
Cortex-,Hippocampus-,Thalamus-,下丘脑 - ,横向隔核 - 纹状体专用<em>在子宫内</em>电穿孔的C57BL / 6小鼠

Published: January 18, 2016


This protocol describes in detail how to specifically transfect different regions in the C57BL/6 central nervous system via in utero electroporation. Included in this protocol are detailed instructions for transfections of regions that develop into the cortex, hippocampus, thalamus, hypothalamus, lateral septal nucleus and striatum.


In utero electroporation is a widely used technique for fast and efficient spatiotemporal manipulation of various genes in the rodent central nervous system. Overexpression of desired genes is just as possible as shRNA mediated loss-of-function studies. Therefore it offers a wide range of applications. The feasibility to target particular cells in a distinct area further increases the range of potential applications of this very useful method. For efficiently targeting specific regions knowledge about the subtleties, such as the embryonic stage, the voltage to apply and most importantly the position of the electrodes, is indispensable.

Here, we provide a detailed protocol that allows for specific and efficient in utero electroporation of several regions of the C57BL/6 mouse central nervous system. In particular it is shown how to transfect regions the develop into the retrosplenial cortex, the motor cortex, the somatosensory cortex, the piriform cortex, the cornu ammonis 1-3, the dentate gyrus, the striatum, the lateral septal nucleus, the thalamus and the hypothalamus. For this information about the appropriate embryonic stage, the appropriate voltage for the corresponding embryonic stage is provided. Most importantly an angle-map, which indicates the appropriate position of the positive pole, is depicted. This standardized protocol helps to facilitate efficient in utero electroporation, which might also lead to a reduced number of animals.


自2001年第一次描述由三个独立的小组1-3 I N 子宫内的电已成为在啮齿动物中枢神经系统的分析基因表达的一种广泛使用的标准工具。相比一代基因敲除小鼠,这是,尽管不断提高技术,还有时间和金钱消耗,对在子宫内电由于其简单的呼吁。 所以 ,在子宫内的电实现了快速,高效的GAIN-和丧失功能的研究4。

转染脑区,包含带负电荷的质粒的溶液注入到心室。在电脉冲,带负电荷的DNA迁移朝向正极,因此,转染的区域可以通过改变阳极的位置简单地选择。它经常被显示,对中枢神经系统的许多区域可たrgeted 3,5-8。例如,最近的研究表明,海马,梨状皮层或纹状体9-11的特定转染。然而,关于适当的位置的信息往往只是很少标准化,并不总是容易转移到不同的小鼠品系。


我们已经制定了详细的协议,它使C57BL / 6小鼠12的各个脑区的快速,高效的转染。在此要使用的协议有关的电压的详细信息,并设置在电极焊盘以增强特异性的大小。此外,关于心室信息要与用于质粒溶液的量和电极的位置的建议被供给填充的沿。在地图,这些位置的进一步可视化的详细位置信息的指示使简单的具体和有效 retrosplenial皮层,运动皮层,躯体感觉皮层,梨状皮质,T的子宫内的电他CORNU ammonis 1-3,齿状回,纹状体,外侧隔核,丘脑和下丘脑。


伦理声明:小鼠和实验程序的处理被根据用于动物护理欧洲,国内和机构准则进行。 1.在子宫内的电 注: 在子宫内的电进行以前发表12,14。因此,该方法仅在下面的(图1)简单说明。 准备工作制备坚牢绿色无内毒素的先进染同类的质粒(含有1,5- pCAGGS中)溶液如前所述12。 拉和研磨?…

Representative Results

图2 显示了发展成为retrosplenial皮层区域的子宫内的电示例,具体的,运动皮层,躯体感觉皮层,梨状皮质,大角ammonis 1-3,齿状回,纹状体,外侧隔核,丘脑和下丘脑。该转染的结果示旁边的推荐角度( 图2)。为更好地可视化在体内角度的电极(0.5毫米)的位置也示于胚胎(图5,胚胎在子宫内 ,胚胎在羊膜囊,解剖胚胎)。为了…


This protocol describes in detail how to transfect the retrosplenial cortex, the motor cortex, the somatosensory cortex, the piriform cortex, the cornu ammonis 1-3, the dentate gyrus, the striatum, the lateral septal nucleus, the thalamus and the hypothalamus of C75BL/6 mice. With all the provided information this is the first protocol, which supplies all necessary information to easily recreate transfections of these cerebral regions in the C57BL/6 mouse. Previous publications are mostly focused only on a few specific r…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


Technical supported by Melanie Pfeifer and Nikolai Schmarowski (Institute for Microscopic Anatomy and Neurobiology, University Medical Center Mainz).


EndoFree Plasmid Maxi Kit QIAGEN 12362
Fast Green Roth 0301.1
pCAGGS Addgene
borosilicate glass capillaries (0.8-0.9 mm diameter) Wold Precision Instrument Inc. 1B100F-4
Isoflurane (Forene) Abbott PZN 4831850
Carprofen (Rimadyl) Pfizer GmbH approval number: 400684.00.00
eye ointment (Bepanthen Augen und Nasensalbe) Bayer  PZN 01578681
0.9% benzyl alcohol 0.9% saline solution Pharmacy
of the University Medical Center Mainz
gauze (ES-Kompressen) Hartmann 407835
sterile 5-0 Perma-Hand Silk Suture Ethicon Johnson & Johnson K890H
ring forceps 1/ 1.5 mm Fine Science Tools 11101-09
ring forceps 4.8/ 6 mm Fine Science Tools 11106-09
ring forceps 2.2/ 3 mm Fine Science Tools 11103-09
Adson Forceps-Serrated Straight 12 cm Fine Science Tools 1106-12
IrisScissors-Delicate Straight-Sharp/Blunt 10 cm Fine Science Tools 14028-10
Mayo-Stille Scissors-Straight 15 cm Fine Science Tools 14012-15
Dumont #5 Forceps-Inox Fine Science Tools 11251-20
Castroviejo NeedleHolder-with Lock-Tungsten Carbide 14 cm Fine Science Tools 12565-14
Elektroporator CUY21 SC  Nepa Gene Co.
FST 250 Hot Bead Sterilizer Fine Science Tools 18000-45
Microgrinder EG-44 Narishige
P-97 Micropette Puller Sutter Instrument Company P-97
Platinum electrodes 650P 0.5 mm Nepagene CUY650P0.5
Platinum electrodes 650P 3 mm Nepagene CUY650P3
Platinum electrodes 650P 5 mm Nepagene CUY650P5
Platinum electrodes 650P 10 mm Nepagene CUY650P10
Anesthesia system Rothacher-Medical GmbH CV-30511-3 Vapor 19.3
Heating plate Rothacher-Medical GmbH HP-1M
Temperature Controller 220V AC Rothacher-Medical GmbH TCAT-2LV


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Citar este artículo
Baumgart, J., Baumgart, N. Cortex-, Hippocampus-, Thalamus-, Hypothalamus-, Lateral Septal Nucleus- and Striatum-specific In Utero Electroporation in the C57BL/6 Mouse. J. Vis. Exp. (107), e53303, doi:10.3791/53303 (2016).

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