

Published: May 27, 2022







已知硒和铁等生理元素特别难以形成,因为它们具有复杂的化学性质,硒或铁物种的各种稳定性,以及它们在ppm(mg / kg)甚至亚ppm范围内的低浓度。因此,研究XAS对这些元素的形态可能极具挑战性。同步加速器XAS和特别高能分辨率荧光检测的XAS(HERFD-XAS),允许非常低的信背景比1,可在同步加速器源上形成复杂生物基质中高度稀释的元素23。传统的荧光XAS测量可以使用能量带宽约为150-250 eV的能量分辨固态探测器(SSD)在欧洲同步辐射设施(ESRF)4的CRG-FAME光束线上进行,而HERFD-XAS测量则需要在ESRF2的CRG-FAME-UHD光束线上使用能量带宽约为1-3 eV的晶体分析仪光谱仪(CAS).荧光光子分别通过电子或光学过程来区分其能量。

样品冷冻制备对于保存结构和维持成分化学完整性至关重要,因此允许分析接近生物天然状态5。此外,使用液氦低温冷却(LN2)在低至10 K的低温下进行的分析允许辐射损伤减缓并保持XAS的元素形态。虽然一些关于应用于生物样品的XAS技术的综述报告了在低温条件下制备和分析样品的必要性(例如Sarret等人6,Porcaro等人7),但没有一篇明确描述相关的详细方案。在本出版物中,描述了一种用于癌细胞和浮游生物微生物的冷冻制备方法,用于在低温下实现Se8 和Fe9 的HERFD-XAS形态。


我们利用人前列腺细胞系PC-3(高转移电位)和卵巢细胞系OVCAR-3(占所有卵巢癌病例的70%)来研究硒纳米颗粒(Se-NPs)和 Phaeodactylum tricornutum 硅藻对癌细胞的抗增殖特性,作为研究浮游植物铁螯合的模型物种。


1.制备用于硒形态的人类PC-3和OVCAR-3癌细胞颗粒 注:以下协议改编自Weekley等人10。所有步骤都必须在生物安全2级条件和限制下的细胞培养罩下使用无菌技术进行。 使用马拉塞兹细胞计数室对细胞进行计数。PC-3细胞系的每个烧瓶接种150,000-200,000个细胞,OVCAR-3细胞系接种300,000个细胞。 T-75烧瓶中的种子细胞(每种条件下三个烧瓶,以便一式?…

Representative Results

这些制剂的主要目的是研究硒纳米颗粒(Se-NPs)与癌细胞之间的相互作用,以及浮游植物中的铁结合和封存。 在初始状态(BSA Se-NPs)和在营养培养基中孵育的细胞(BSA Se-NPs)中孵育的硒的HERFD-XANES光谱如图 10所示。结果表明, 初始Se-NPs中的硒同时以Se(0) 和亚硒酸盐样形式存在, 而与PC-3细胞相互作用后, 细胞中的硒主要以Se(0)的形式<…





The authors have nothing to disclose.


我们感谢CEMHTI(法国奥尔良,ANR-13-BS08-0012-01)和Labex OSUG@2020(法国格勒诺布尔,ANR-10-LABX-0056)为光束线开发提供的财政捐助。FAME-UHD项目由法国“grand emprunt”EquipEx(EcoX,ANR-10-EQPX-27-01),CEA-CNRS CRG财团和INSU CNRS研究所提供财政支持。我们感谢实验期间的所有贡献,特别是所有从事BM30B和BM16工作的人员。作者承认欧洲同步加速器辐射设施提供同步加速器辐射束时间。我们还感谢PHYTOMET ANR项目的财务支持(ANR-16-CE01-0008)和SEDMAC项目的财务支持(INCA-Plan cancer-ASC16019CS)。


