ability to examine individual neuron and glia function by electrophysiology, immunohistochemical, etc.


腸神経系は、機能的に消化管運動を制御して消化管の長さを実行しているニューロンとグリアの広大なネットワークである。筋層間神経叢からの神経細胞とグリア細胞の混合集団の単離および培養のための手順を説明する。初代培養は、ニューロンとグリアの間で開発の接続で、7日以上維持することができる。添付叢と縦筋ストリップは、マウスの回腸または結腸の基礎となる円形の筋から除去し、酵素消化に供される。無菌状態では、単離された神経細胞とグリア人口はペレット次遠心内に保存され、カバースリップ上に播種。 24〜48時間以内に、神経突起伸長が起こり、ニューロンは汎神経マーカーで識別することができます。パッチクランプ研究によって観察されるような文化の中で2日後、ニューロン火災活動電位を単離した。さらに、腸グリアもidentifできGFAP染色によりiedを。近い同格のニューロンとグリアのネットワークが5内のフォーム – 7日。腸ニューロンは個別になり、直接的に、例えば免疫組織化学、電気生理学、カルシウムイメージング、および単一細胞PCRなどの方法を用いて研究することができる。さらに、この手順は、遺伝的に改変された動物において行うことができる。この方法は、実行する簡単で安価である。我々はより良​​い、正常および疾患状態におけるENSの機能を発見することができるように全体的に、このプロトコルは、簡単に操作方法で、腸神経系の構成要素を公開します。


The enteric nervous system (ENS) is vast network of nerves and glia that runs the entire length of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. The ENS functionally controls all aspects of digestion, including peristalsis, fluid absorption/secretion, sensation of stimuli, etc (for review see 1). It contains over 500 million neurons, more than found in the spinal cord, and contains every neurotransmitter class found in the brain. Furthermore, the ENS is unique in that it can function reflexively without input from the central nervous system 2. Understanding of the ENS is crucial, not only to understand its normal physiological role, but to understand its involvement in a variety of neuropathies which can be congenital (Hirschsprung’s disease), acquired (Chagas), secondary to disease states (diabetic gastroparesis), drug-induced (Opioid bowel syndrome), or due to injury (postoperative ileus) 1. In addition, enteric neurons can be a reservoir for viral infection (varicella zoster)3. Because of its similarities to the brain and the high levels of serotonin in the gut, medications aimed at treating central nervous system defects often have unwanted side effects on the ENS 2. It is also noteworthy that many neuropathies such as Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease show similar cellular changes in the enteric neurons long before their appearance in central neurons, making the ENS an accessible model to study the pathogenesis of these diseases 4. Therefore, a thorough understanding of the ENS is a necessity in understanding disease states and preventing/predicting pharmacological side effects.

The neurons of the ENS have been traditionally studied in the guinea pig using wholemount preparations 5-7 or cultured neurons 8. Despite the ease at which neurons can be studied in this large animal, this model has many limitations including lack of genetically modified strains, lack of reagents specific to this species, and the high cost associated with ordering and housing these subjects. The development of a murine enteric nervous system model has the unique advantage of various knock out systems, a vast array of other established methodologies that can be used in conjunction with the cell culture technique, and the ability to provide a validation for the guinea pig model.

The ENS is comprised of three plexi that run the length of the gastrointestinal tract: the outer myenteric plexus (between the longitudinal and circular muscle) which is mainly responsible for the peristaltic actions of the gut, as well as the submucosal and mucosal plexi, (found under and within the mucosa, respectively) which largely controls fluid absorption/secretion and the detection of stimuli 1. This method begins with the isolation of the longitudinal muscle/ myenteric plexus (LMMP) preparation by peeling off the outer muscle layer of the GI tract. This dramatically cuts down on contamination issues that arise when the mucosal layer is involved in the isolation. As a result, this process is ideal for the study of neuronal control of motility rather than secretory actions of the ENS.

The method presented here results in a mixed culture of enteric neurons and glia. At least two different types of neurons are present based on previous electrophysiological and immunocytochemical observations 9. The presence of glia is highly advantageous, as they are not only an important cell type to study in their own right, but they contribute to the survival of the enteric neurons 10 and maintain native receptor expression on the neuronal cell surface 11. Furthermore, deficiencies of enteric glia may lead to abnormal gastrointestinal motility disease states, coined ‘neuro-gliopathies’ 12. Therefore, the ENS culture presented here results in several cell types that are ripe for investigation.

The advantages to this methodology are ease of isolation, inexpensive tool requirements, and a short time to master the technique by experienced lab personnel. Limitations of the methodology include low overall cell yield from high tissue volumes and the exclusion of ENS neurons from mucosal and submucosal plexi. This procedure will be highly advantageous to scholars specializing in electrophysiology, immunohistochemistry, single-cell PCR, and other methodologies.


