Encyclopedia of Experiments
Cancer Research
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Encyclopedia of Experiments Cancer Research
Single Cell Sampling Using Laser Capture Microdissection: A Technique to Harvest Target Cells from a Heterogeneous Cell Population

Single Cell Sampling Using Laser Capture Microdissection: A Technique to Harvest Target Cells from a Heterogeneous Cell Population


For laser mircodissection, cytocentrifuge the entire 300 microliters of cell suspension onto a membrane-coated slide at 300 x g for 5 minutes. Then, place the membrane-coated slide on a microscope capable of laser mircodissection. Next, pipet 4.5 microliters of cell lysis master mix into the cap of the 0.2-milliliter PCR tube.

Place the cap above the sample and harvest a single cell by laser microdissection. Directly thereafter, check for isolated cells in the PCR cap. Remove the PCR tube from the laser mircodissection microscope and close the tube. Collect all the liquid at the bottom of the tube with a short spin.

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