Ammonium nitrate Sigma-Aldrich A3795 NH4NO3, 2.66 mg/L of milliQ water
Anaerobic chamber Coy Laboratory, USA equipped with Anaerobic Monitor (CAM-12)
Antibiotic stock Sigma-Aldrich A0166 for ampicillin, S9137 for streptomycin sulfate 1 mL/L of milliQ water (ampicillin sodium and streptomycin sulfate, 100 mg/mL)
Boron nitride powder Sigma-Aldrich 255475
Cell counting chamber Neubauer or Malassez
Cell scraper
Dulbecco's Phosphate Buffered Saline (DPBS) GIBCO 14190-094 Without Calcium, Magnesium, Phenol Red
Eppendorf tubes 0.5 mL and 1.5 mL
Falcon tubes 15 mL and 50 mL
Ferric citrate Fe/citrate = 1/20 Sigma-Aldrich F3388 aqueous solution of FeCl3 50 mM and Na-citrate 1M pH 6.5
Fetal Bovine Serum GIBCO A31604-02 Performance Plus, certified One Shot format, US origin
Flasks Sigma-Aldrich Z707503 TPP 150 cm2 area
Growth chamber Sanyo Sanyo MLR-352 at 20 °C and under a 12:12 light (3,000 lux) dark regime
HEPES buffer Sigma-Aldrich H4034 1 g/L of milliQ water HEPES
High grade serous, OVCAR-3 ATCC, Rockville, MD HTB-161 Storage temperature: liquid nitrogen vapor temperature
Incubator Incubator at 37°C, humidified atmosphere with 5% CO2
Insulin solution from bovine pancreas Sigma-Aldrich I0516 10 mg/mL insulin in 25mM HEPES, pH 8.2, BioReagent, sterile-filtered, suitable for cell culture
Manual hydraulic press Specac, USA
Marine diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum Roscoff culture collection RCC69
Morpholinepropanesulfonic acid Sigma-Aldrich M3183 MOPS, 250 mg/L of milliQ water (pH 7.3)
Optical microscope
PC-3 ECCAC, Salisbury, UK 90112714 Storage temperature: liquid nitrogen vapor temperature
Penicillin-Streptomycin Sigma-Aldrich P4333 Solution stabilized, with 10,000 units penicillin and 10 mg streptomycin/mL, sterile-filtered, BioReagent, suitable for cell culture
Pipette-boy 25mL-, 10mL-, and 5mL sterile plastic-pipettes
Plankton culture products, Mf medium: Sea salts Sigma-Aldrich S9883 40g/L of milliQ water. Composition: Cl- 19.29 g, Na+ 10.78 g, SO42- 2.66 g, Mg2+ 1.32 g, K+ 420 mg, Ca2+ 400 mg, CO32- /HCO3- 200 mg, Sr2+ 8.8 mg, BO2- 5.6 mg, Br- 56 mg, I- 0.24 mg, Li+ 0.3 mg, F- 1 mg
Plastic tweezers Oxford Instrument AGT 5230
RPMI MEDIUM 1640 (ATCC Modification) GIBCO A10491-01 Solution with 4.5 g/L D-glucose, 1.5 g/L Sodium Bicarbonate, 110 mg/L (1 mM) Sodium Pyruvate, 2.388 g/L (10 mM) HEPES buffer and 300 mg/L L-glutamine for research use
Selenium nanoparticles (Se-NPs), BSA coated, 2 mg/mL NANOCS Company, USA Se50-BS-1 BSA stabilized Se-NPs solution. Average size about 30 nm. Stored at 4°C in the dark, protected from the light.
Selenium nanoparticles (Se-NPs), Chitosan coated, 2 mg/mL NANOCS Company, USA 11. Se50-CS-1 Chitosan stabilized Se-NPs solution. Average size about 30 nm. Stored at 4°C in the dark, protected from the light.
Sodium metasilicate pentahydrate Sigma-Aldrich 71746 Na2SiO3.5H2O, 22.8 mg/L of milliQ water
Sodium nitrate Sigma-Aldrich S5022 NaNO3, 75 mg/L of milliQ water
Sodium phosphate monobasic Sigma-Aldrich S5011 NaH2PO4, 15 mg/L of milliQ water
T-75 flasks
Tissue culture hood
Trace metal stock Sigma-Aldrich M5005, Z1001, M1651, C2911, 450243, 451193, 229857 1 mL/L of milliQ water (MnCl2.4H2O 200 mg/L, ZnSO4.7H2O 40 mg/L, Na2MoO4.2H2O 20mg/L, CoCl2.6H2O 14 mg/L, Na3VO4.nH2O 10 mg/L, NiCl2 10 mg/L, H2SeO3 10 mg/L)
Trypan Blue Solution (0.4%) GIBCO 15250061
Trypsin-EDTA (0.05%), phenol red GIBCO 25300-054
Vitamin stock Sigma-Aldrich T1270 for thiamine, B4639 for biotin, V6629 for B12 1 mL/L of milliQ water (thiamine HCl 20 mg/L, biotin 1 mg/L, B12 1 mg/L)
Water bath 37°C


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Bissardon, C., Isaure, M., Lesuisse, E., Rovezzi, M., Lahera, E., Proux, O., Bohic, S. Biological Samples Preparation for Speciation at Cryogenic Temperature using High-Resolution X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy. J. Vis. Exp. (183), e60849, doi:10.3791/60849 (2022).

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