JoVE Science Education
Developmental Psychology
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JoVE Science Education Developmental Psychology
How Children Solve Problems Using Causal Reasoning
  • 00:00Übersicht
  • 01:13Experimental Design
  • 02:26Running the Experiment
  • 04:20Representative Results
  • 05:08Applications
  • 05:59Summary

아이들이 인과적 추론을 사용하여 문제를 해결하는 방법




출처: 주디스 다노비치와 니콜라우스 놀스 연구소 — 루이빌 대학교

한 어린 아이가 한 성인이 “뉴스를 보고 싶다”고 말하는 것을 듣고, 성인이 리모컨의 버튼을 누르는 것을 지켜본다고 상상해 보십시오. 잠시 후, 텔레비전 화면이 켜집니다. 다음 날, 아이는 만화를 보기 위해 텔레비전 화면을 켜고 싶어합니다. 아이는 무엇을 해야 할지 어떻게 알 수 있는가? “만화를 보고 싶다”고 말하는 것만으로도 충분할까요, 아니면 리모컨의 버튼을 누르고 있습니까? 이 문제를 해결하려면 어린이들이 관찰한정보(즉,성인의 행동)를 사용하여 해결책을 마련해야 합니다. 일상 생활에서 아이들은 목표를 달성하기 위해 복잡하거나 모호한 관찰에서 원인과 효과를 해독해야하는 많은 상황에 직면합니다.

인과 적 추론에 대한 아이들의 능력을 검사하기 위해 심리학자는 인과 시나리오를 사용하여 아이들이 어떻게 결론을 도출하는지 관찰하고 다양한 유형의 개체 사이의 관계에 대한 새로운 가설을 테스트하는 작업을 설정합니다. 이러한 작업에서 자식은 개별 개체 또는 개체 집합과 관련된 상호 작용을 표시합니다. 그런 다음 원인을 식별하고 문제를 해결하기 위해 효과 사이의 링크를 사용하라는 메시지가 표시됩니다.

이 비디오는 Gopnik과 Sobel1 및 Gopnik, 소벨, 슐츠 및 글리모어가 개발한 방법을 기반으로 새로운 개체에 대한 아동의 인과 적 추론을 측정하는 방법을 보여줍니다. 2


3세와 4세 아동을 모집합니다. 이 데모를 위해 한 명의 어린이만 테스트됩니다. 더 큰 샘플 크기 (Gopnik및 소벨 및 Gopnik, 소벨, 슐츠 및 글리모어 연구에서와 같이) 1,2 어떤 실험을 수행 할 때 권장됩니다. 참가자가 발달 장애의 병력이 없고 정상적인 청력과 시력을 가지고 있는지 확인하십시오. 1. 필요한 재료를 구하십시오. 다양한 색상과 모…


Researchers tested 24 3- and 4-year-old children. They found the children’s most frequent response in the one-cause task was to remove Block A from the device, and the children did so significantly more often than in the two-cause task. Likewise, children’s most frequent response in the two-cause task was to remove both blocks, and they did so significantly more often than in the one-cause task. The researchers also noted that when children in the two-cause task only chose one block, they were equally likely to choose Block A or Block B (Figure 1). This suggests they did not believe either block had a stronger effect on the device. The researchers concluded that preschool children were able to use their previous observations and their causal reasoning skills to solve the problem of how to turn off the device.

Figure 1
Figure 1. Percentage of children who showed each type of response pattern in the one-cause and two-cause tasks.

Applications and Summary

These findings show the power of children’s causal reasoning abilities for solving problems. Children can learn about the world quickly, and they can use their knowledge to figure out the causal relationships between objects. This is true even if they have never seen the objects before (e.g., the music-playing device) and no one has previously demonstrated how to solve the problem.

The ability to use observations to draw inferences about cause-and-effect and to apply those inferences to solving novel problems is one of the basic elements of scientific understanding. The scientific methods rely on the practice of systematically testing how manipulation of different variables produces different effects on the world. These findings suggest that, even before they begin their formal science education, children already have the capacity to reason about the causal relationships between objects in the world. Moreover, they are able to creatively use their understanding to solve problems, even if they have never observed the objects or problems before.


