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Tracking Drosophila Larval Behavior in Response to Optogenetic Stimulation of Olfactory Neurons

Tracking Drosophila Larval Behavior in Response to Optogenetic Stimulation of Olfactory Neurons

Article DOI: 10.3791/57353-v 06:49 min March 21st, 2018
March 21st, 2018



This protocol analyzes navigational behavior of Drosophila larva in response to simultaneous optogenetic stimulation of its olfactory neurons. Light of 630 nm wavelength is used to activate individual olfactory neurons expressing a red-shifted channel rhodopsin. Larval movement is simultaneously tracked, digitally recorded, and analyzed using custom-written software.


Drosophila Larval Behavior Optogenetic Stimulation Olfactory Neurons Navigational Behavior Olfactory Circuit Function Behavior Response Light-deprived Behavior Arena CCD Camera IR Longpass Filter LED Strips LED Platform Optocoupler Relay Raspberry Pi
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