All animal care and experimental procedures were in accordance with and approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee at Virginia Commonwealth University. 1. Preparation of Sterile Poly-D-Lysine- and Laminin-Coated Glass Coverslips in 24-Well Plates All procedures for step 1 are performed in sterile conditions; under a hood, and with sterile reagents. Glass coverslips and double deionized water (ddH2O) should be sterilized in advance. Preparation of plates …

Representative Results

Immediately following isolation of LMMP-derived cells, neurons and other cell types will not be readily evident. Living, round cells of indistinct phenotype can be seen as well as tissue detritus from incompletely digested tissue fragments and connective tissue. This flotsam is of no concern and will be largely removed with the first media change in two days. Do not attempt to clean the slides before this as the healthy, viable cells will be removed as well. After one day in culture, neurons w…


Animals Used

This protocol has been optimized for Swiss Webster mice. However, this method is easily adaptable to other small-sized mammals such as rats and to other strains of mice. We have successfully performed preliminary isolations with C57 mice and μ-opioid receptor knock-outs. However, it is also possible that other strains of mice may be problematic due to morphological variations in the GI tract. Furthermore, there are known differences between mouse strains (C57Bl/6 vs. Balb/c) in th…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


National Institute of Health Grant DA024009, DK046367 & T32DA007027.


Fisherbrand Coverglass for Growth Cover Glasses (12 mm diameter) Fisher Scientific 12-545-82
Poly-D-lysine Sigma P6407- 5 mg
24-well cell culture plate CELLTREAT 229124 May use any brand
Laminin BD Biosciences 354 232
ddH2O Can prepare in lab
15 ml Sterile Centrifuge Tube Greiner Bio-one 188261 May use any brand
50 ml Sterile Centrifuge Tube Greiner Bio-one 227261 May use any brand
NaCl Fisher BioReagents BP358-212 MW 58.44
KCl Fisher BioReagents BP366-500 MW 74.55
NaH2PO4 .2H2O Fisher Chemicals S369-3 MW137.99
MgSO4 Sigma Aldrich M7506-500G MW 120.4
NaHCO3 Sigma Aldrich S6014-5KG MW 84.01
glucose Fisher Chemicals D16-1 MW 180.16
CaCl22H2O Sigma Aldrich C5080-500G MW 147.02
F12 media Gibco 11330
Fetal Bovine Serum Quality Biological Inc. 110-001-101HI May use any brand
Antibiotic/antimycotic 100x liquid Gibco 15240-062
Neurobasal A media Gibco 10888
200 mM L-glutamine Gibco 25030164
Glial Derived Neurotrophic Factor (GDNF) Neuromics PR27022
Sharp-Pointed Dissecting Scissors Fisher Scientific 8940 May use any brand
Dissecting Tissue Forceps Fisher Scientific 13-812-41 May use any brand
Cotton-Tipped Applicators Fisher Scientific 23-400-101 May use any brand
250 ml Graduated Glass Beaker Fisher Scientific FB-100-250 May use any brand
2 L Glass Erlenmyer flask Fisher Scientific FB-500-2000 May use any brand
Plastic rod (child's paint brush) Crayola 05 3516 May use any brand
Carbogen Airgas UN 3156 5% CO2
10 ml Leur-lock Syringe Becton Dickinson 309604 May use any brand
21 G x 1 1/2 in. Hypodermic Needle Becton Dickinson 305167 May use any brand
Collagenase type 2 Worthington LS004174
Bovine Serum Albumin American Bioanalytical AB00440
2 ml Microcentrifuge Eppendorf tubes Fisher Scientific 13-864-252 May use any brand
Nitrex Mesh 500 µM Elko Filtering Co 100560 May use any brand
Pipette Set Fisher Scientific 21-377-328 May use any brand
Sharpeining Stone Fisher Scientific NC9681212 May use any brand
LabGard ES 425 Biological Safety Cabinet (cell culture hood) Nuaire NU-425-400 May use any brand
10 L Shaking Waterbath Edvotek 5027 May use any brand
Microcentrifuge 5417R Eppendorf 5417R May use a single larger centrifuge with size adapters
Allegra 6 Series Centrifuge Beckman Coulter 366816 May use any brand
HuluMixer Sample Mixer Invitrogen 15920D
AutoFlow Water Jacket CO2 Incubator Nuiare NU-4750 May use any brand
Analytical Balance Scale Mettler Toledo XS104 May use any brand


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Smith, T. H., Ngwainmbi, J., Grider, J. R., Dewey, W. L., Akbarali, H. I. An In-vitro Preparation of Isolated Enteric Neurons and Glia from the Myenteric Plexus of the Adult Mouse. J. Vis. Exp. (78), e50688, doi:10.3791/50688 (2013).

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