

Published: September 13, 2019






异养原核生物是水生系统中的关键生物成分,在浮游生物生物量1、2、3中占很大比例。控制其丰度、多样性和活性的因素对于理解其在生物地球化学循环中的作用(即有机碳和其他营养物质的命运以及从原核生物到更高的营养水平的能量流动)至关重要。原生动物放牧是这些重要因素之一。异营养纳米旗和纤毛的细菌对原核生物丰度、群落功能、结构、多样性,甚至细胞形态和特定细菌群的生长速率施加了强大的自上而下的控制。 56.在一些系统中,原发学家是细菌死亡的主要原因6,7。






1. 样本收集 水库水样收集:第一个案例研究(Exp I;低天然原位捕食者和猎物丰度系统) 以适当的深度从所需位置收集水样。在运送到实验室过程中,将样品保存在温度控制的冷却器中,在原位温度下填充(避免温度冲击;应注意,原生动物的吸收率取决于温度)。注:我们的取样是在中富营养峡谷形的切莫夫水库(南波希米亚,体积34.5 x 106 m3,最大?…

Representative Results

例如,实验是在切莫夫水库(南波希米亚,CZ),这是一个自然地点,较低的自然原位捕食者和猎物丰度。报告具有代表性的数据为杂食性香菜物种哈尔特里亚格兰尼拉,这是一个丰富和高效的肉食虫颗粒(<2 μm)颗粒10,16,17,18 , 22.图…




The authors have nothing to disclose.




0.2-µm pore-size filters  SPI supplies, B0225-MB Black, polycarbonate track etch membrane filters, diameter approprite for filtering apparatus used
5-(4,6-dichlorotriazin-2-yl) aminofluorescein (DTAF) Any brand
Automatic pipettes with adjustable volumes  Any brand, various sizes
Centrifuge 22 000 x g
Cryovials Any brand, 2 mL size
DAPI (4´,6-Diamidino-2´-phenylindole dihydrochloride) Any brand  1 mg ml-1
Epiflorescence microscope Magnification from 400 x up to 1000 x
Filters appropriate for viewing in the DAPI and DTAF range
Counting grid in one of the oculars
Filtering apparatus Usually with a diameter of 25 mm 
Formaldehyde A brand for microscopy
Glutaraldehyde A brand for microscopy
Immersion oil for microscopy Specific oil with low fluorescence
Lugol´s solution Any brand or see comment Make an alkaline Lugol' solution as follows: Solution 1 – dissolve  10 g of potassium iodide in 20 ml in MQ water, then add 5 g of iodine. Solution 2 – add 5 g of sodium acetate  to 50 ml of MQ water. Add the solution 2 to the solution 1 and thoroughly mix
Methanol stabilized formalin Any brand available for microscopy purposes
Microscope slides and cover slips Any brand produced for microscopy purposes 
MQ water for diluting samples Any brand
Phosphate-buffered saline (PBS; pH = 9) Any brand 0.05 M Na2HPO4-NaCl solution, adjusted to pH 9
PPi-saline buffer Any brand 0.02 M Na4P2O7-NaCl solution. Add 0.53 g Na4P2O7 to 100 ml of MQ water plus 0.85 g NaCl 
Sampling device  Appropriate for obtaining representative sample  e.g. Friedinger sampler for lake plankton
Sodium thiosulfate solution Any brand 3% solution is used in the protocol
Sonicator Any brand 30 W
Vortex Any brand allowing  thorough mixing of the solutes and samples
Water bath Any brand allowing temperature to be maintained at 60 °C


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Citar este artículo
Šimek, K., Sirova, D. Fluorescently Labeled Bacteria as a Tracer to Reveal Novel Pathways of Organic Carbon Flow in Aquatic Ecosystems. J. Vis. Exp. (151), e59903, doi:10.3791/59903 (2019).

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