

Published: August 07, 2013


We demonstrate a cell culture protocol for the direct study of neuronal and glial components of the enteric nervous system. A neuron/glia mixed culture on coverslips is prepared from the myenteric plexus of adult mouse providing the ability to examine individual neuron and glia function by electrophysiology, immunohistochemical, etc.


肠神经系统是一个庞大的网络运行长度的胃肠道功能控制肠胃蠕动的神经元和神经胶质细胞。混居的肌间神经丛的神经元和神经胶质细胞的分离和培养的过程描述。可维持原代培养7天以上,有连接的发展产生的神经元和神经胶质细胞。从底层的鼠标回肠或结肠环形肌和纵行肌条所附的肌间神经丛剥离酶消化。在无菌条件下,分离的神经元和神经胶质细胞的人口内的颗粒下离心将被保留,并镀上盖玻片。 24-48小时内发生,轴突生长和神经元可以通过泛神经标记。两天后,在文化,孤立的神经元动作电位观察膜片钳研究。此外,肠溶性神经胶质细胞也可以是认同“IED GFAP染色。密切同位语的神经元和神经胶质细胞网络形成于5 – 7天。肠溶性神经元,可单独直接使用的方法,如免疫组织化学,电生理,钙成像,单细胞PCR研究。此外,这种程序,可以在转基因动物中进行。这种方法是执行简单,价格低廉。总体而言,这一协议公开肠神经系统的组件容易被操纵的方式,使我们可以更好地发现ENS在正常和疾病状态的功能。


肠神经系统(ENS)是神经和神经胶质细胞,贯穿整个胃肠道(GI)的庞大网络。 ENS消化功能控制的各个方面,包括蠕动,流体吸收/分泌,刺激的感觉, (审查见1)。它包含了超过500万个神经元,发现在脊髓以上,包含了每一个神经递质在大脑中发现的类。此外,ENS是独特的,它的功能会本能地从中枢神经系统2没有输入。 ENS的理解是至关重要的,不仅以了解其正常的生理作用,但了解其参与多种神经病变,它可以是先天性的(先天性巨结肠),收购(美洲锥虫病),继发疾病状态(糖尿病性胃轻瘫),药物诱导(阿片类药物的肠易激综合征),或因损伤(术后肠梗阻)1。此外,肠溶性神经元可以是一个重servoir病毒感染(水痘-带状疱疹)3。由于大脑和高水平的5 -羟色胺在肠道中的相似之处,旨在药物治疗中枢神经系统的缺陷通常有不必要的副作用ENS 2。值得注意的是,许多神经病变,如阿尔茨海默氏症和帕金森氏病,没过多久,他们的出现在中央的神经元在肠道神经元的变化显示出类似的细胞,使ENS访问模型来研究这些疾病的发病机理4。因此,ENS的透彻理解谅解疾病状态和药物的副作用的预防和/或预测的必要性。



这里介绍的方法在肠道神经元和神经胶质细胞混合培养的结果。至少两种不同的类型的神经元时,根据以往的电生理和免疫细胞化学的观察9。神经胶质细胞的存在是非常有利的,因为它们不仅是一种重要的细胞类型来研究自己的权利,但它们有助于肠道神经元10的生存和保持本地受体表达对神经细胞表面11。此外,肠道的神经胶质细胞上的缺陷可能会导致肠胃蠕动异常的疾病状态,创造“神经gliopathies 12。因此,这里提出ENS文化ŗesults在多种细胞类型,是调查的时机已经成熟。



All animal care and experimental procedures were in accordance with and approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee at Virginia Commonwealth University. 1. Preparation of Sterile Poly-D-Lysine- and Laminin-Coated Glass Coverslips in 24-Well Plates All procedures for step 1 are performed in sterile conditions; under a hood, and with sterile reagents. Glass coverslips and double deionized water (ddH2O) should be sterilized in advance. Preparation of plates …

Representative Results

Immediately following isolation of LMMP-derived cells, neurons and other cell types will not be readily evident. Living, round cells of indistinct phenotype can be seen as well as tissue detritus from incompletely digested tissue fragments and connective tissue. This flotsam is of no concern and will be largely removed with the first media change in two days. Do not attempt to clean the slides before this as the healthy, viable cells will be removed as well. After one day in culture, neurons w…


