

Published: August 22, 2019






改变生物体中的基因组或影响基因表达的能力是设计多种实验测试功能因果关系的基础。在传统基因实验室动物模型系统(如Musmusculus、Danio)之外的生物体中,基因组和非基因组修饰技术也对于比较和进化相关工作也至关重要。 里奥、德罗索菲拉·梅拉诺加斯特卡埃诺哈布迪西·埃莱甘斯。无论是理解有机体多样性1的愿望,还是对Krogh原则的坚持,对于每一个生物问题,都有一个最适合其解决方案2、3、修改基因组或影响基因表达是现代实验设计的关键。


将分子试剂注入板球卵子可用于基因组修饰实验以及胚胎中基因表达的非基因组操作。例如,转基因G.双体细胞携带eGFP插入已经创建使用转座酶piggyBac7,8。研究者已经成功地利用锌指核酸酶(ZFNs)和转录激活器样(TAL)效应素(TALENs)在特定的基因组区域9中引入双链断裂。虽然ZFN和TALEN允许在四大模型系统之外的动物进行特定定位,但这些试剂已被CRISPR/Cas9系统迅速超越,该系统使用更简单、效率更高、灵活性高。CRISPR已用于G.双核糖核酸生产敲出11以及敲入线12,13 除了基因组修饰,dsRNA可以注射到鸡蛋中,以敲落mRNA表达在开发胚胎,使调查人员了解特定记录的作用在整个开发14,15。一些关于如何注射板球蛋的有限细节已经发表于12。



1. 硬件设置和材料准备 注:有关解决方案、试剂和设备详细信息的准备,请参阅表 1和材料表。 设置解剖显微镜,以便看到鸡蛋并引导注射针。(图1A显示了装有荧光的解剖显微镜。荧光能力是有利的,但不是必须的。 放置一个3轴微操作器,将注射针操纵到位(图1A)。 <l…

Representative Results





The authors have nothing to disclose.




Fluorescent dissecting microscope Leica M165 FC Stereomicroscope with fluorescence
External light source for fluorescence Leica EL 6000
Microinjector Narishige IM-300 -Accessories may include Injection Needles Holder, Input Hose (with a hose connector), AC Power Cord, Foot Switch, Silicone Rubber Gasket-
mCherry filter cube Leica M205FA/M165FC Filter cube for mCherry or similar red dye will work
Micromanipulator World Precision Instruments, Inc. M3301R Used with Magnetic Stand (Narishige, Type GJ-8)
Magnetic stand Narishige MMO-202ND
Pipette Holder (Needle holder) Narishige HD-21
Tubing to connect air source to microinjector
Egg well stamp 3D printed custom 3D printed on a Lulzbot Taz 5 using Poly Lactic Acid thermoplastic
Microwave various
Incubator or temperature controlled room various Temperatures of 23.5-26°C are needed.
cricket food various cat food or fish flakes are appropriate food. 
cricket wter vairous Water can be held in vials and presented to crickets through cotton balls
cricket shelter arious Shelter materials can include crumpled paper towels or egg cartons
Glass capillary tubes World Precision Instruments, Inc. Item no. 1B100F-4 Kwik-Fil™ Borosilicate Glass Capillaries, 100mm length, 0.58 mm ID, 1.0 mm OD, with filament
Micropipette puller Flaming/Brown Model P-97 Distributed by Sutter Instrument Co.
Beveller/Micro grinder Narishige Model EG-45/EG-400 EG-400 includes a microscope head
Petri dishes CellTreat Product code 229693 90mm diameter
Play Sand Sandtastik Products Ltd. B003U6QLVS White play sand
Agarose American Bioanalytical AB000972 Agarose GPG/LE ultrapure
Egg Strainer: Extra Fine Twill Mesh Stainless Steel Conical Strainers US Kitchen Supply Model SS-C123 Pore size should be between 0.5 – 1.0 mm
Penicillin Streptomycin Gibco by Life Technologies Ref 15070-063 Pen Strep
Plastic tweezers Sipel Electronic SA P3C-STD Black Static Dissipative, 118mm
syringe filters, 25mm diameter, 0.45 µm Nalgene 725-2545 Use with 1 ml syringe
1 mL syringe, with Tuberculin Slip Tip Becton Dickinson 309602 Use with syring filter to filter Injection Buffer , Luer-Lok tip syringes would also work
Air tank (optional) Midwest Products Air Works® Portable air tank
Rhodamine dye Thermofisher D-1817 dextran, tetramethylrhodamine 10,000MW,
20 mL loading tips Eppendorf Order no. 5242 956.003 epT.I.P.S. 20uL Microloader
Compound microscope Zeiss Axioskope 2 plus
20X objective Ziess Plan-Apochromat 20x/0.75 M27
camera Leica DMC 5400
Leica Application Suite  software Leica LAS Version 4.6.2 used here


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Cite This Article
Barry, S. K., Nakamura, T., Matsuoka, Y., Straub, C., Horch, H. W., Extavour, C. G. Injecting Gryllus bimaculatus Eggs. J. Vis. Exp. (150), e59726, doi:10.3791/59726 (2019).

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