  1. Gopnik, A., & Sobel, D. M. Detecting blickets: How young children use information about novel causal powers in categorization and induction. Child Development. 71 (5), 1205-1222 (2000).
  2. Gopnik, A., Sobel, D. M., Schulz, L. E., & Glymour, C. Causal learning mechanisms in very young children: two-, three-, and four-year-olds infer causal relations from patterns of variation and covariation. Developmental Psychology. 37 (5), 620 (2001).


Children encounter many situations where they need to decode cause-and-effect from complex or ambiguous observations to come up with solutions to problems.

For example, a young child hears an adult say “I want to watch the news” and then observes the adult press a button on the remote control. A moment later, the television turns on and a news station appears on the screen.

The next day, the child wants to watch cartoons. How does she know what to do? Is it enough to say, I want to watch cartoons, or is pushing the button on the remote control necessary, too? The ability to distinguish the relationship between the cause and its effect is referred to as causal reasoning.

Using methods developed by Alison Gopnik and colleagues, this video demonstrates the steps required to set-up and perform an experiment assessing causal reasoning in children, as well as how to analyze the data and interpret the results involving scenarios with novel objects.

In this experiment, children ages 3 to 4 are shown interactions involving individual objects such as blocks and a box that can play music when triggered.

Children are asked to identify and use the links between novel causes and the effects to solve a problem. For example, in a one-cause task, only one block will trigger the box to play music, in this case Block A, rather than Block B.

In the more complicated two-cause task, two different blocks can make the box play music when placed individually.

In both the causal scenarios, children are asked to make the music stop, and which block or blocks they remove is recorded as the dependent variable in the experiment. If cause-and-effect has been correctly inferred, Block A will be removed in the one-cause task, whereas both blocks will be removed in the two-cause task.

Prior to the arrival of the child, place two chairs on opposite sides of a table. Gather four wooden blocks of different colors and shapes. Note that only two blocks will be used at a time. Finally, prepare the special device by placing a sound-producing object, such as a wireless doorbell that can be remotely turned on or off, in a box with a sturdy top.

To begin the study, greet the child and instruct them to sit in a chair across from you.

Introduce the device. “Some blocks make this machine play music, and some blocks don’t.”

Start the one-cause task by placing one block—Block B—on the device to demonstrate that nothing happens. Remove Block B and place the second block—Block A—on the box, which simultaneously activates the music.

With Block A still on the device, place Block B back on the device and have the machine continue playing music.

Once the demonstration is complete, ask the child if they can make the music stop playing and record the data.

Tell the child that they will now play again. Remove all of the blocks from the box and set up for the two-cause task.

Using different blocks, place Block B on the device, which now causes the music to play. Remove Block B and then place Block A on the device, which also activates the music to play.

With Block A still on the device, place Block B back on the machine. Once again, ask the child if they can make the music stop and record the data.

To analyze the results, categorize the number of children who removed Block A, Block B, both blocks, or none of the blocks and graph the percentages of children who showed the responses for both causal scenarios.

In the one-cause task, most children correctly removed the block, in this case Block A that stopped the music.

Likewise, in the two-cause task, more children removed both blocks instead of just one block. These results suggest that preschool children use previous observations and their causal reasoning skills to solve the problem of how to turn off the device.

Now that you are familiar with how young children solve problems using causal reasoning, let’s look at other ways problem-solving scenarios can be applied across development.

Researchers have found that casual reasoning and cognitive ability in children are linked. For instance, the ability to complete a sequential order with reasoning is used as a marker of cognitive development.

The scientific method is based on using observations to draw inferences about cause-and-effect and to apply those inferences to solving novel problems. Way before any formal science education, young children have the capacity to reason about causal relationships between objects in the world, making them natural mini-scientists.

You’ve just watched JoVE’s introduction to causal reasoning in children. Now you should have a good understanding of how to design causal scenarios and run the experiment, as well as analyze and assess the results.

Thanks for watching!


Cite This
JoVE Science Education Database. JoVE Science Education. How Children Solve Problems Using Causal Reasoning. JoVE, Cambridge, MA, (2023).