

Published: October 22, 2016


We applied repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) to the unilateral hemisphere of rat brain, by placing a 25-mm figure-8 coil 1 cm lateral to the vertex on the biauricular line and angulating the coil by 45°. An in-house water cooling system was used for rTMS for more than 20 min.


Previous rodent models of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) adopted whole-brain stimulation instead of unilateral hemispheric rTMS, which is unlike the protocols used for human subjects. We report a successful application of rTMS to the unilateral hemisphere of rat brain. The rTMS was delivered with a low-frequency (1 Hz), high-frequency (20 Hz), or sham stimulation protocol to one side of the brain by using a small 25-mm figure-8 coil. We placed the center of the coil 1 cm lateral to the vertex on the biauricular line and angulated the coil 45° to the ground to minimize a potential direct effect of rTMS on the contralateral cortex. We also used an in-house water cooling system to enable repetitive magnetic stimulation for more than 20 min, even at a 20-Hz stimulation frequency. Increases in the transcriptions of immediate early genes (Arc, Junb, and Egr2) were greater after rTMS than after sham stimulation. After 5 consecutive days of 20-min 1-Hz rTMS, bdnf mRNA expression was significantly higher in stimulated cortex than in contralateral side. The model presented herein will elucidate the molecular mechanisms of rTMS by allowing analysis of the inter-hemispheric difference in its effect.


重复经颅磁刺激(rTMS治疗),用于非侵入性脑刺激和神经调节的工具,已经在各种病症的治疗被应用于如中枢性疼痛1,2,抑郁心情 ,偏头痛4,甚至中风5-7。通过线圈快速变化的电流在磁头诱导对大脑皮层和所得神经元激活电场。大脑皮层的兴奋性可以通过磁刺激,从而可以持续超过30分钟的刺激终止后进行调制。

后效应的磁刺激的建议的机制包括长时程增强/抑郁症样作用8,在离子平衡9短暂移位,和代谢改变10。此外,迪拉扎罗 。表明,间歇THETA突发刺激影响兴奋性突触输入到锥体束神经元,无论是在刺激与对侧大脑半球11。





所有的动物使用的程序进行审查,并由首尔大学医院的机构动物护理和使用委员会批准。 1.实验装置动物准备允许雄性Sprague-Dawley大鼠1周开始实验前,以适应新的环境。 注意:虽然8周龄大鼠在本研究中所使用的,显影或成人大脑可以根据研究假设来选择。 吸入麻醉诱导诱导并用5%异氟醚分别经由室与鼻锥体溶解在40%/ 60%和25%/ 75%氧/氮,2?…

Representative Results

十五8周龄雄性SD大鼠被用于MT确定一个独立的评判间可靠性分析。使用肌肉抽搐的触诊的MT在所有可获得的大鼠和33.00±4.21%最大输出刺激(%MSO)和33.93±0.88%MSO,测量分别由两个独立的研究人员。奥特曼偏倚-0.93,以及协议的95%限为-9.13至7.26%。 在6个8周龄鼠(n =在1赫兹的rTMS 4,和n = 2的假rTMS组中)微PET试验,18 F-F…


这项研究的主要目的是介绍单边rTMS治疗的动物模型。虽然单边刺激是人类颅磁刺激研究的最根本的特征之一,许多研究都没有小动物采用。然而,罗滕贝格等人 15记录,使用具有20毫米的外瓣直径的8字形线圈100%MT的刺激对侧的MEP,而刺激112.5%和133.3%的MT产生同侧以及对侧的MEP。这可能是因为大感应电场可影响对侧半球。因此,我们的研究是此以前的工作15,24的延伸?…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


This work was supported by the Korea Research Foundation Grant funded by the Korean Government (KRF-2008-313-E00458). The authors thank Jin-Joo Lee for the technical assistance.


Homeothermic blanket with a rectal probe Harvard apparatus 507222F
Isoflurane (Forane sol.) Choongwae
Propofol (Provive Inj. 1% 20ml) Claris Lifesciences
Repetitive magnetic stimulator (Magstim Rapid2) Magstim Company Ltd
25 mm figure-of-8 coil Magstim Company Ltd 1165-00
PET-CT GE Healthcare
QIAzol Lysis Reagent Qiagen (US Patent No. 5,346,994)
RNeasy Lipid Tissue Mini Kit Qiagen 74804
RNeasy Mini Spin Columns Qiagen (Mat No. 1011708)
Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer Agilent Technologies
Ambion Illumina RNA amplification kit Ambion
Nanodrop Spectrophotometer NanoDrop ND-1000
Illumina RatRef-12 Expression BeadChip Illumina, Inc.
Amersham fluorolink streptavidin-Cy3 GE Healthcare Bio-Sciences


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Diesen Artikel zitieren
Beom, J., Lee, J. C., Paeng, J. C., Han, T. R., Bang, M. S., Oh, B. Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation to the Unilateral Hemisphere of Rat Brain. J. Vis. Exp. (116), e54217, doi:10.3791/54217 (2016).

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