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JoVE Core Chemie
Precipitation of Ions



If the solutions of two ionic compounds are mixed, such as sodium iodide and lead(II) nitrate, the cations from one solution can combine with the anions from the other. As one of the cross products—sodium nitrate— is water soluble, sodium and nitrate ions continue to remain in solution, while lead and iodide ions form a lead iodide precipitate. The reaction quotient, Q, of the dissolution reaction is equal to the product of the concentrations of lead and iodide ions. Unlike the solubility product Ksp, the reaction quotient involves ion concentrations at any stage, not just at equilibrium. The values of Q and Ksp can be compared to predict if a precipitation reaction will occur. Consider a dropwise addition of sodium iodide solution to the lead nitrate solution. In the beginning, Q is less than Ksp, and both lead and iodide ions are in solution with the sodium and nitrate ions. This is an unsaturated solution. As more sodium iodide is added, the concentration of iodide ions continues to increase. The reaction has reached equilibrium when Q = Ksp. At this stage, a small amount of solid lead iodide is in dynamic equilibrium with the ions, forming a saturated solution. Further addition of sodium iodide makes Q > Ksp, and the reaction shifts towards the precipitate. This is a supersaturated solution, where precipitation continues until the ion concentrations are lowered to their equilibrium values. For instance, suppose the mixing of sodium iodide and lead(II) nitrate solutions results in a solution that contains 1.6 × 10−4 M lead ions and 4.0 × 10−4 M iodide ions. Here, Q = 2.6 × 10−11, while Ksp for lead iodide is 1.4 × 10−8. Because Q < Ksp, lead iodide will not precipitate. Predicting precipitation reactions can be very useful during the separation of ionic compounds. Consider a solution with two metal ions— lead(II) and copper(II). If hydrochloric acid is added to this solution, lead(II) chloride precipitates because it has a small Ksp, while copper remains in solution as copper(II) chloride is highly soluble in water. This technique is called selective precipitation.







Q < Ksp:順方向に反応が進む(溶液が飽和しておらず、沈殿を生成しない)

Q > Ksp:逆方向に反応が進む(溶液が過飽和状態であり、沈殿が生成)

同じ対イオンを含んだ2種類以上の難溶性化合物からなる溶液では、溶液から個々のイオンを除去するために、選択的沈殿と呼ばれる実験方法が用いられます。化合物の溶解度が十分に異なる場合、対イオンの濃度を徐々に増加させることで、溶液中のイオンを個別に沈殿させることができます。 対象となる共通イオンの濃度が等しい溶液では、最も溶解度の低い化合物を形成するイオンが最初に沈殿します。他のイオンは、それぞれの化合物の溶解度に達するに従って析出します。


1 Lあたり0.00010 molのKBrと0.10 molのKClを含む溶液があります。この溶液にAgNO3を徐々に加えていく。このとき、固体のAgBrと固体のAgClのどちらが先に生成するでしょうか?






AgBrは[Ag+]が5.0 × 10−9 Mのときに析出し始めます。


QがAgClのKsp(1.6  × 10-10)と等しいとき、AgClが析出します。[Cl] = 0.10 Mのとき、


AgClは、[Ag+]が1.6  × 10-9 Mのときに析出し始めます。


上記の文章は以下から引用しました。 Openstax, Chemistry 2e, Chapter 15.1: Precipitation and Dissolution.

Suggested Reading

  1. Firsching, Ferdinand Henry. "Selective precipitation of silver halides from homogeneous solution. Separation of iodide, bromide, and chloride using volatilization of ammonia." Analytical Chemistry 32, no. 13 (1960): 1876-1878.
  2. Reynolds, John P. "Ksp experiment: The solubility product for barium hydroxide." Journal of Chemical Education 52, no. 8 (1975): 521.
  3. Hou, Miaolin, and George L. Baughman. "Predicting the precipitation of acid and direct dyes in natural waters." Dyes and pigments 18, no. 1 (1992): 35-46.