Animals Used

This protocol has been optimized for Swiss Webster mice. However, this method is easily adaptable to other small-sized mammals such as rats and to other strains of mice. We have successfully performed preliminary isolations with C57 mice and μ-opioid receptor knock-outs. However, it is also possible that other strains of mice may be problematic due to morphological variations in the GI tract. Furthermore, there are known differences between mouse strains (C57Bl/6 vs. Balb/c) in th…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


National Institute of Health Grant DA024009, DK046367 & T32DA007027.


Fisherbrand Coverglass for Growth Cover Glasses (12 mm diameter) Fisher Scientific 12-545-82
Poly-D-lysine Sigma P6407- 5 mg
24-well cell culture plate CELLTREAT 229124 May use any brand
Laminin BD Biosciences 354 232
ddH2O Can prepare in lab
15 ml Sterile Centrifuge Tube Greiner Bio-one 188261 May use any brand
50 ml Sterile Centrifuge Tube Greiner Bio-one 227261 May use any brand
NaCl Fisher BioReagents BP358-212 MW 58.44
KCl Fisher BioReagents BP366-500 MW 74.55
NaH2PO4 .2H2O Fisher Chemicals S369-3 MW137.99
MgSO4 Sigma Aldrich M7506-500G MW 120.4
NaHCO3 Sigma Aldrich S6014-5KG MW 84.01
glucose Fisher Chemicals D16-1 MW 180.16
CaCl22H2O Sigma Aldrich C5080-500G MW 147.02
F12 media Gibco 11330
Fetal Bovine Serum Quality Biological Inc. 110-001-101HI May use any brand
Antibiotic/antimycotic 100x liquid Gibco 15240-062
Neurobasal A media Gibco 10888
200 mM L-glutamine Gibco 25030164
Glial Derived Neurotrophic Factor (GDNF) Neuromics PR27022
Sharp-Pointed Dissecting Scissors Fisher Scientific 8940 May use any brand
Dissecting Tissue Forceps Fisher Scientific 13-812-41 May use any brand
Cotton-Tipped Applicators Fisher Scientific 23-400-101 May use any brand
250 ml Graduated Glass Beaker Fisher Scientific FB-100-250 May use any brand
2 L Glass Erlenmyer flask Fisher Scientific FB-500-2000 May use any brand
Plastic rod (child's paint brush) Crayola 05 3516 May use any brand
Carbogen Airgas UN 3156 5% CO2
10 ml Leur-lock Syringe Becton Dickinson 309604 May use any brand
21 G x 1 1/2 in. Hypodermic Needle Becton Dickinson 305167 May use any brand
Collagenase type 2 Worthington LS004174
Bovine Serum Albumin American Bioanalytical AB00440
2 ml Microcentrifuge Eppendorf tubes Fisher Scientific 13-864-252 May use any brand
Nitrex Mesh 500 µM Elko Filtering Co 100560 May use any brand
Pipette Set Fisher Scientific 21-377-328 May use any brand
Sharpeining Stone Fisher Scientific NC9681212 May use any brand
LabGard ES 425 Biological Safety Cabinet (cell culture hood) Nuaire NU-425-400 May use any brand
10 L Shaking Waterbath Edvotek 5027 May use any brand
Microcentrifuge 5417R Eppendorf 5417R May use a single larger centrifuge with size adapters
Allegra 6 Series Centrifuge Beckman Coulter 366816 May use any brand
HuluMixer Sample Mixer Invitrogen 15920D
AutoFlow Water Jacket CO2 Incubator Nuiare NU-4750 May use any brand
Analytical Balance Scale Mettler Toledo XS104 May use any brand


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Smith, T. H., Ngwainmbi, J., Grider, J. R., Dewey, W. L., Akbarali, H. I. An In-vitro Preparation of Isolated Enteric Neurons and Glia from the Myenteric Plexus of the Adult Mouse. J. Vis. Exp. (78), e50688, doi:10.3791/50688 (2013).

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