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JoVE Science Education Neuroscience
Primary Neuronal Cultures
  • 00:00Overview
  • 01:07Tissue Sources for Preparing Primary Neuronal Cultures
  • 02:25Dissection
  • 03:10Dissociation
  • 04:19Plating and Maintenance
  • 06:02Applications
  • 08:06Summary

Primary Neuronal Cultures




The complexity of the brain often requires neuroscientists to use a simpler system for experimental manipulations and observations. One powerful approach is to generate a primary culture by dissecting nervous system tissue, dissociating it into single cells, and growing those cells in vitro. Primary cultures make neurons and glia easily accessible to the experimental tools required for techniques like genetic manipulation and time-lapse imaging. Furthermore, these cultures represent a highly controllable environment in which to study complex phenomena such as cell-cell interactions.

This video provides an overview of the major steps in producing primary neuronal cultures, which include selecting and dissecting the tissue of interest, mechanically and chemically breaking down the tissue to produce a single cell suspension, plating the cells, and maintaining the cultures in the appropriate media. Several example experiments are also presented to show how cultured cells can be used to investigate protein trafficking, morphological changes, and electrophysiology in living neurons.


The brain is one of the most complex organs in the body, so neuroscientists often need a simpler system for experimental manipulations and observations. Cell culturing is one such system that enables easy access to living neurons. In general, culturing cells involves growing them in special solutions called culture media within a sterile, controllable environment – usually a warm incubator. A primary culture is one that is produced from tissue dissected from an organism. Different types of primary neuronal cultures …


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JoVE Science Education Database. JoVE Science Education. Primary Neuronal Cultures. JoVE, Cambridge, MA, (2023).

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